Heroes of Steel RPG

Heroes of Steel RPG Update #81: Enemy Cursing Attacks

Update #81: Enemy Cursing Attacks
Version Date
Aug. 13, 2016

Patch Notes

Update #81: Enemy Cursing Attacks

With all the updates recently that have been buffing and improving the Talents of your heroes, this update swings the balance back the other way!

Powerful enemies and bosses across the game have powered up with Cursing Attacks. Matching the rules of heroes' Cursing Attacks (if hit, if cause damage, then curse, chance to resist based on Willpower) these new powers help the enemy AI put extra pressure on your team in new and dynamic ways.

To further stiffen the resistance, a limited number of very powerful creatures have gained a Stunning effect that can, for a short period, reduce your heroes' AP count by either 1 or 2 points. This Stun is a curse like any other curse, so it can be dispelled easily, but you can't regain the lost AP for the first turn. Watch out for the Season Rider, Bone Golems, Wolfken Shaman, and Gloss Spiders – extra nasty inbound!

To help spice up the early game, Ratkin Shamans and Veterans have also gained some new abilities (but no Stun). Especially the Shamans around the Episode 1 Act 1 boss have gained some fun new powers that can help raise the challenge on that combat.

We've also added new effects to Episode 4 gear coming out of loot drops – some nice bonuses to Crit Dmg % that can help knock home the really big hits.

v4.2.47 - 8/9/2016
- +Crit Dmg % added to Episode 4 loot drops
- 13 types of powerful bosses now make Cursing Attacks
- New enemy curse effect: Stun reduces hero AP
- Fixed bugs with Wolfken Shaman, Gloss Spider, Season Rider curses - now Stunning Curses
- Bone Golem adds Cursing Attack with Stunning effect
- Ratkin Veterans and Ratkin Shamans get new attack and buff talents
- Fixed bugs in Crag Peak with Silver Werewolf
- Fixed bugs with curse effect display