Heroes of Steel RPG

Heroes of Steel RPG Update #78: New +Crit Dmg Effects and Perf Booster

Update #78: New +Crit Dmg Effects and Perf Booster
Version Date
June 24, 2016

Patch Notes

Update #78: New +Crit Dmg Effects and Perf Booster

First - it is Steam Summer sale! Pick up a copy of any of our games on discount, or complete the set with our Trese Brothers bundle.

Second, this week we have added a new type of effect into the game's balance – the +Crit Damage % effect. This increases the multiplier for Critical Damage, in the event that you roll one. If you were causing 200 Dmg, rolled a Crit, and had +50% Crit Dmg, you'd score an extra 100 Dmg for it, plus whatever normal Damage you were going to get on your Crit multipler roll. Check out the Talents – Aimed Shot, Berserk Rage, Hammer Blow and Smiting Blow for this new ability. It will be coming to gear in a near term update.

Speaking of Damage from Criticals, we've also improved the balance of higher AP attacks to do more critical damage. A standard weapon (1 AP or 2 AP) will still result in the same potential Crit Damage range, from 200% to 300% Dmg. If you are using a 3 AP attack or spell, you get a +50% bonus to that Dmg, and a 4 or higher AP attack gets a +100% bonus to that attack. Major crush!

Also, thanks to some big work Templar Battleforce, we've been down in the dungeons of the game engine's core and we have squeezed out a significant performance boost across the board – improving the speed of enemy turns, movement, story cut-scenes, basically everything.

Finally, we've switched the Item list over into a grid form to help reduce scrolling. Enjoy!

v4.2.39 - 6/23/2016
- Major performance boost to game map across the board
- New type of game effect: Increased Critical Dmg %
- Increased Crit Dmg for high AP weapons/spells; 3 AP is +50%, 4+ AP is +100%
- Berserk Rage, Hammer Blow, Smiting Blow, Aimed Shot gain +Crit Dmg
- Items list converted to grid, fixed bug with Fast Movement option
- Improved balance in the Weaver fights