Heroes of Steel RPG

Heroes of Steel RPG Update #82: Item Shop Grid + Patches

Update #82: Item Shop Grid + Patches
Version Date
Sept. 1, 2016

Patch Notes

Update #82: Item Shop Grid + Patches

This week's update improves the item shop UI as well as doubling-down on the +Crit Dmg % effects on gear throughout the game.

With such success for the item list as a grid, we've converted the item shop to a grid format as well to match. We've modified the display as well to display a counter if you already have some of any type of item. Therefore, if you have 20 Health Potions of that type, you can see that on the display and will see 21, 22 and on up as you stock up on more. This can help shopping go a little faster, and also makes it easier to spot changes in item tiers – the new and more powerful potions stick out in a shop simply because you don't have any and its obvious now.

We've also fixed a number of story bugs that have been floating for a while – issues with Kea being your in Episode 4 as well as a bug with the Keep at the end of Episode 1. Depending on your places within the game's story when this patch is released, you may be able to choose Kea as your guide in Episode 4, but it is still possible that you may not be able to, due to the bug circumstances. If you have any questions, just let me know!

v4.2.49 - 8/31/2016
- Item shop updated to grid view; now displays how many you own of each type
- +Crit Dmg % added to more gear in game - stack for best benefits
- Fixed bug with Kea Braeys being a guide in Episode 4
- Fixed bug with Conquered Keep at end of Episode 1
- Fixed all reported crashes