Heroes of Steel RPG

Heroes of Steel RPG Update #80: New Potion Art +

Update #80: New Potion Art +
Version Date
July 25, 2016

Patch Notes

Update #80: New Potion Art +

This week's update follows up on the heels of the change to make your Item inventory into a grid. The grid lets you see so many more items in a glance, reduces scrolling, and helps you pick the item you want to use faster. Now, we've gone back through the art for the three major types of potions and upgraded the art so that they are differentiated by type and even easier to pick with a quick look.

We've also added a notice to the screen when one enemy Buffs another enemy. This will give you more of a warning that a nearby enemy is now packing extra damage, armor, or what-have-you. You can always check the enemy's details for what the Buff includes.

Finally, we fixed some lingering bugs with the Quest Logs coming out of the Otherworldy Haven in Episode 4.

v4.2.45 - 7/25/2016
- New art for healt, spirit, rejuvie potions
- Easily differentiate potion types by icon
- Enemy Buffs better displayed when cast
- Fixed issues with Otherworldy Haven and quest logs