Heroes of Steel RPG

Heroes of Steel RPG Update #101: Episode 4 Story Bump + Crafting Fixes

Update #101: Episode 4 Story Bump + Crafting Fixes
Version Date
July 31, 2017

Patch Notes

Update #101: Episode 4 Story Bump + Crafting Fixes

This week's release drops a minor, but important, bit of story development for Episode 4. Specifically, it re-opens the pathways to major town centers like Braeyshaulm, Brunehorn, Freeport and the Storm Bastion. While the content we've included in this update doesn't go any farther than that (the western Underdeep is still closed) it puts us right on the edge of releasing the new set of travel dungeons, towns, and ramp up to the game's final dungeon sequence. It's great progress and we're going to be release story in small bumps for a bit now before we corral everything for the final sequences.

We've fixed a few reported issues with crafting different types of armor. Also, we've added the ability to access crafting from within the Episode 4 war camps. A few weapons you could find in late Episode 4 chests we causing the game to flip, so we've fixed that – thanks to the players who reported the weapons by name! Finally, we've made a few improvements to the formatting in item and pawn shops.

Thanks for your support and your reviews!

v4.4.15 - 7/31/2017
- Added abililty to return to Braeyshaulm, Brunehorn, Storm Bastion in late Episode 4
- Fixed issues with crafting some armor, added crafting to E4 war camps
- Fixed crashes with some E4 weapons
- Fixed typos, map spawn bugs, missing portraits in E4
- Improved format of item shop and pawning shop