Heroes of Steel RPG

Heroes of Steel RPG Update #83: Natural Mastery Buffed + Remember Zoom

Update #83: Natural Mastery Buffed + Remember Zoom
Version Date
Oct. 5, 2016

Patch Notes

Update #83: Natural Mastery Buffed + Remember Zoom

In this update, we're following up on recent changes that allowed Strength to directly impact your damage. As a refresher, if you're wielding a Strength-based weapon, the minimum your Damage dice can roll is equal to your Strength score. If you are wielding a 2-handed Strength-based weapon, the minimum your Damage dice can roll is 200% your Strength.

This week, we've linked Vraes' Natural Mastery talent into those new rules. Natural Mastery now adds +Strength for Vraes' attacks, used only when calculating this minimum Damage dice roll. Therefore, if you had +6 Strength from Natural Mastery, and 12 natural Strength, you'd be working with a minimum Damage roll of 18 or 36 for a 2H weapon. Topping out at max, with +12 from Natural Mastery and 16 natural Strength, Vraes packs on from 28 to 56 guaranteed minimum Damage with every attack. This bonus does not affect Accuracy, which Natural Mastery already has covered.

In addition, we'd like to thank some of our players for requesting that the game remember zoom setting between regions. We've added that this update and I can say its really nice!

As the game has grown to be so large and long, we've had some quest logs lingering to long and other small issues related to that. We've done another round of clean up this week based on emails and posts from you, the community!

We are hard at work on the next chunk of story for Heroes of Steel, which will be the next-to-last story update for Episode 4. Hoping its ready soon!

v4.2.55 - 10/5/2016
- Vraes' Natural Mastery now increases Strength for base Dmg Calculation
- Natural Mastery bonus adds Strength-based Dmg, doubled for 2H weapons
- Zoom setting now remembered when traveling between regions
- Fixed issues with quest logs staying too long
- Fixed story event bugs