Heroes of Steel RPG

Heroes of Steel RPG Update #110: 3 and 4 AP Spells

Update #110: 3 and 4 AP Spells
Version Date
April 25, 2018

Patch Notes

Update #110: 3 and 4 AP Spells

This week's update focuses on improving a set of the 3 or 4 AP attack spells in the game. Specifically, Kyera's Holy Retribution, Kjartan's Firestorm and Immolation and finally Vincent's Energy Storm. Retribution's damage structure has been completely rebalanced for the better, and you'll find that it can finally deliver the punch that it deserves. Firestorm gains Critical % of its own at high levels and Immolation and Energy Storm have now packed a little extra Critical Dmg %. These changes are coming out of fine tuning to the Talent balancing equations that give a bit more recognition to how much AP is being spent for an ability.

As a non-spell outlier, Vraes' Ferocity also gained increased Critical Dmg % across all 10 levels, pumping up the combo between Ferocity and Berserk Rage.

We've found the possible root cause of the issues with the Orcin in Episode 4 and fixed it which should snap their balancing back into the fun-zone.

Finally, with @drdave's, we've resolved an issue that was preventing an important Laranda conversation from appearing.

v4.5.11 - 4/24/2018

- Boosted and fixed Holy Retribution damage progression
- Added +Critical % to high level Firestorm
- Added +Critical Dmg % to Ferocity across all 10 levels
- Added +Critical Dmg % to Energy Storm and Immolation across all 10 levels
- Further nerfed Episode 4 Orcin
- Fixed story bug preventing some Laranda conversations after passing through City of the Dead