New Weapon Types: Blunts and Blades
New hand physics bring a whole new mechanic to the game — melee fights are bloody and gory as never before!
Prepare to
cut through your enemies, pierce them with spears and pitchforks, cut with shovels, knives, machetes and traditional chineese swords to cut off thier heads!
taser baton or nailed bat to calm most annoying amd don't forget to put some guys on sharp spikes. Big arsenal right from your garage workshop: hammers,
rusty pipes and other familiar instruments.
You also can use metal parts of your weapon to
block enemy bullets!
We returned elbows to player, so you can do more hits and deal more damage in melee fights. We plan to expand this side of Hard Bullet gameplay too so expect more fighting mechanics in the future.
New Enemy Behaviour and Physics
New body physics setup that allows us make more complex things and expand interactions with enemies. Now they not just weak puppets.
Bots now can take a hit, react to bullets and get up more naturally. We added some
new punches and kicks animations with empty hands so watch fists fly into your face… or be ready to block them!
Prepare yourself for
new gory effects like blood streams from wounds, cleave wounds on bodies and new inner textures. Blowing heads and other limb coming next!
Improved the grab system, so nothing prevents you from touching them! And yep, now they look at you when get closer!
To say more,
we updated and rigged the whole model again. Just keep in mind, this models are EA temporary anyway.
A lot more to come to make your interactions easier and enemies look and sound more realistic, so stay tuned!
Important Bugfixes:
Lots of annoying things left, however, new physics brings us new bugs, please, report anything gamebraking you spot!
- Reworked spawning system again, so you won't get an immortal meatboy again.
- Body physics improvements — should boost some FPS.
Multi-Language Translation
Hard Bullet is avaliable on 10 languages and we will add more. With this update we welcome:
- 繁体中文 — Traditional Chinese
- 日本人 — Japanese
- 한국어 — Korean
- Svenska — Swedish
What did not get in
New Arena in Kowloon City — will get more interesting setup and design, some Patreons may tried it already in a very early stage.
Second hand gun grab — this, one-handed shotgun and rifle reloads already work in our Patreon build, so expect this features after we polish them enough.
More info in Previous Posts
You can get some more gifs and images in the previous posts or better jump into hard Bullet and test everything yourself!
Roadmap Update and What's nextNailgun and PiercingBlunts and KnivesJoin our communities to directly talk to us: