Hello yet again, Spacefarers!
We come bearing even more good news…
If you haven’t seen our last Patch (it’s so chonky, you should definitely
check it out!), we've been hard at work behind the scenes on Jumplight Odyssey! Our recent Patch, v.0.2.0, had over 237 fixes!
And.. Somehow.. We’re back with even more improvements ~
On behalf of the Bridge, welcome to Patch v0.2.1!Our big focus for v0.2.1 is to continue iterating on Game Stability, Save/Load Improvements and Quality of Life Fixes (Crew AI falls in here!).
We’ve seen a HUGE amount of feedback over the course of EA, but also specifically feedback from our last Patch. The biggest areas for improvement being the Crew AI and priority systems still needing some love. We’re definitely focused on some additional work here that will address these areas that will land in the next patch (at the risk of repeating ourselves, this kind of work can often take a long time to get to the bottom of!)
It is definitely worth noting that bugs are sometimes quite deceptive in nature. An example is that we had a bug a little while ago that paraded itself as a problem with the Crew AI, but it turns out that it was a problem with the Buildables themselves! This is why we’re always really grateful to receive in-game bug reports, as well as logs and save files, because it helps us paint that holistic picture and diagnose the true cause of problems in JLO.
So.. Keep submitting the bugs that you see – every little bit counts!
Big Wins:
- We've started to make some changes to UI/UX - right now we're starting small but you'll see these every patch from now on
- A maximum of 10 save slots per run
5 Slots are assigned to auto saves, and 5 are assigned to manual saves.
Reaching maximum saves gives the option to overwrite the oldest, or manage your saves.
- Medigel Tanks will now heal and remove Burn and Frostbite effects from the crew!
- Crew transfer actions are now displayed at the top of the management tab, above orders.
- Away mission crew members now equip flight suits.
Anyway, without further ado… Here are the Big Notes!
Patch Notes
- It turns out that the Zutopans in Euphora’s Chapter were a little too greased up… We’ve brought the Zutopan chase in the Euphora Chapter back in line with the speed of Classic games. This gives players a little more time at the start to escape from the evil clutches of Admiral Voltan.
- Medigel Tanks will now heal and remove Burn and Frostbite effects from the crew!
- Speed penalty and boosts for crops from Growlights have been adjusted.
- Some folks would immediately get a critical atmosphere warning on loading into a Euphora Chapter… This is not the case anymore.
- Crew will now equip their personal protective equipment if needed when attempting to revive other crew. Workplace Health & Safety gets a win here. The Medibay is delighted to hear it.
- Crew will no longer attempt to revive crew who are unreachable.
- Crew will no longer attempt to take their meals to an unreachable table and destroy it out of frustration.
- When a crew member is working on the Jumplight Calculator and gets interrupted, their progress will be saved to resume from the same point when they re-work the task.
- STEAMDECK now shows valid graphic options (shadows, bloom, FPS, etc), excluding the following options:
Fullscreen mode
Resolution Scale
Upscaling Mode
- Character and placeable orders are now saved, including but not limited to:
- Go Off Duty, Seek Treatment Combat targeting, etc.
- Prioritized Hauling, Prioritized Repair, etc.
- Fixed issue where closing the pause menu via ESC on Keyboard, or the Menu button on gamepad would revert some settings.
- Improved the save mechanism to alleviate issues of partial saves, where the game may be forced to quit or crashed during a save process.
UI/UX Improvements
- Fixed issue where Medical Database objects were displaying capacity for metal and material storage.
- Fixed issue where the haul priority order for objects were not being shown until their containing room has been constructed.
- Attempting to access the feedback form via Gamepad now warns users that they need to use their keyboard, and gives the option to back out before needing to change to keyboard.
- New “Continue Game” button has been added to the main menu to continue your last run.
- A maximum of 10 save slots per run
- 5 Slots are assigned to auto saves, and 5 are assigned to manual saves.
- Reaching maximum saves gives the option to overwrite the oldest, or manage your saves.
- Run save slots are now collapsed, and can be expanded to view the saves within.
- Change auto saves to remove auto saving when the day ticks over to the next. It only auto saves upon jumping to a new system.
- Quitting the game can now be done without forcing a manual save.
- A prompt will be displayed to confirm saving prior to quitting, or just quitting.
- Crew transfer actions are now displayed at the top of the management tab, above orders.
- Improved the visual feedback on the storage container ‘storage options’.
- Options are now all enabled by default giving the option to disable all for the player.
- Fixed popup modals issue where they would occasionally not be able to be dismissed using the universal cancel or back input.
- Fixed issue where the progress bar for some resource processors would not match up with the actual timing of processing resources.
- The feedback form is now accessible from within the character picker screen and within the Star Map screen.
- The Pause Menu is now accessible from within the Star Map screen.
- Fixes issues around lighting discrepancies, floors are properly lit when in build mode, walls now get correctly lit from alert levels.
- Ceiling lights actually turn off now when power is turned off.
- Under construction walls now bleed light into unbuilt space, correctly updating when tarps are shown/hidden.
- Build mode lighting colours are more legible now.
- Ham now gets into the hot tub more gracefully. No, I will not elaborate on this.
- Polished Ham animations for Walk, Idle, Idle ZeroG, Run ZeroG, Mess Table, Soda Machine, and reworked the pig lie down animation. He is a handsome boy and deserves handsome animations!
- Fixed up some minor crew looping animations in PiPs where it would pop starting a new loop.
- Princess Euphora no longer puts on gloves when changing into her underwear. She’s weird, but she’s our Captain, okay?
- Fixed issue where space suits have four hands. If you find yourself still with four hands, please report to MediBay.
- Away mission crew members now equip flight suits.
- Fixed issue where Hanger Claw frames disappear in build mode & reappears when the room is selected. This should now properly display in all contexts.
- Fix issue where officers were incorrectly sitting at their consoles on the bridge.
There’s so much more yet to come, so we’ll see you very, very soon!
Keeping your Hope Bar Full,
<3 Chan and the LoG Team