Heroes of Steel RPG

Heroes of Steel RPG Update #104: Platform Booster Kit

Update #104: Platform Booster Kit
Version Date
Dec. 2, 2017

Patch Notes

Update #104: Platform Booster Kit

Whenever we release a new game, we are always pushed to improve our underlying engine and platform support. Our latest title Star Traders: Frontiers has some goodies to share with all of our other games!

With this release, we've backported the improvements from STF including Linux tooltips, fixing issues with stuck tooltips, improved hover speeds and better resolution support!

We've also done another round of balancing on the late game E4 Orcin as we've heard they are still to hard. Please note, if the monsters are already spawned in your saved game, this update will not reduce their stats. If you are having an issue and can't get around OP'ed monsters, please email me the saved game at andrew@tresebrother.com and we can help fix.

A long time coming, perhaps, we've improved Holy Retribution and Banishment's base damage! Rararah Kyera!

Please, leave a review this holiday season to help spread the cheer!

Oh, and play Star Traders: Frontiers!

While we've had a slight delay in updates as we finished Star Traders: Frontiers launch, we're moving into testing on the next chunk of story content for Heroes and it shouldn't be too long.

v4.4.21 - 12/1/2017
- Late Episode 4: further rebalanced of Orcin in Braeys lands
- Increased damage for Kyera's Holy Retribution and Banishment
- Fixed issue with tooltips getting stuck
- Win32: Boosted mouse hover speed by 100ms
- Linux: Added mouse hover support, Improved 3rd Button
- Mac OS X: Improved mouse hover performance
- Fixed issues with Moonstones looting as Bloodstones
- Fixed map bugs