HARD BULLET New Roadmap and Summing up the nearest update

New Roadmap and Summing up the nearest update
Version Date
Dec. 15, 2020

Patch Notes

New Roadmap and Summing up the nearest update

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Hello friends!

Not so long to wait until Memories of Kowloon start rushing through your head like a bullet — it's the right time to summ up what to expect and shread some light on upcoming 2021 updates.

This December — Memories of Kowloon

Meele physics: Pierce, Nail and Cut!

Reworked hand weapons setup brings us new complex interactions and opens a road to new possiblities!

Right now we prepared three big gory mechanics, that include few smaller ones:
  • Piercing. We have cool spear-like weapons: pitchforks, sharp pipes to pierce your enemies through. Or you can check out deadly spikes to set them on, or better use that fork to stick them to the wall!
  • Cutting. You can chop and cut enemies with different types of bladed weapons. New effect — leave bleeding cuts or chop off their limbs!
  • Nailgun. Use this to stick bad guys to the walls. We have plans to add other variations of this gun in the future!

This progress we have with new hands will help us bring some cool interactions sooner than we planned, so expect lots of new handy things in the future updates!

Body Physics Update

Totally new physics setup for all enemy bodies. Now every meele fight becomes much more complex due to new limbs weight, updated rig and animations.

Bots now can take a hit, react to bullets and get up more naturally. We added some new punches and kicks animations with empty hands so watch fists fly into your face… or be ready to block them!

Returned player's elbows, so you can hit with them again!

We want to bring more meele interactions in the future, so, please, share your thoughts and ideas with us.

Bladed and Blunt weapons

notice: only some of new weapons shown above

Still working out the final list, cause we decided to add more chinese weapons than generic european ones. Everything we mentioned before is already there, so expect cool surprises on launch!

Multi-Language Translation

Hard Bullet is avaliable on 10 languages and we will add more. With this update we welcome:
  • 繁体中文 — Traditional Chinese
  • 日本人 — Japanese
  • 한국어 — Korean
  • Svenska — Swedish

Bugfixes and Performance Improvements

During last weeks we fixed lots of annoying bugs and will bring more FPS to your VR setups.
More info will come with the final announcement.

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