Heroes of Steel RPG

Heroes of Steel RPG Steam Update #68 - Vraes Art Overhaul!

Steam Update #68 - Vraes Art Overhaul!
Version Date
March 10, 2016

Patch Notes

Steam Update #68 - Vraes Art Overhaul!

This update is dedicated to the Outlander Vraes and his major art update. With the support of our awesome Patreon crew (http://www.patreon.com/tresebrothers), we've been able to complete this update to Vraes' character and dialog art.

Vraes was one of the first characters ever drawn for the game, so its an update long time coming, as the skills of our art team have continued to improve.

We've also fixed a few issues with how enemy Resistance, and negative Resistances were being printed out.

Thanks to all of our supporters and those who are leaving a review on the game help us continue to spread the word!

v4.2.15 - 3/10/2016
- Major Character Upgrade: Vraes the Outlander
- Vraes: all new art for character and dialogs
- Improved display of Resistance and Weak versus numbers in monster details