League of Legends

League of Legends 11.8

Version Date
April 13, 2021

Patch Notes

Patch 11.8 notes

Hi, welcome back!

This patch, we’ve got something for everyone. If you’re looking for something cutting-edge, we’ve got the snip-snap from Gwen, who’s weaving her way over to the Rift. Sick of the galactic beats of last patch? Rammus has a new slammin’ jam, complete with a polish to his trusty armored shell. Did your spring cleaning and in need of something sparkly? Perfect, because we’ve adjusted some Mythics for you to get your grubby little enchanter hands on. Or perhaps you’ve missed playing some champs in their trusty old lanes, like a certain very accredited, very purple doctor, or maybe even a flaming hot yordle.

Looks like you’ll have to read on to find out. See ya in the next one.

Come one, come all, to the TFT patch notes before the set ends and the Reckoning begins!
Tricia "mom cat" Tan Hanna "shio shoujo" Woo

Mid-Patch Updates

4/16/2021 Gwen Balance Changes


Q - SNIP SNIP! BASE DAMAGE PER SNIP 8/10.75/13.5/16.25/19 9/12/15/18/21
Q - SNIP SNIP! FINAL SNIP BASE DAMAGE 40/53.75/67.5/81.25/95 45/60/75/90/105

4/15/2021 Rammus Bugfix


Q - POWERBALL BUGFIX Fixed a bug where when Rammus would trigger Predator and activate Q - Powerball, his move speed would increase extremely

4/13/2021 ARAM VFX Updates

These updates were included in the original patch deploy, but left off of the original Patch 11.8 Notes!


  • New missile that should match the hitbox a bit better and be more readable in hectic team fights
  • New recast activation VFX on tagged target
  • New hit-and-miss VFXs
  • New SFX on missed snowball, so you know when you do hit!


  • New porosnax icon
  • New porosnax missile going from you to the closest poro in an arc, with new and cute SFX!
  • Poros now stop and open wide when they see a porosnax coming their way, with hearts on their eyes
  • New cute little chomp VFX and SFX when poros receive their porosnax
  • New “happy circles” hearts VFXs while poros are happy and fed, with hearts on their eyes while circling around
  • Added hearts VFXs that follow a poro forever once it is fed at least once
  • New, more ceremonial poro explosion effect once they have been fed ten times and explode in several other poros

Health Relics

  • New Relic VFX (the floating cross)
  • New pick-up VFX (for the one picking it up)
  • New healed VFX (for everyone healed in the area)


  • New Respawn effect
  • Cleaned up Turret glows and added some subtle falling cold smoke

Patch Highlights

Blackfrost Sion, Blackfrost Vel'Koz, Dragon Guardian Galio, Dragonslayer Kayle, Dragonslayer Twitch, and Space Groove Gwen will be available on April 15th, 2021.




The Hallowed Seamstress

Gwen snips, skips, and slashes into 11.8 on April 15th.


W cost increased early.

Lately, Annie’s been blazing down her foes. By increasing the cost on her W, she’ll have to be more careful when deciding whether to burn up minions or enemy champions.

W - Incinerate

COST 70/80/90/100/110 mana 90/95/100/105/110 mana


Passive lethality increased. R main weapon effects strengthened.

Aphelios has been looking pale ever since we nerfed his interaction with Kraken Slayer in 11.2. Given how he’s fallen behind other scaling marksmen, we're putting more punch into his lethality rank-ups (which have been historically lackluster), along with his weapon effects during his ultimate, to let him reach for the moon.

Passive - The Hitman and the Seer

LETHALITY 3/6/9/12/15/18 3.5/7/10.5/14/17.5/21

R - Moonlight Vigil

CALIBRUM DAMAGE PER MARK 40/70/100 50/80/110
SEVERUM HEALING 250/375/500 275/400/525
GRAVITUM ROOT DURATION 1.25 seconds 1.35 seconds
INFERNUM SPLASH DAMAGE 85% of initial damage 90% of initial damage
CRESCENDUM CHAKRAM REFUND 4 additional (5 total) 5 additional (6 total)


E cost now scales down.

Cass has been coiled up tight with Tear of the Goddess, as she relies on its mana in mid and late game teamfights. This dependence has caused her to suffer both in power and freedom in item diversity, so we’re scaling down her need for it.

E - Twin Fang

COST 50 mana 50/48/46/44/42 mana

Dr. Mundo

Passive max health regen increased.

At present, jungle Mundo’s been smashing, and top lane Mundo’s been crashing. We’re tackling this by pulling back on his clear speeds, which should slow his roll without stopping our purple friend from cleaving through the jungle. We’re then doctoring up Lane-do by tossing him more regen to make him the meaty meatball of his dreams.

Passive - Adrenaline Rush


Q - Infected Cleaver

CAPPED DAMAGE AGAINST MINIONS & MONSTERS 300/350/400/450/500 100/200/300/400/500

E - Masochism

FLAT BONUS AD 40/55/70/85/100 30/45/60/75/90
MAX BONUS AD 60/90/120/150/180 50/80/110/140/170


W bonus movement speed decreased.

We shubbanuffa’d ourselves by giving Gnar too loose a leash, and now he’s been throwing temper tantrums all over the map. We’re pulling back accordingly.

W - Hyper

BONUS MOVEMENT SPEED 30/45/60/75%, decaying over 3s (based on R rank) 20/40/60/80%, decaying over 3s (based on R rank)


Q damage and total damage increased.

LeBlanc is a master trickster known for her ability to bop in, burst down, and bop back out— but as of late, her burst has felt more deceitful than fatal.

Q - Sigil of Malice

BASE DAMAGE 55/80/105/130/155 65/90/115/140/165
TOTAL DAMAGE 110/160/210/260/310 130/180/230/280/330

Lee Sin

E cooldown decreased.

We’re giving Lee Sin more clear to help him keep an eye on other top junglers.

E - Tempest

COOLDOWN 10 seconds 8 seconds


E bonus resistances decreased early.

Our lady of clockwork has become the staple mid lane mage in Pro play. Armed with both safe early game laning and strong mid-to-late game teamfight power, she’s a reliable source of utility and damage without much of a tradeoff. To even things out, we’re tapping down her early durability in the early phases of the game.

E - Command: Protect

BONUS RESISTANCES 10/15/20/25/30 armor and magic resist 6/12/18/24/30 armor and magic resist

updated Rammus

Q base damage decreased later. W now lasts longer with basic attacks. E taunt duration decreased. R updated so that Rammus now soars, slams, slows, and shocks. Ability VFX and SFX updated.

In conjunction with his release in Wild Rift, we’re celebrating Rammus with a mini visual update! Along with new sound and visual effects, we’re armoring this ‘dillo with a new ult that rewards him for going fast and vaulting into enemies to create the perfect impact.

Q - Powerball

BASE DAMAGE 100/135/170/205/240 100/130/160/190/220

W - Defensive Ball Curl

newBALLIN’ Basic attacks now extend the duration of Defensive Ball Curl by 0.4 seconds, up to a maximum of 4 additional seconds

E - Frenzying Taunt

TAUNT DURATION 1.25/1.5/1.75/2.0/2.25 seconds 1.2/1.4/1.6/1.8/2.0 seconds

R - Soaring Slam

updatedCOME ON AND SLAM, AND WELCOME TO THE… RAM Rammus leaps into the air and slams down, dealing 100/175/250 (+0.6 AP) magic damage and slowing enemies by 15/17.5/20% for 1.5 seconds. Rammus generates aftershocks at the target location for 4 seconds, dealing 20/30/40 (+0.1 AP) magic damage and stacking the initial slow up to four times. Damage near the center is increased up to 150% damage based on the distance traveled. If Soaring Slam is cast while Rammus is in Powerball, enemies near the center are also knocked up and dealt Powerball's collision damage, ending Powerball's effect.
COOLDOWN 100/80/60 seconds 130/110/90 seconds


Base magic resist and magic resist growth decreased. Passive Overheating bonus damage decreased; now scales with target’s maximum health; now grants attack speed. E now reduces the target’s magic resistance.

Although mid Rumble’s been doing well, he’s been feeling rather tepid up in top lane. We like supporting both sides of the yordle, so we’re finding a middle ground in power for both roles by making top Rumble better at beating down tankier targets, while making mid Rumble more vulnerable, particularly when laning against mages.

Base Stats


Passive - Junkyard Titan

OVERHEATING BONUS DAMAGE 25-110 (based on level) (+30% AP) 10-50 (+6% of target's maximum health) (+30% AP)
newIT’S GETTIN’ HOT IN HERE While Overheated, Rumble gains 50% attack speed

E - Electro Harpoon

newSO TAKE OFF ALL YOUR MR Electro Harpoon now reduces the target’s magic resistance by 10% (15% when in the Danger Zone) for 4 seconds, stacking additively


E cooldown increased and now scales.

Thresh is still thriving as one of the top supports, so we’re tightening the chains on one of his most versatile tools.

E - Flay

COOLDOWN 9 seconds 11/10.5/10/9.5/9 seconds


Q cooldown decreased later.

As a champ who used to rush item components for CDR, but can no longer do so with the new Mythic item structure, Vlad has been thrown for a loop. To compensate, we’re pumping down his cooldown.

Q - Transfusion

COOLDOWN 9/8/7/6/5 seconds 9/7.75/6.5/5.25/4 seconds


Mist Walkers damage decreased. E initial leap damage decreased; now deals increased damage over 8 attacks. Turrets now prioritize minions over the Maiden.

Well, we did it. We woke Yorick up and brought him back to life… and right over the balance line. To mitigate, we’re following up his patch 11.6 buffs by walking back some of his damage—but we don’t want to leave him back in the dirt. So we’re also adding the second part of his intended changes to help his Maiden stay alive. Instead of constantly trying to keep her out of harm’s way, our premier split pusher can now focus on destroying turrets with his minions of the Mist.

Passive - Shepherd of Souls

MIST WALKER DAMAGE 2/3/4/5/6/7/8/14/20/26/32/38/44/55/66/77/88/99 (+30% total AD) 2/3/4/5/6/7/8/13/18/23/28/33/38/48/58/68/78/88 (+25% total AD)

E - Mourning Mist

MIST WALKER INITIAL LEAP DAMAGE 200% on first attack 100% (normal damage) on first attack
newMARKED TERRITORY Marked targets take 40% increased damage from the next 8 attacks by a Mist Walker

R - Eulogy of the Isles

TURRET PRIORITY Attacks the Maiden over melee and ranged minions Attacks melee and ranged minions over the Maiden


W damage increased.

Between last season’s changes to jungle camp health and Bami’s Cinder, Zac lost a lot of his mid-game clear speed. We’re putting the glob back on the job by slinging him more damage, along with a buff for AP bruiser builds.

W - Unstable Matter

DAMAGE 25/40/55/70/85 (+4/5/6/7/8% of target’s maximum health) (+2% per 100 AP) 35/50/65/80/95 (+4/5/6/7/8% of target’s maximum health) (+4% per 100 AP)

Jungle Champion Changes

We’re bringing some fringe junglers and popular champions up to actually viable levels in the jungle. While we've done passes on a number of these champions before, we're more confident that these changes will give them safe and competitive clears that should be fun for those itching for a test run.




PASSIVE - MOONSILVER BLADE BONUS ATTACK SPEED 10-40% (based on level) 20-40% (based on level)


PASSIVE - DARKNESS RISE CAPPED DAMAGE AGAINST MONSTERS 28-164 (based on level) 180 (at all levels)


PASSIVE - CONTEMPT FOR THE WEAK ON-TARGET COOLDOWN Affects all targets once every 10 seconds Applies to enemy champions once every 10 seconds (i.e. no longer affects minions and monsters)
removedPASSIVE - CONTEMPT FOR THE WEAK BONUS DAMAGE AGAINST MONSTERS No longer deals increased damage by 100% against monsters
PASSIVE - CONTEMPT FOR THE WEAK CAPPED DAMAGE AGAINST MONSTERS 200/350/500 (based on level) 300, capped only for epic monsters (at all levels)




Support Mythics

With Moonstone Renewer as the only Mythic that truly fulfilled enchanter’s dreams, they haven’t had much of a selection to choose from. To expand their horizons and inventories, we’re adjusting the following items to be picked up based on the situation at hand: Moonstone for more heals and shields, and Shurelya’s for more nimble feet and aggressive plays. We don’t want to overload the game with movement speed, so we’re also pivoting Staff of Flowing Water to focus from fast zooms to AP booms.

Moonstone Renewer

STARLIT GRACE HEAL 50-100 (based on target's level) 60 (at all levels)
STARLIT GRACE HEAL AMPLIFICATION Each second spent in combat increases the base heal by 12.5%, stacking up to 4 times, up to 50% Each second spent in combat increases your healing and shielding power by 4%, stacking up to 5 times, up to 20%
MYTHIC PASSIVE Empowers each of your other Legendary items with 5 ability haste Increases Starlit Grace’s heal by 10

Shurelya's Battlesong

removedINSPIRE DAMAGE EMPOWERMENT No longer empowers the next 3 instances of damage to deal an additional 35-55 magic damage
newPASSIVE - MOTIVATE Empowering or protecting another allied champion (excluding yourself) grants both allies 25% movement speed over 1.5 seconds
MYTHIC PASSIVE 3% movement speed 5 ability haste

Staff of Flowing Water

RAPIDS Grants 15% bonus movement speed and 20-40 (based on target's level) AP for 3 seconds Grants 20 ability haste and 20-40 AP for 4 seconds

Frozen Heart

Frozen Heart’s been getting looked over in the tank item department. Have some heart (and more armor, while you’re at it).
ARMOR 70 80

Chemtech Putrifier

We set out to make Chemtech Putrifier a more sought after choice for supports by substantially broadening its use cases. First and foremost, we’re making it so you have to target an ally to receive the benefits yourself (much like Ardent Censer and Staff of Flowing Water). The ability to apply it to oneself didn't seem to have significant power implications, but it did have odd interactions (like with Ravenous Hunter) that were not intended. In addition, we’re giving the item a slight buff because it's still a bit niche and underperforms compared to other options.
updatedPUFFCAP TOXIN ALLY EMPOWERMENT Healing or shielding an allied champion (including yourself) empowers the ally’s next damage to an enemy champion with 60% Grievous Wounds for 3 seconds Healing or shielding another allied champion (excluding yourself) empowers both the ally’s and your next damage to an enemy champion with 60% Grievous Wounds for 3 seconds
updatedTOOLTIP CONSISTENCY To match Chemtech Putrifier, Ardent Censer’s tooltip has been updated to specify the requirement of another ally. Their functionality is entirely unchanged.
newNO MORE GRIEVANCES Items that apply Grievous Wounds will now be called out in chat to notify your team when purchased

Ionian Boots of Lucidity

These kicks have become very popular in Pro play, crowding out other footwear options in the jungle. We’re slapping on a higher price tag since their cost is a contributor to an unsustainable jungle meta centered around fast clears and fast ganks at low costs.
TOTAL COST 900 gold 950 gold

Hextech Rocketbelt

Night Harvester tends to be purchased more and performs better than Rocketbelt, even by one of the item’s intended audiences—champions who aim to assassinate single targets. We’re bringing it back into style by sharpening the differences between the two items.
HEALTH 350 250

Titanic Hydra

Shifting its power away from early game and low-health builds.
COLOSSUS BONUS AD Equal to 1% maximum health Equal to 2% bonus health

In-Game Shop Updates

  • Purchasing a Mythic item from the All Items view now collapses the Mythic row. You can't buy another one anyway so we saved you some space!
  • Fixed an issue where scaling the HUD could break parts of the shop. (Allan, add a joke about scaling here.)
  • Various performance improvements and bug fixes. Now you can lose because of your lane phase rather than the shop.

Shurima Clash

Get ready to Arise! with your team, because this round of Clash is Shurima themed! The first weekend will be April 17th and 18th, and the second will be May 1st and 2nd. Team formation for the first weekend open on April 12th.

Season 2021 Honor 5 Chromas

Each season, we add new chromas for Medieval Twitch and Grey Warwick to keep the rewards coming for League's most sportsmanlike players who reach Honor 5 season after season.

When you open your Honor 5 capsule, you'll receive one Honor 5 token that can be redeemed for Medieval Twitch, Grey Warwick, one of these new chromas, or a previously-released chroma. You have to own Medieval Twitch or Grey Warwick before you can unlock one of their chromas, but you don't have to own them both. Honor 5 capsules also contain a random emote or ward skin.

ARAM Balance Changes

11.8 Buffs

Aurelion Sol Normal -5% damage taken
Fiora Normal -5% damage taken
Kassadin +5% damage dealt, -5% damage taken +5% damage dealt, -10% damage taken
Olaf Normal -5% damage taken
Rammus Normal -5% damage taken
Rengar +5% damage dealt, -8% damage taken +8 damage dealt, -8% damage taken
Ryze +5% damage dealt, -10% damage taken +8% damage dealt, -10% damage taken

11.8 Nerfs

Akali +20% damage dealt, -20% damage taken +5% damage dealt, -5% damage taken
Amumu Normal +5% damage taken
Leona Normal +5% damage taken
Ornn -5% damage dealt -10% damage dealt, +5% damage taken
Seraphine -15% damage dealt, +15% damage taken, -15% healing, -15% shielding -15% damage dealt, +15% damage taken, -20% healing, -20% shielding
Varus -5% damage dealt -5% damage dealt, +5% damage taken
Xerath -5% damage dealt -5% damage dealt. +5% damage taken
Yorick Normal Increasing the number of deaths required to spawn a grave from 2 to 5
Ziggs -18% damage dealt, +15% damage taken -18% damage dealt, +18% damage taken

Bugfixes/QoL Changes

  • LEAGUE CLIENT: Fixed an issue where the Social panel would continuously flicker when loading the client
  • LEAGUE CLIENT: Fixed an issue where players would not be able to see specific champion stats in their Profile
  • Rakan's E - Battle Dance's second cast now properly triggers Summon Aery
  • Sion's R - Unstoppable Onslaught now properly knocks up really big targets
  • Corrected Corki's E - Gatling Gun's tooltip to properly match its actual values
  • Fixed a bug where Kennen's W - Electrical Surge SFX would continue to play after cast until his death
  • Alistar can now generate E - Trample stacks against Morgana's E - Black Shield and Malzahar's Passive - Void Shift
  • Fixed a bug where Kindred's Wolf's W - Frenzy would not attack the Rift Scuttler if the ability was cast prior to it entering the respective ability area
  • Trundle's W - Frozen Domain now properly increases the healing received from omnivamp
  • Fixed a bug where Jarvan IV would be able to leave R - Cataclysm's terrain if he activates Stridebreaker and casts the ability simultaneously
  • Fixed Orianna's tooltip which switched the damage and shield values of E - Command: Protect
  • Yuumi can no longer activate Moonstone Renewer when casting W2 - Change of Plan repeatedly on an out-of-range ally that is in combat
  • Fixed an issue where Ironspike Whip's, Goredrinker's, and Stridebreaker's passives would not remove spell shields from enemy champions
  • Fixed a bug where Prowler's Claw's Sandswipe passive would still apply damage and its debuff to targets with spell shields
  • Knight's Vow's Sacrifice passive now properly redirects damage from allied Pledged champions to the user even when they're untargetable
  • When Kayle has Kraken Slayer and uses E - Starfire Spellblade as a third attack, she will now properly deal true damage
  • Jayce now properly deals true damage on his third attack (with Kraken Slayer equipped) with Mercury Cannon in all instances, not just when he crits
  • Dark Waters Diana's VO now properly play when she casts Q - Crescent Strike
  • Battle Academia Caitlyn's W - Yordle Snap Trap hit VO now plays from Caitlyn's location instead of the trap's location. Her R - Ace in the Hole cast VO also now plays for all enemies and allies.
  • Fiora's R - Grand Challenge VO now plays from her location instead of her target's location

Upcoming Skins & Chromas