Hi all!
While part of the team is on vacation, the other part returns with new updates!
Welding Tool and Zero-G field
Welding Tool allows you to combine any in-game objects incuding enemies and limbs together.
You can take it with you and use anywhere in the Sandbox.
- Grab the blue Welding Tool.
- Point it to the object you want to connect and press Trigger. Do not release!
- With Trigger pushed, draw a line to other object.
- When the end of the line changes, release Trigger.
- Now both objects are bond together physically.
There also available a
zego gravity field machine that will help you better target your tool and make more precise connections with non-organic objects.
New Arena: Marketplace
New location for you to perform brutal takedowns and spread bullets around.
Other Improvements:
- Enemies breath that depends on their conditions: calm, when hurt hard or grabbed.
- New visuals for bullet trails. Now default for slow motion sequences. You can turn them off anytime in the settings.
- Added Loading icon.
- Added French language.
Temporal Limitations
We tried our best but still not all original Hard Bullet features are here yet. Here is a list of most noticable. They will return rewoked and improved — some are almost here, others will take time.
- No Soundtrack and lack of sounds.
- No Destructions.
- Basic Enemy AI.
- Inserted mags are not physical.
Related Devlog Posts:
Physics Update and Beta closed