Heroes of Steel RPG

Heroes of Steel RPG Update #69 - Many Patches

Update #69 - Many Patches
Version Date
March 18, 2016

Patch Notes

Update #69 - Many Patches

EDIT: we had to do a quick rebuild, so 4.2.17 is now gone and replaced with 4.2.19! Sorry that melee attacks stopped working there for a minute … Vraes was not happy!

With the v4.2.19 release, we are catching up on a lot of different bugs that have been reported across the game. We're switching back from the big art push around Vraes and cleaning up the bug rosters. Then, the next big string of releases will be focused on new Episode 4 content!

We've made some adjustments to the size of Vraes' head in dialog - he now fits better into the whole collection of heads.

Tamilin's Torrent of Steel has long had an advantage that was allowing it to be used at 4 range, regardless of the weapon range. Many groups will have been relying on this, but we've fixed the bug and enforced the rules. There are 4 Range throwing knives, so you can get back to that range again if you are dedicated to it.

We've also wrapped up a set of shop issues – fixing gold updating in magical gear shops (rare) and adding types of Incantations to more shops late in the game.

New groups will also find that the previously boring mundane gear gained by the heroes on their escape has been granted minor magical properties. They are minor, but they make the start of the game more interesting!

Finally, we've fixed a long standing bug with the Lost Caravan quest out of Oskahold where you could get the rewards without completing finishing the quest

Thanks to all of our supporters - please leave a review to encourage more updates, content and features!.

v4.2.19 - 3/16/2016
- Improved dialog art sizing for Vraes
- Starting gear gains minor magical bonuses
- Fixed bug with Tamilin's throwing daggers allowing 4 Range when weapon was 3
- Fixed bug in gear shops where gold count was not updating
- Improved availability of some Incantations in shops
- Fixed bugs with Lost Caravan Side Quest
- Fixed map and spawning issues