Heroes of Steel RPG

Heroes of Steel RPG Update #112: Shifting Sands

Update #112: Shifting Sands
Version Date
Sept. 7, 2018

Patch Notes

Update #112: Shifting Sands

Update #112 brings some re-adjustments to the latest Episode 4 content and rules changes. With this update, we've completely rebuilt the end-game Orcin. They had turned into full-on dodge tanks and were no fun to fight, impossible to hit and even fully cursed, many groups were finding them extremely difficult to kill. With this change, we've made them easier to hit but tougher to kill over all with more HP and more Armor. Now, your curses are needed to help chew through them quickly, as they are in return heavier hitters themselves. All in all, this rebalance goes back to the way Orcin have always been – heavy hitters, dangerous in large numbers, and heavy on HP but easy to hit.

We have added new 3 AP bows with range 8 to the weapon shops at Fierhold.

We have fixed a bug that was allowing the new Strength-based weaponry to exceed its maximum damage. We also fixed a set of monsters that were using incorrect SFX for their swing and hit sounds. Finally, we fixed a set of monsters that had a visual glitch - an odd red dagger from a yet-to-be-released monster was haunting many of the undead.

We are excited to announce that our supporters on Patreon have cast their votes for the 9th hero – and she will be a witch! Able to swap into the Kyera/Fyona slot, the witch will be a master of curses and hexes. We will be working closely with the patron crew to determine her exact special powers. However, we won't start any work on this crowd favorite until the Episode 4 story arc is complete.


- Completely rebuilt the Orcin monsters in Episode 4 – easier to hit, heavier armor, heavy hitters in return
- Improved bows for sale in Fierhold – now include 2 additional 3 AP range 8 bows
- Fixed issue where Strength-based minimum damage could exceed weapon's max damage
- Fixed odd red dagger floating under all undead monsters
- Fixed a set of monsters that were using incorrect attack SFX