HARD BULLET Explosive Update Part Two: Boosters, Rocket Launcher and more!

Explosive Update Part Two: Boosters, Rocket Launcher and more!
Version Date
June 10, 2022

Patch Notes

Explosive Update Part Two: Boosters, Rocket Launcher and more!

Grenade Launcher

When shooting from close range, bullet won't detonate but will deadly hit enemies instead.

Boosters: Drag and Explode

You can connect multiple Boosters into one group so they will be activated all together at a time. Take two boosters and push them one against another so both get a white contour around them which indicates they are together. You can add as many Boosters as you like.

You can create multiple groups. When holding a chain-connected booster in your hands, it will highlight all the other boosters that are connected.

To start Group Boosters simply start one of them — you can bring an extra booster with you to use it as a group launch button from the distance.
We made some changes in UI to help new users and improved experience of the older.

To start Group Boosters simply start one of them — you can bring an extra booster with you to use it as a group launch button from the distance.

Rocket and Firecracker

Rocket and Firecracker from New Year update are back and will stay in Explosives menu with others.

UI Improvements

Image Effects Options

Now you can choose between two available modes.
  • Default — is Unity standard visuals set, good for all VR devices.
  • None — to get rid of any post processing at all.
We'll return previous Post-Prosessing as an option too — it had some issues with additional Streaming camera.

Graphics Presets

It took too much time to change in-game graphics on the go, so we decided to make this changes apply only after you restart the game completely.

Scene Loading

Added a Loading sign during scenes changing.

Ask before Quit

To prevent unexpected game shut downs, we added a dialogue that will ask you before leaving the game.

bHaptics Suit Support

Finally, it's here! Big thanks to bHaptics team for giving us an opportunity add their awesome device to our game. Expect to feel the following events:
  • Shooting with shotguns, rifles, pistols, smgs one and two -handed;
  • Explosions;
  • Head damage;
  • Body damage;
  • Player's death;
  • Fist hits;
  • Jump and wall-jump;
  • Putting big weapons on your back;

Bugfixes & Improvements

  • Gore: Removed visual face and body glitches after explosions. Now they deform models not so viciously;
  • Zero-G: non-welded objects are movable again. The welded ones will be active after you turn Zero-G off;
  • Zero-G: Affects Props/Physics objects again;
  • Welding: Removed visual glitches, Welding Tool can be grabbed from distance like other objects;
  • Fixed situations when hand could not grab any objects after an object was released;
  • Sandbox: Player is immortal again;

Modders Community

We want to thank guys from our Discord like squidylad, Hazzy and others who try to build a modding community around Hard Bullet.

Right now our team cannot help modders as much as we want and hope we'll be able to get into this in the future.

You can get more info from our Discord and join Modders Discord if you want to take a part.

You can find Hard Bullet mods at Thunderstore and Nexus.

Nearest Updates

  • More faces for enemies;
  • Return of Demo to Steam;
  • Breake-Action Grenade Launchers will come with Break-Action type of weapons.

Related Devlog Posts:

Explosive Update Part One
Nearest Updates and New Roadmap

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