Heroes of Steel RPG

Heroes of Steel RPG 4.5.5

Version Date
Feb. 28, 2018

Patch Notes

Quick Patch: Republish v4.5.5

When 4.5.5 was published in the latest update, it shipped with a few small issues. We're republishing v4.5.5 with those issues fixed. Apologies for any delays, anyone who was stuck on the Tower Battlements or in the City of the Dead!

v4.5.5 - 2/16/2018

- Fixed crashes and content locks in Episode 4
- Added 16 new Bloodstones to Episode 2 in the Underforge
- Fixed longstanding bug with misreporting Nikolai's fate
- Fixed bugs status screens for Sneak & Mystic characters in late Episode 4
- Fixed map bugs