HARD BULLET Big Gun Update: Firearms Reworked

Big Gun Update: Firearms Reworked
Version Date
Feb. 4, 2021

Patch Notes

Big Gun Update: Firearms Reworked

Realistic Firerate and Recoil

Happy to introduce you new gun physics system we've been working on. Some things changed a lot, got new layers and mechanics, so you may need to get used to them.


Now the breechblock on every gun moves according to the real physics and moves the bullet into the barrel. The process inside the barrel is not visualised yet — we'll get there eventually.

This is a big improvement that brings us ability to control and tune the firerate of every gun in the game.


As we have breechblock simulation now, we have a new force to handle with — recoil. Every gone now reacts accordingly it's bullet type and firerate, so keep your hands on them to stabilize and controll where you shoot.

Gamedesigner's dream comes true

The system we created is a very very customizable so these are not the final solutions and final gun behaviours.

Expect often updates in guns physics cause now we can change it on the go and no need to wait for next big updates!

While we'll be bringing back all Hard Bullet guns during next weeks, be ready for small updates in gun balance and please, leave your feedback on the Forums or Discord.

Shotgun Reloading

We always wanted to bring badass shotgun reloads like in Punisher or Terminator to VR and here we are — reloading our shotguns with one hand in Hard Bullet!

Right now we are using a special control scheme to prevent accidential discharging. To let the pump move, you need to press and hold trigger during this reloading process. Pump won't move even if you shot the shell.

We are working on a second solution that brings classic pavlov-like pump that is blocked only if the shell is inside the barrel back to Hard Bullet. When this option will be added, you'll be able to select the way you want pump to handle.

Shotguns now shoot with several shots (pellets) so they have greately reduced range for dismemberment skills. This is more realistic and not so owerpowered.

Off-hand grab

Keep holding weapons for handguard to free you main hand. You can use other weapons, take pistol form your chest or just reload a mag.

Advanced Handguard

Handguard now works the same way the hand weapons handles do. You may choose the best place to lay your hand on. But only one.
Would be really cool to add a second hand grab too, we'll definetely look into this one day.

Break Action Firearms

Press Drop Magazine Button to open the barrels and you'll be able to put bullets inside.
Enjoy this bad boy while we are working on sawed-off and two barrel beauties.

Tactic is now Default

While we still looking for the best solution for Arcade mode, we made Tactical the default one.

If you switch back to Arcade, it will affect only your reloading — guns will still get autoreloaded when you move them near your waist (as before), but you'll need to move the breechblock by your hand to move the bullet inside the barrel.

You can perform tactical reloads to avoid this issue.

Force Feedback

Guns feel new not only in VR but in real life too!
We added long-awaited force feedback to firearms types. This is a thing that will get improved and tuned overtime as new guns being added.

Right now you can set the strength or turn it off in the Settings Menu:

Demo Updated

Added all these awesome features into Demo version. And removed AI opponents. We can't have both righ now, so stay tuned for further Demo updates and enjoy new physics!

If you want to remember how cool was just play Demo and kill enemies like an awesome action hero for zero pay, you can go to our Discord and get yourself a beta code that unlocks old version from 2020.

Or better just go buy Hard Bullet to support the development! It's not easy, you know.

UPD from 02/06

Rolled out a couple of important things today according to your feedback.

Changed handle positions for each controller type and for every gun. Should be easier to reload pistols and some rifles.
Please, leave your feedback so we can learn more and use it during upcoming Player's Body rework.

Arcade mode got important updates:
  • Pistols and SGMs: mag drops when gets empty. Autoreload works like it used to so you can go dual wielding.
  • Rifles: You need to fix the breechlock before shoot again after doing autoreload.
  • Shotguns: Autoreload works the same but you need to pull the pump every time. That's why we have those awesome onehanded reloads!

Other Changes and Fixes

  • Guns you drop will disappear in 15 seconds if not taken again. — ok, ok, they are immortal again.
  • Removed "baby shotgun" bug. There is a voting on the Discord to leave it in the game — join and tell us what do you think!
  • Nailgun is back in business. And have endless nails. Have fun.

Known issues

  • Made inactive some guns. Bringing them back during next weeks.
  • When performing reload with your main hand, magazines disappear from your waist — fix in work.
  • Buttstock on Gal and MiniGal stopped poping up when grabbed with both hands.

What's Next

During February we plan to do couple of things and get to the player's body physics.

Player's body here is not just a model but the way you move, how you grab and hold weapons, your holsters and even that annoying Pause Menu — all these things will be reworked in Player Body Update we'll start working on after we:
  • Add all the guns that were in Hard Bullet before and add new break action models.
  • Add new VFX we prepared.
  • Seasonal Update for Lunar New year.
  • Arenas refreshment.
  • Add more melee stuff and maybe some new experimental weapons.

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