Welcome to new Kowloon Arena
As you may know, our hero was a cop once. And a good one. On these streets he relentlessly fought ungly crimes until one day changed everything… Remember Kowloon?This new location is not just a new place to shoot heads off and put bad guys on the hooks, spilling blood all around.
This is how the Hard Bullet surrounding will look (at least its "street" parts) and what you'll see in the future story/rougelite mode, on which we are tirelessly working on.
Updates and Fixes
- Added some blood on the floor under Gory Machines in Sandbox.
- Fixed bug when enemies stayed alive on the ground after being pierced.
Devlog: Physics Update Progress
Everything is fine, we are following our plan and going to deliver this update in May. More good news? You can bounce from the wall with your hands or any object!
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Latest Physics-Related Devlog Posts:
Latest Physics Progress RecapClimbing in Physics Room New Gun Grab SystemNo Hand Clipping and Presize grabJoin our communities to directly talk to us:▬▬▬