Heroes of Steel RPG

Heroes of Steel RPG Update #88: Patch Update

Update #88: Patch Update
Version Date
Dec. 9, 2016

Patch Notes

Update #88: Patch Update

This week, we're back with a patch update – fixing bugs and improving the AI planning and starting a new set of improvements on the UI.

First off – on the Episode 4 story update – it is coming pretty soon. We have finished the content development and are now more than half way through testing the new chunk of story. It is unlikely that the story update will be out by Christmas, but it won't be long after!

We've improved the use of Talents for enemies in Episodes 2 through 4. We've fixed a bug that was causing some enemy curses not to take on the first turn. This was especially effecting Stun-related curses

In the UI department, we've rebuilt the main menu. It's skin deep at the moment, but we're going to be working through other areas of the game and streamlining, improving, and rebuilding as we go.

v4.2.65 - 11/26/2016
- Re-balanced use of Talents by bosses in Episode 2 - 4
- Rebuilt main menu
- Fixed bug with some enemy curses not applying first turn, especially some Stuns
- Fixed bug with selecting re-ordered heroes in status screen while glommed