Jumplight Odyssey

Jumplight Odyssey Content Update 2: An Informed Captain LIVE Now! 💫

Content Update 2: An Informed Captain LIVE Now! 💫
Version Date
Nov. 21, 2023

Patch Notes

Content Update 2: An Informed Captain LIVE Now! 💫


A new dispatch is coming in from the bridge - Patch 0.3.0! We hope you’ll agree that the content in here goes a long way towards addressing some more of those key pain points we’ve been chipping away at.

And if you’re keen, help us kneel before the altar of the Almighty Steam Algorithm and consider reviewing JLO (an honest review – positive or negative – is so incredibly invaluable to us, and thank you so much if you’ve already taken the time to leave one).

Let’s get right down into it!

Big Wins

You now will no longer be dragged around the ship by your crew's notifications!

We have brand new buildables! We’ve now got a COMPOSTER and an updated Rally Point!

We’ve made some massive additions to the overhead UI for objects!
They’ll now display various errors, resource processing, tech dependencies, and more pieces of useful information!

And, the biggest improvement of all… You might remember the mockup of the new Resource Panel that we’ve been working on? Well, it’s coming to you – hot off the press – in 0.3.0! The Starship Inventory Panel is intended to give the Captain (that’s you!) greater amounts of clarity and insight on trends happening aboard your ship.

We’re really very proud of this one, and the team has worked incredibly hard to bring the Starship Inventory to fruition. Our focus is to give the Captain more tools to make educated decisions, and this is a step in the right direction.

Here’s the actual patch notes for the Starship Inventory:
  • Inventory is accessible through the View/Select button on gamepad, and a new clickable button next to the resource bar at the top of the screen. This screen provides a breakdown of ship wide information:
  • Shows a breakdown of all the ship inventories including counts of acquired and lost resources
  • Provides descriptions of all resources and their current trends (similar to the tooltips for KBM in the resource bar in the main HUD)
  • Time scale settings to toggle between different cadences
Starship Utilities
  • Similarly to the inventory breakdown, this provides an overview of all the pooled resources including water, power and jumplight
  • Same mechanics and breakdowns as aforementioned
Crew Status
  • This screen provides a holistic overview of all the crew on the ship with their overall needs to get a general idea of the health of the crew.
  • A breakdown of crew statuses, their divisions as well as gain and loss of crew


  • We’ve improved the operations coordinator stand interaction animation
  • A delightful visual improvement: the crew will now come and “spray and wipe” the spacecraft occasionally. Keep it clean, folks.
  • You’ll be able to easily spot your fighter fans among your crew now – when they go to admire spacecraft, they’ll have an adorable VFX heart trigger!
  • We’ve done a pass on visual upgrades for the engine bay, as well as interior lightmap fixes for the Catalina’s bulkheads
  • Yet another delightful improvement: the crew can now be “startled” and fall out of their bunks if they’re disturbed by other crew, or if you enter red alert!
  • We’ve got new bubble tube VFX, as well as new animating ribbons on the O2 Scrubber
  • We’ve also introduced new transitions for on/off/no power to the O2 Scrubber!
  • There’s been some spit-and-polish (hopefully more polish than spit) done on crew animations! They will interact better with the Soda Machines now, and I’m told that they should sweat in a more polished way.
  • More polishing for the 2x2 Greenhouse planter box, as well as the coffee and tea planters
  • Engineering reported a problem on the turbine for Reactors to properly turn on and off, this is now fixed!
  • We’ve done some additional polishing on the firing capacitor too!
  • Someone thought it was funny to slightly offset the Officer Control Stations. We’ve now re-centered them. I’m not pointing any fingers here, but where’s Ham?
  • At times, the space background for the asteroid and boarding pod intro would be missing. The void consumes us all in the end, but we’ve fixed it for now.
  • Also at times, the asteroid threat PiP sequences would play frozen or missing PiPs. Crew will now panic and yell an appropriate amount in their PiP.
  • Zutopans in their arrival PiP are now “conniving”. (I can fix him).
  • There’s been an update to the tutorial PiPs! They’ll now use a range of different typing and stern PiPs for added variety.
  • Yet. More. Polish. The console sit, the interact + depart animations, as well as the “Grin” and “Confident” crew animations have all been improved!
  • We fixed a bug to do with camera collision in some areas of the ship
  • We’ve also refactored the system slightly to simplify the logic for turning on/off camera collider collections
  • Further polish on the Rally Point object (it now comes with VFX and lighting!)
  • And, perhaps the most relevant of all, the Hangar Bay now has animating runway lights.


Titling these updates… Grim but very fun:
  • There is now a new crying-in-place behaviour for sad crew members (mood)
  • We’ve increased how often the hunger and exhausted animations appear (also a mood)
  • Crew will now faint as a consequence of dehydration (huge mood)
  • Crew become sad when they’re too isolated (biggest mood of all)
  • New Trait alert! “Disturbed”. When affected, the crew will seek others to startle them and scare them. Mwahahaha.
In other gameplay news that’s not grim but is still fun!
  • New idle behaviour for the crew to stand around expressing their current mood
  • We’ve made some improvements and crew should become stuck less often
  • Crew will now queue for showers! Eliminate the stink!
  • Unfortunately, Marines will no longer phase through walls to fight invaders.
  • Input and output collection points for objects have some more randomization so crew won’t clump in the same spots
  • Fixed an issue where resource cubes are still visible after the resources have been removed from an objects inputs


  • The Room State Analysis tool now supports room state visualisation of power, water AND oxygen. Huge win.
  • Airlocks are no longer rendered in the Room State Analysis Tool.
  • Analysis rendering has been improved and now will show mesh rendering (for strangely shaped rooms), instead of cubed areas around rooms
  • There was a small bug where actioning a PiP for Crew in Despair while in Build Mode would freeze the game
  • We’ve done a massive overhaul of the overhead UI for objects. They’ll now display various errors, resource processing, tech dependencies, etc. Another HUGE win!
  • We resolved an issue where error icons of invalid buildable placements only displayed after deselecting and reselecting the room they are placed in
  • We also resolved an issue where icons for ‘objects are blocking access to interactions or doors’ and ‘rooms require access to a turbo lift’ appeared the wrong way
  • The dismiss button for PiPs has had a visual pass for clarity
  • We improved the vertical layout of the UI elements for the Object Panel


  • At times, when folks would load into their save, the crew would become stuck. We’ve eliminated this problem, but if it occurs for you again – please do let us know!
  • We fixed an issue where pressing “continue game” could have no effect if the latest save was missing. Players will now receive an error message!
  • Deleting a save could, at times, cause the UI to not properly refocus the save UI. This is all fixed!
  • We’ve added more measures to detect a corrupt save and profile files when JLO boots up to avoid any more “infinite loading” states occurring. Note: the first load for players with this issue might be a little longer!
  • We’ve done some work to add a relevant popup error message to notify you of the issue.
  • We also now backup problematic files, so that you can fling them to us to further investigate
  • If a corrupt profile is detected, a new one will be generated. A caveat here is that players can experience some settings getting reset, such as audio, language, graphics, as well as First Time User Experience settings such as privacy policy checks, and tutorial warnings.


  • Fix string discrepancy for the “Hangar Bay” vs “Flight Deck”
  • Updated text on the Medigel Tank to reference frostbite

And that’s all she wrote, folks. Looking forward to hearing all about your exploits on the Catalina. Please share your favourite story so far, we’d love to hear about them!

Keeping Your Hope Bar Full,

<3 Chan and the LoG Team

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