Heroes of Steel RPG

Heroes of Steel RPG Update #76: Improving Auto-Glom + Character Select Fix

Update #76: Improving Auto-Glom + Character Select Fix
Version Date
May 18, 2016

Patch Notes

Update #76: Improving Auto-Glom + Character Select Fix

Two things came out of update #75 - a lot of feedback and messages about how Auto-Glom needs to get better, and a bug when you selected characters causing and odd delay and re-centering.

We've fixed the bug, and responded to the Auto-Glom feedback. In this release, Auto-Glom will now cover more like 98% of the traveling and game loading cases. If there isn't an active story event about to run, or enemies on the map, then Auto-Glom should be able to get your group Glommed whenever you travel. That's a big improvement over the first pass, which was probably covering more like 50%.

From here, we'll only be going up. We'll be looking at more ways to make Auto-Glom get your group back into traveling mode as fast as possible.

v4.2.35 - 5/17/2016
- Improved Auto-Glom to cover more cases
- Fixed bug with delay and recentering when switching characters on the map