League of Legends

League of Legends 13.10

Version Date
May 16, 2023

Patch Notes

Patch 13.10 notes

Welcome to patch 13.10, the Midseason update!

In the midseason update we're aiming to address a few core issues with League's current state, namely ADC and Support itemization options, problematic Assassin items, and how the early game is played out. We also have a batch of ARAM adjustments, a Mythic Shop rotation, and some new Snow Moon skins. So without further ado, here's your midseason patch!

Don't have enough to read here? Come see what they're doing for their For Fun patch in the TFT patch notes here!
Lilu "RiotRiru" Cabreros

Mid-Patch Updates


While we're planning on comprehensive balance followup in 13.11, we're giving some quick buffs to the biggest losers of 13.10's item changes now. The wind bros lost a lot of survivability with Shieldbow's downshift from Mythic to Legendary, while Kindred lost a lot of damage with Kraken Slayer's. Critically (heh), they don't have direct replacements to shift to.


  • HEALTH GROWTH: 101 ⇒ 110
  • PASSIVE - WAY OF THE WANDERER SHIELD: 100-575 ⇒ 125-600
  • W - WIND WALL COOLDOWN: 30/27/24/21/18 seconds ⇒ 25/23/21/19/17/15 seconds


  • BASE ARMOR: 28 ⇒ 30
  • HEALTH GROWTH: 99 ⇒ 105
  • W - SPIRIT CLEAVE COOLDOWN: 16~6 seconds, scaling with bonus attack speed ⇒ 14~6 seconds, scaling with bonus attack speed
  • W - SPIRIT CLEAVE SHIELD: 35-55 (levels 1-18) (+55% bonus AD) ⇒ 45-65 (levels 1-18) (+65% bonus AD)


  • HEALTH GROWTH: 99 ⇒ 104
  • AD GROWTH: 2.5 ⇒ 3.25
  • E - MOUNTING DREAD CRIT THRESHOLD: 15-65% target max health, scaling with crit chance ⇒ 25-75% target max health, scaling with crit chance

5/16/2023 PATCH DELAY

24 Hour Delay

Due to some technical issues Patch 13.10 is expected to roll out 24 hours later than usual for all regions.

Patch Highlights

Snow Moon Ahri, Snow Moon Morgana, and Snow Moon Varus will be available May 17, 2023 at 20:00 UTC.


Akshan, Kalista, Kindred, and Vayne are getting brand new AP ratios added in this patch because they (might) buy Guinsoo’s Rageblade, which is getting Ability Power added to its stat package. These new ratios aren’t meant to make AP builds strong or even viable on them but instead to make incidental sources of Ability Power (like Rageblade) feel like they aren’t wasted.

Typically, a small utility output and a repeatable source of damage were targeted for each of these champions, which is meant to give AP a unique benefit that AD cannot provide and to fit the combat pattern of the Rageblade itself.


Passive AP ratio added to damage, shield decreased. Q AP ratio added to bonus movement speed.

Akshan is the first of a few champions who fit two criteria: He might buy Guinsoo’s Rageblade (which now has AP on it) and he has no AP ratios. These shiny new AP ratios should make Akshan feel like he’s getting useful benefits when he’s picking up Guinsoo’s so that the AP isn’t entirely lost on him.

Passive - Dirty Fighting

  • Magic Damage on Third Stack: 10-165 (based on level) ⇒ 10-165 (based on level) (+ 60% AP)
  • Shield Value: 40-280 (+35% bonus AD), scaling linearly with champion level ⇒ 40-280 (+35% bonus AD), scaling non-linearly, mirroring base stat growth. (Note: This is functionally about a 10% shield reduction for the early and mid game.)

Q - Avengerang

  • Bonus Movement Speed Upon Hitting An Enemy Champion: 40% ⇒ 40% (+5% per 100 AP)


E AP ratios added to slow and damage.

Kalista is the second champion in this patch who has no AP ratios but is likely to buy Rageblade. The numbers are relatively conservative so an AP-focused build isn’t going to be strong, but at least the Amplifying Tome is a real item for her.

E - Rend

  • Slow: 10/18/26/34/42% ⇒ 10/18/26/34/42% (+5% per 100 AP)
  • Physical Damage: 20/30/40/50/60 (+ 70% AD) ⇒ 20/30/40/50/60 (+ 70% AD) (+20% AP)
  • Additional Stack Damage: 10/16/22/28/34 (+23.2/27.55/31.9/36.25/40.6% AD) ⇒ 10/16/22/28/34 (+23.2/27.55/31.9/36.25/40.6% AD) (+20% AP)


W AP ratio added. E AP ratio added.

Kindred are the third champion to receive AP ratio buffs in lieu of Rageblade’s changes. Lamb doesn’t tend to buy this item very often, but at least Wolf’s abilities will feel a bit more powerful.

W - Wolf's Frenzy

  • Magic Damage: 25/30/35/40/45 (+20% bonus AD) (+1.5% (+1% per mark) target’s current health) ⇒ 25/30/35/40/45 (+20% bonus AD) (+20% AP) (+1.5% (+1% per mark) target’s current health)

E - Mounting Dread

  • Slow: 50% ⇒ 50% (+5% per 100 AP)


Q damage to monsters increased. W damage to monsters increased. R AP ratio increased.

Neeko jungle has seen a lot of play post-rework but sits as the worst regularly played role/champion combo in the game, so we're bumping up her clear speed a bit more to give Neeko jungle players a fair shot. It's likely we'll have to reassess her jungle power as players adapt to Jungle Neeko, so we'll continue to keep an eye on this tomato.

On another note, we're also putting a bit more power back into Neeko's R burst now that we've seen the spell on live. Overall, the reliability of the new ultimate is looking good, but the nerfs overshot compensating for the new consistency.

Q - Blooming Burst

  • Bonus Damage to Monsters: 30/40/50/60/70 ⇒ 35/50/65/80/95

W - Shapesplitter

  • Bonus Damage to Monsters: 50 ⇒75

R - Pop Blossom

  • Magic Damage: 150/350/550 (+100% AP) ⇒ 150/350/550 (+120% AP)


Q AP ratio added.

AP Vayne is not real. AP Vayne cannot hurt you. Not as much as AD Vayne, anyway. Once again, this AP ratio on Tumble is just here to make Rageblade’s stats not feel wasted.

Q - Tumble

  • Bonus Physical Damage on Next Attack: 75/85/95/105/115% AD ⇒ 75/85/95/105/115% AD + 50% AP

Critical Strike Item Changes

We’ve got a big update to crit itemization with the hope of creating a much more open ecosystem of crit items players are excited to buy. Currently, League of Legends functionally has two sets of critical strike mythic items: Kraken / Galeforce / Shieldbow and Infinity Edge / Quickblades / Rageblade. Ultimately, we feel that Infinity Edge, Quickblades, Rageblade, and Galeforce actually fit the role of a mythic item the best so the other items are being demoted to legendary status and re-tuned to fit that new role.

The new mythic items are quite similar to the old versions as they already served their purposes well, with a notable change in Rageblade more strongly filling the hybrid on-hit niche, which should make champions like Kayle and Teemo pay attention.

The legendary re-balancing brings down some overly strong items, such as Kraken Slayer losing its true damage, Immortal Shieldbow providing less shielding, and Bloodthirster losing its shield entirely. Meanwhile, underperforming items like Mortal Reminder, The Collector, and Mercurial Scimitar are receiving some simple buffs. There are also a slew of balance changes to epic items to buff underpowered trap upgrades (Recurve Bow, Hearthbound Axe, Kircheis Shard) and nerf overly-powerful ones (Zeal).

And Statikk Shiv is back.


With Immortal Shieldbow moving to a Legendary slot for all crit users, Bloodthirster needs a new niche within the life steal item space. So, buying BT is a shot call that you’ll remain healthy and undisturbed on the back line and helps top off your health between engagements.

  • Total Cost: 3200 (Note: Unchanged)
  • Item Recipe: B.F. Sword + Cloak of Agility + Vampiric Scepter + 400 Gold (Note: Unchanged)
  • Attack Damage: 55 (Note: Unchanged)
  • Critical Strike Chance: 20% (Note: Unchanged)
  • Life Steal: 15% ⇒ 18%
  • newUnique Passive - Engorge: While above 50% Health, gain an additional 10-40 Attack Damage (based on level).


Galeforce is the one crit mythic item that’s remaining mythic. The opportunity cost of Infinity Edge, Quickblades, or Rageblade is meaningful in terms of DPS but if your path to victory is through helping assassinate a squishy champion (or not being assassinated yourself), 90% DPS is much better than 0%.

The specific numbers on Galeforce land it squarely stronger than the old version against squishies but requires building more crit chance to make use of that power, which should help keep it from being poached by assassins.

  • Total Cost: 3400 (Note: Unchanged)
  • Item Recipe: Noonquiver + Cloak of Agility + Pickaxe + 625 gold ⇒ B. F. Sword + Zeal + Long Sword + 650 Gold
  • Attack Damage: 60 ⇒ 55
  • Attack Speed: 20% ⇒ 15%
  • Critical Strike Chance: 20% (Note: Unchanged)
  • newBonus Movement Speed: 7%
  • Active - Cloudburst: Dash and deal 150-350 (plus up to 250, based on Critical Strike Chance) physical damage to the lowest health nearby enemy, prioritizing champions. Damage is increased based on your target's missing health. (Cooldown: 90 seconds) (Note: Maximum execution threshold: 25% current health, Maximum execution strength: 60% bonus damage.)
  • Mythic Passive: Empowers each of your other Legendary items with 5 Attack Damage.


Ornn upgraded version of Galeforce.

  • Attack Damage: 80 ⇒ 70
  • Attack Speed: 35% ⇒ 30%
  • Critical Strike Chance: 20% (Note: Unchanged)
  • newBonus Movement Speed: 7% ⇒ 10%

Guinsoo's Rageblade

Guinsoo’s Rageblade is back as the pinnacle hybrid on-hit item! Many of its old rules like extra on-hits and converting crit chance into on-hit damage are still in place. But now it has a specific focus on enabling hybrid damage champions through its mixed-penetration mythic passive (since neither Void Staff nor Last Whisper upgrades typically make sense on such champions.)

  • newTier Change: Legendary Tier ⇒ Mythic Tier
  • Total Cost: 2600 ⇒ 3200
  • Item Recipe: Rageknife + Cloak of Agility + Dagger + 900 gold ⇒ Amplifying Tome + Rageknife + Pickaxe + 690 Gold
  • newAttack Damage: 30
  • newAbility Power: 30
  • Attack Speed: 45% ⇒ 25%
  • newUnique Passive - Wrath: Attacks apply 30 magic damage On-Hit. Convert your Critical Strike Chance into up to 150 more.
  • newUnique Passive - Seething Strike: Basic attacks grant a stack of 8% attack speed, up to 4 times. At max stacks, every third attack applies on-hit effects twice.
  • newMythic Passive: Empowers each of your other Legendary items with 5% Armor Penetration and 6% Magic Penetration.

Seething Sorrow

Ornn upgraded version of Guinsoo’s Rageblade.

  • Attack Damage: 40
  • Ability Power: 50
  • Attack Speed: 35%

Hearthbound Axe

Alongside the various large mythic and legendary updates, we’re also making a slew of efficiency-focused changes to epic items. Hearthbound Axe was one underperforming epic that’s received efficiency buffs.

  • Total Cost: 1000 ⇒ 1100
  • Item Recipe: Long Sword + Dagger + 350 gold ⇒ Long Sword + Dagger + Long Sword + 100 gold
  • Attack Damage: 15 ⇒ 20

Immortal Shieldbow

Demoting Immortal Shieldbow to a legendary item meant trimming its statline down somewhat. Shieldbow makes sense as a generically-accessible source of anti-burst for crit users, so it’s got an easy-to-appreciate stat profile of attack damage. One note of caution: Shieldbow is not meant to be bought early as its shield does not increase until level 12.

  • newTier Change: Mythic Tier ⇒ Legendary Tier
  • Total Cost: 3400 ⇒ 3000
  • Item Recipe: Noonquiver + Cloak of Agility + Vampiric Scepter + 600 gold ⇒ Pickaxe + Cloak of Agility + Vampiric Scepter + 625 Gold
  • Attack Damage: 50 (Note: Unchanged)
  • Critical Strike Chance: 20% (Note: Unchanged)
  • Life Steal: 7% (Note: Unchanged)
  • removedAttack Speed: 20% ⇒ 0 (Removed)
  • Unique Passive - Lifeline Shield Strength: If you would take damage that would reduce you below 30% of your maximum health, you first gain a 250-630 (based on level) shield for 3 seconds. ⇒ If you would take damage that would reduce you below 30% of your maximum health, you first gain a 215-500 (based on level) shield for 3 seconds. (Note: Lifeline’s shield is back loaded toward later levels.)
  • Unique Passive - Lifeline Bonus Stats: When Lifeline is triggered the user gains 15-35 AD for 8 seconds. ⇒ When Lifeline is triggered the user gains 30% Attack Speed for 8 seconds.

Infinity Edge

Across League’s lifetime, Infinity Edge has almost always been a mythic item for AD Carries in everything but name, so now we’re just making it official. It’s got a simple stat profile and a simple purpose: Deal up to 20% more auto-attack damage based on your critical strike chance. It’s good at it. The Mythic Passive is intentionally pretty bland because IE already does a great job of making your other items feel awesome.

  • newTier Change: Legendary Tier ⇒ Mythic Tier
  • Total Cost: 3400 (Note: Unchanged)
  • Item Recipe: B. F. Sword + Pickaxe + Cloak of Agility + 625 Gold (Note: Unchanged)
  • Attack Damage: 70 (Note: Unchanged)
  • Critical Strike Chance: 20% (Note: Unchanged)
  • Critical Strike Damage: 35% (Note: Identical to the removed Perfection passive)
  • newMythic Passive: Empowers each of your other Legendary items with 5 Attack Damage

Edge of Finality

Ornn upgraded version of Infinity Edge.

  • Attack Damage: 100

Kircheis Shard

Energize’s effect of infrequent big hits feels more at home with attack damage being its core stat instead of attack speed. There are several other Energize items getting updates in this patch that embrace this change as well. Kircheis is also getting a small increase to its gold efficiency as the item isn’t very strong in the live game.

  • Total Cost: 700 (Note: Unchanged)
  • Item Recipe: Dagger + 400 gold ⇒ Long Sword + 350 gold
  • newAttack Damage: 15
  • removedAttack Speed: 15% ⇒ 0% (Removed)
  • Unique Passive - Jolt: Energized attacks apply 80 bonus magic damage ⇒ Energized attacks apply 60 bonus magic damage

Kraken Slayer

Kraken Slayer went through several iterations finding its new home as a Legendary item before landing on this version. Ultimately, Kraken is meant to be an incredible early item for high attack speed champions that still holds up late. Its damage ramping up against a target helps it retain a bit of that anti-tank flavor, but make no mistake: it’s no replacement for Lord Dominik’s Regards for tank-busting.

  • newTier Change: Mythic Tier ⇒ Legendary Tier
  • Total Cost: 3400 ⇒ 3000
  • Item Recipe: Noonquiver + Cloak of Agility + Pickaxe + 625 gold ⇒ Noonquiver + Cloak of Agility + Recurve Bow + 400 Gold
  • Attack Damage: 65 ⇒ 40
  • Attack Speed: 25% ⇒ 30%
  • Critical Strike Chance: 20% (Note: Unchanged)
  • newUnique Passive - Bring It Down: Every third Attack applies 20 + 60% Total AD + 45% AP bonus magic damage. Subsequent triggers on the same target within 6 seconds increases this damage by 50% (Up to a maximum of 100% increased damage).

Mercurial Scimitar

Mercurial Scimitar is nearly never purchased and could stand to receive a small buff. There’s still a massive damage loss compared to an offensive-oriented item but now it gives enough MR to be worth considering in a few more situations.

  • Magic Resistance: 40 ⇒ 50

Mortal Reminder

Mortal Reminder fares much, much worse than Lord Dominik’s Regards and feels like a punishment if a crit user is the one applying Grievous Wounds. A simple stat buff hopefully brings it closer to parity with LDR.

  • Attack Damage: 35 ⇒ 40

Navori Quickblades

Welcome to the Mythic league, Navori Quickblades! Quickblades is an excellent item for crit users with high uptime on both basic attacks and abilities. Giving up to 20% more ability damage based on crit chance and the ability to refresh those abilities through rapid attacking, Quickblades serves those champions extremely well and feels like a capstone-level effect. Like Infinity Edge, Quickblades already does a great job of amplifying everything else bought alongside it, so it simply provides some ability haste through its mythic passive.

  • newTier Change: Legendary Tier ⇒ Mythic Tier
  • Total Cost: 3400 (Note: Unchanged)
  • Item Recipe: Caulfield's Warhammer + Pickaxe + Cloak of Agility + 825 gold (Note: Unchanged)
  • Attack Damage: 60 (Note: Unchanged)
  • Critical Strike Chance: 20% (Note: Unchanged)
  • Ability Haste: 20 (Note: Unchanged)
  • Unique Passive - Transcendence: Attacks reduce non-Ultimate Ability cooldowns by 12% of their remaining cooldown
  • Unique Passive - Impermanence: Your abilities deal up to 20% increased damage based on Critical Strike Chance
  • Mythic Passive: Empowers each of your other Legendary items with 5 Ability Haste


Ornn upgraded version of Navori Quickblades.

  • Attack Damage: 80
  • Ability Haste: 30


Noonquiver no longer builds into any Mythic items. That’s it. That’s the update. Don’t buy it expecting to build into a Mythic. Because it won’t.

Phantom Dancer

In an effort to make window shopping more intuitive for crit users, Phantom Dancer has been increased to 2800 gold with a small stat increase to go alongside it.

  • Total Cost: 2600 ⇒ 2800
  • Item Recipe: Long Sword + Zeal + Long Sword + 850 gold ⇒ Hearthbound Axe + Zeal + 600 gold
  • Attack Speed: 25% ⇒ 30%


Rageknife has been remade to fit in with the new version of Guinsoo’s Rageblade, providing a smaller version of the ramping attack speed effect.

  • Total Cost: 800 gold ⇒ 1200 gold
  • Item Recipe: Dagger + Dagger + 200 gold ⇒ Dagger + Dagger + 600 Gold
  • Attack Speed: 25% (Note: Unchanged)
  • newUnique Passive - Wrath: This item grants 20 magic damage On-Hit
  • newUnique Passive - Seething Strike: Attacks grant 5% Attack Speed, stacking up to 3 times for a maximum of 15% Attack Speed

Rapid Firecannon

Rapid Firecannon’s purpose is to land individual snipes from out of range of counter-attack and so its stat profile has been updated to reinforce that niche. The significant price increase retains a similar level of gold efficiency.

  • Total Cost: 2500 ⇒ 3000
  • Item Recipe: Zeal + Kircheis Shard + 750 gold ⇒ Long Sword + Zeal + Kircheis Shard + 850 gold
  • newAttack Damage: 30
  • Attack Speed: 35% ⇒ 15%
  • Critical Strike Chance: 20% (Note: Unchanged)
  • Bonus Movement Speed: 7% (Note: Unchanged)
  • Unique Passive - Sharpshooter: Your Energized attack applies 120 bonus magic damage. In addition, Energized attacks gain up to 35% bonus Attack Range ⇒ Your Energized Attack applies 60-140 (based on level) bonus magic damage. In addition, Energized attacks gain up to 35% bonus Attack Range

Recurve Bow

Recurve Bow is another epic item being retuned to bring the gold efficiency of components closer together. Shrinking it also allows its placement in more legendary items without having to retune those numbers. Moving its on-hit damage to magic is an experiment in making on-hit effects more noticeable.

  • Total Cost: 1000 ⇒ 700
  • Item Recipe: Dagger + Dagger + 400 gold ⇒ Dagger + 400 gold
  • Attack Speed: 25% ⇒ 15%
  • Unique Passive - Steel Tipped: 15 bonus physical damage on-hit ⇒ 15 bonus magic damage on-hit

Runaan's Hurricane

Hurricane has grown to 2800 gold to help place it in direct consideration with other marksman items. On-hit damage with less attack speed should help it find a home in on-hit builds that risk over-capping their attack speed, while an increased AD ratio on the bolts should help it find a home in more crit-focused builds. The rules update around finding minions to hit is meant to reduce the number of cases where no additional bolts fire.

  • Total Cost: 2600 ⇒ 2800
  • Item Recipe: Dagger + Zeal + Dagger + 950 gold ⇒ Zeal + Recurve Bow + 1000 gold
  • Attack Speed: 45% ⇒ 40%
  • newUnique Passive - Peck: Attack apply 30 magic damage On-Hit
  • Unique Passive - Wind’s Fury Bolt Damage: 40% total AD ⇒ 50% total AD
  • newUnique Passive - Wind’s Fury: Wind's Fury now additionally searches for any minions in range if no champions can be found

Statikk Shiv

Statikk Shiv is back!!!!!! Shiv is meant to be the premier wave-clear item for crit users. Its damage scales up about as fast as minion health does and deals a moderate amount of damage to champions as well, though much less than PVP-focused items like Stormrazor.

A note on Energize stacking: All Energize items stack in the most linear way possible: The first target hit takes the normal effects from each Energize item. Statikk Shiv’s bounces only apply Shiv’s damage to additional targets.

  • Total Cost: 3000
  • Item Recipe: Noonquiver + Cloak of Agility + Kircheis Shard + 400 Gold
  • Attack Damage: 45
  • Attack Speed: 25%
  • Critical Strike Chance: 20%
  • Unique Passive - Electroshock: Your Energized attack fires chain lightning that applies 60-170 + 50% AP bonus magic damage. These Energized attacks will hit 6-12 targets, they chain to the next target within 600 range every time it deals damage, and they deal 120% bonus damage to minions.


Stormrazor has found a new life as an early PVP-focused legendary crit item. Its early damage is roughly in line with the last version of the item and the added damage scaling should help it remain valuable later on as well. The slow has been transformed into a selfish move speed buff, which enables either a swift disengage or the ability to close the gap for further damage, maybe with a Rapid Firecannon?

  • Total Gold: 2700 ⇒ 3000
  • Item Recipe: B. F. Sword + Cloak of Agility + Kircheis Shard ⇒ Noonquiver + Cloak of Agility + Kircheis Shard + 400 Gold
  • Attack Damage: 45 ⇒ 55
  • Attack Speed: 15% (Note: Unchanged)
  • Critical Strike Chance: 20% (Note: Unchanged)
  • Unique Passive - Bolt: Your Energized attack applies 25 + 65% Total AD + 50% AP bonus Magic Damage and grants 45% Move Speed for 1 second

The Collector

The Collector is another item getting some simple buffs to make it more attractive. Its strong early stat profile should make it enticing for anyone trying to push an early lane lead into a game-winning snowball.

  • Lethality: 12 ⇒ 18


While several epic items were buffed as they were lacking in gold efficiency, Zeal was far too powerful. Yes, it’s receiving a cost increase, Attack Speed decrease, and Movement Speed decrease, but these changes are all pretty small. The hopeful result is that all of these epics feel appropriately powerful without the shop tricking you.

  • Total Cost: 1050 ⇒ 1100
  • Attack Speed: 18% ⇒ 15%
  • Movement Speed: 7% ⇒ 5%
  • removedPassive - Zealous: Bonus Movement Speed is no longer a unique passive.

Assassin Item Changes

Duskblade of Draktharr

Like Prowler's Claw, Duskblade gave a unique effect to many champions. With Stealth, we found that the appeal and frustration of the item limited how powerful the item could actually be. Since its release, Duskblade has been notably weaker than the other Mythics. We're reworking the Stealth aspect of the item to be a bit clearer for both sides, and filling in the power budget with a new passive perfect for ability-based casters and those hunting for their next kill.

  • removedUnique Passive - Nightstalker: Nightstalker Passive will no longer empower your next basic attack against an enemy champion every 15 seconds.
  • newUnique Passive - Nightstalker: Your spells deal up to an additional 15% bonus damage based on the target's missing health (maximized at 20% remaining health).
  • Unique Passive - Nightstalker: When a champion you have damaged within the past 3 seconds dies, you become invisible for 1.5 seconds ⇒ When a champion you have damaged within the past 3 seconds dies, you become untargetable by non-structures. This effect does not destroy incoming missiles and breaks upon taking any action that would normally exit stealth. (10 second cooldown)

Prowler's Claw

Prowler's Claw was the first item to give every champion a targeted dash, which unlocked amazing new combos and introduced a skill-intensive item for players to show off their outplay potential. However, its consistent target-access ended up limiting how we could balance and design champions. Some, such as Talon and Rek'Sai, were designed with huge payoffs if they could use their mobility skills to get into melee range. With the addition, this trivialized one part of the "challenge", meaning we had to nerf the payoff or nerf the mobility. We're making the call to remove the dash from Prowler's and promote Ghostblade to Mythic with the aim to maintain three exciting Mythic choices for Assassins followed by more niche Lethality Legendaries that each succeed in their own roles.

  • newTier Change: Mythic Tier ⇒ Legendary Tier
  • Total Cost: 3100 ⇒ 3000
  • Attack Damage: 60 ⇒ 55
  • Ability Haste: 20 ⇒ 15
  • Lethality: 18 ⇒ 15
  • removedActive - Sandswipe: Sandswipe active removed.
  • newPassive - Sandstrike: After dashing, blinking, or exiting Stealth, your next attack on an enemy champion deals 85+45% AD (65+30% AD for ranged) (10s CD). If the owner is melee, the attack also slows by 99% for 0.5 seconds.

Youmuu's Ghostblade

Youmuu's has always been a staple of the Assassin item system. With Prowler's being moved to a Legendary item, we're polishing Youmuu's into a shiny new Mythic. This item should excel for Assassins who want to invest into upfront burst and high map mobility. If you're looking for more extended fights or to finish off low health targets, Eclipse and Duskblade will be the better options.

  • newTier Change: Legendary Tier ⇒ Mythic Tier
  • Total Cost: 3000 ⇒ 3100
  • Attack Damage: 55 ⇒ 60
  • Ability Haste: 15 ⇒ 20
  • Active - Wraith Step: 20% bonus Movement Speed ⇒ 25% bonus Movement Speed
  • removedPassive - Haunt: Haunt passive that grants 40 bonus out-of-combat movement speed has been removed.
  • newPassive - Haunt: Moving generates Spectral Shards (up to 100). For each stack gain 0.4 Movement Speed (maximum of 40 Movement Speed) out of combat. At maximum stacks, gain 8-20 (based on level) Lethality. These stacks reset 3 seconds after dealing damage to an enemy champion while at maximum stacks.
  • Mythic Passive: Empowers each of your other Legendary items with 7 Attack Damage.

Youmuu's Wake

Ornn upgraded version of Youmuu’s Ghostblade.

  • Attack Damage: 75
  • Ability Haste: 25
  • Lethality: 26

Support Item Changes

The broad goal of these midseason changes is to enable Supports to buy more items in an average game and to try and generally increase satisfaction of their items. This midseason is mainly focused around the Enchanter item system with the introduction of Echoes of Helia and the Moonstone Renewer rework as well as providing more options for support Tanks. There is still more work to be done in this space, but we’re hoping that this is a meaningful step towards increasing satisfaction for Supports.

Abyssal Mask

Abyssal Mask’s cost has been reduced and recipe has been changed in order to be a more effective Magic Resist option for Support Tanks.

  • Total Cost: 3000 ⇒ 2400
  • Item Recipe: Catalyst of Aeons + Spectre’s Cowl + 450 gold ⇒ Kindlegem + Negatron Cloak + 700 gold
  • Health: 550 ⇒ 300
  • Ability Haste: 10 (Note: Unchanged)
  • Magic Resistance: 40 ⇒ 60
  • Unique Passive - Unmake: Enemy champions within 550 units of you become cursed, reducing their magic resistance by 5 (+ 1.2% bonus health), capped at a reduction of 25. Gain 9 bonus magic resistance per cursed enemy. (Note: Unchanged)
  • removedUnique Passive - Eternity: Unique Passive - Eternity has been removed from Abyssal Mask.

Ardent Censer

We’re putting more power into the passive and adding movement speed into Ardent Censer so that it’s easier to keep up with the teammates you’ll be enhancing. Vayne spotting just got a little bit easier.

  • Total Cost: 2300 ⇒ 2100
  • Item Recipe: Amplifying Tome + Forbidden Idol + Amplifying Tome + 630 gold ⇒ Aether Wisp + Forbidden Idol + 450 gold
  • Ability Power: 60 ⇒ 35
  • Base Mana Regeneration: 100% ⇒ 75%
  • Bonus Heal and Shield Power: 8% (Note: Unchanged)
  • newMovement Speed: 5%
  • Unique Passive - Sanctify: Healing or shielding another ally enhances you both for 6 seconds, granting your attacks 10-30% (based on ally's level) bonus Attack Speed and 5-20 (based on ally's level) magic damage on-hit ⇒ Healing or Shielding another ally enhances you both for 6 seconds, granting your attacks 15-30% (based on ally's level) Attack Speed and 15-30 (based on ally's level) magic damage on-hit

Chalice of Blessing

Chalice is being introduced as a new component meant to build into other enchanter items and provide some additional value by allowing supports to access mana regeneration early.

  • Total Cost: 950 gold
  • Item Recipe: Ruby Crystal + Faerie Charm + 250 gold
  • Health: 200
  • Base Mana Regeneration: 50%
  • Unique Passive - Harmony: Gain 25% base health regeneration for every additional 25% base mana regeneration

Chemtech Putrifier

Reducing the overall cost of Chemtech Putrifier so that it’s more affordable as an item within the overall support itemization pool. We’re happy with the item not being a “must purchase”, but in its current state it’s just a tad weak.

  • Total Cost: 2300 ⇒ 2100
  • Item Recipe: Oblivion Orb + Forbidden Idol + 700 gold ⇒ Oblivion Orb + Forbidden Idol + 500 gold
  • Ability Power: 40 ⇒ 35
  • Ability Haste: 15 (Note: Unchanged)
  • Base Mana Regeneration: 100% ⇒ 75%
  • Heal and Shield Power: 8% ⇒ 10%
  • Unique Passive - Puffcap Toxin: Dealing damage to an enemy champion inflicts Grievous Wounds for 3 seconds. (Note: Unchanged)

Echoes of Helia

Raise those grails because we’re bringing back the spiritual successor for a much beloved item of olden times! Introducing… Echoes of Helia! Echoes of Helia is intended to be an item that’s mainly for Enchanters and focuses on helping out more offensive/skirmish play patterns, so if you like poking down your opponents in lane this is the item for you! As a consequence, Imperial Mandate was moved down to Legendary to open up its audience to champs who might like the item but didn't want to trade off their mythic slot for it.

  • Total Cost: 2300
  • Item Recipe: Chalice of Blessing + Bandleglass Mirror + 400 gold
  • Ability Power: 30
  • Health: 200
  • Ability Haste: 15
  • Base Mana Regeneration: 125%
  • Unique Passive - Soul Siphon: Dealing damage to an enemy champion grants a Soul Shard (up to 2 max). Healing or shielding an ally consumes all Soul Shards and restores 20 - 100 (based on ally's level) Health and deals 30 - 200 (based on ally's level) magic damage per Shard to the nearest enemy champion.
  • Unique Passive - Dissonance: Gain 3 Ability Power per 25% Base Mana Regeneration. Disables Harmony.
  • Mythic Passive: Empowers each of your other Legendary items with 5 ability haste.

Cry of the Shrieking City

Ornn upgraded version of Echoes of Helia.

  • Ability Power: 60
  • Health: 300
  • Ability Haste: 20
  • Mana Regeneration: 225%


For Evenshroud we have a cost and recipe adjustment to bring it in line with the rest of the Support ecosystem. We’ll be keeping an eye on the satisfaction surrounding this item and Zeke's to see if there are any improvements we can do in the future.

  • Total Cost: 2500 ⇒ 2300
  • Item Recipe: Kindlegem + Aegis of the Legion + 500 gold ⇒ Lifewell Pendant + Null Magic Mantle + 800 gold
  • Health: 200 (Note: Unchanged)
  • Armor: 30 (Note: Unchanged)
  • Magic Resistance: 30 (Note: Unchanged)
  • Ability Haste: 20 (Note: Unchanged)
  • Unique Passive - Coriscation: Becoming affected by or applying an immobilizing or grounding effect to or from an enemy champion affects them and all enemy champions within 600 units of you with Repent, increasing the damage they take by 10% for 5 seconds. (Note: Unchanged)
  • Mythic Passive: Empowers your other Legendary items with 5 armor and 5 magic resistance

Imperial Mandate

Imperial Mandate was shifted down to a Legendary tier item to open up the amount of champs that would want to purchase this item, but weren’t willing to give up their preferred Mythic in exchange. It should now be a great option for offensive enchanters for when they want to help allies burst down targets in teamfights.

  • Total Cost: 2500 ⇒ 2300
  • Item Recipe: Bandleglass Mirror + Kindlegem + 750 gold ⇒ Bandleglass Mirror + Fiendish Codex + 450 gold
  • Ability Power: 40 ⇒ 55
  • removedHealth: 200 ⇒ 0 (Removed)
  • Ability Haste: 20 (Note: Unchanged)
  • Base Mana Regeneration: 100% (Note: Unchanged)
  • Unique Passive - Coordinated Fire: Abilities that Slow or Immobilize a champion deal 45-75 (based on ally's level) bonus magic damage and marks them for 4 seconds (6 second cooldown per enemy champion mark application). Allied champion damage detonates the mark, dealing an additional 90-150 (based on ally's level) magic damage and granting you both 20% Move Speed for 2 seconds. ⇒ Abilities that Slow or Immobilize a champion deal 35-75 (based on ally's level) bonus magic damage and marks them for 4 seconds (6 second cooldown per enemy champion mark application). Ally champion damage detonates the mark, dealing an additional 70-150 (based on ally's level) magic damage and granting you both 20% Move Speed for 2 seconds.

Knight's Vow

We’re reducing the cost and changing the item recipe and stats to a more accessible build that integrates Lifewell Pendant. We’re also introducing a slight nerf to the passive redirection from post-mitigation (after resists are applied) to pre-mitigation (before resists). The end result is that Knight's Vow users will take a bit more true damage when redirecting damage for allies while still protecting them the same amount.

  • Total Cost: 2300 ⇒ 2200
  • Item Recipe: Crystalline Bracer + Rejuvenation Bead + Kindlegem + 400 gold ⇒ Lifewell Pendant + Crystalline Bracer + 350 gold
  • Health: 400 ⇒ 350
  • newArmor: 25
  • Ability Haste: 20 ⇒ 15
  • Base Health Regeneration: 200% ⇒ 125%
  • Unique Active - Pledge: Designate the target ally as being Worthy (60 second cooldown) (Note: Unchanged)
  • Unique Passive - Sacrifice: While your Worthy ally is nearby, redirect 10% of pre-mitigation damage they take to you and heal for 10% of the damage dealt by your Worthy ally to Champions. If they have less than 30% Health the damage reduction is increased to 20%. (Note: this was changed from post-mitigation damage to pre-mitigation damage.)

Lifewell Pendant

This is intended to be a new item component for tank supports that will give them the stat profile they need at an affordable price.

  • Total Cost: 1050
  • Attack Damage Growth: Cloth Armor + Ruby Crystal + 350 gold
  • Health: 150
  • Armor: 25
  • Ability Haste: 5

Locket of the Iron Solari

Locket is currently performing well on live, filling a unique spot as a support damage mitigation tool. Therefore, we’re opting to just give it a small cost adjustment while maintaining the current state of the item.

  • Total Cost: 2500 ⇒ 2300
  • Item Recipe: Kindlegem + Aegis of the Legion + 500 gold ⇒ Lifewell Pendant + Null Magic Mantle + 800 gold
  • Health: 200 (Note: Unchanged)
  • Armor: 30 (Note: Unchanged)
  • Magic Resistance: 30 (Note: Unchanged)
  • Ability Haste: 20 (Note: Unchanged)
  • Active - Devotion: Grant you and allied champions within 850 units a shield for 180-330 (based on target’s level) for 2.5 seconds. ⇒ Grant you and allied champions within 850 units a shield for 200-360 (based on target’s level) for 2.5 seconds.
  • Unique Passive - Consecrate: Grant nearby allied champions 3 Armor and Magic Resist. (Note: Unchanged)
  • Mythic Passive: Grant all other Legendary items 2 Armor and 2 Magic Resist increase to Consecrate. (Note: Unchanged)

Mikael's Blessing

For Mikael’s, we just have a few recipe adjustments and we’re adding a bit more power into the active heal.

  • Total Cost: 2300 (Note: Unchanged)
  • Item Recipe: Forbidden Idol + Negatron Cloak + 600 gold ⇒ Chalice of Blessing + Forbidden Idol + 550 gold
  • newHealth: 250
  • removedAbility Haste: 15 ⇒ 0 (Removed)
  • removedMagic Resistance: 50 ⇒ 0 (Removed)
  • Base Mana Regeneration: 100% (Note: Unchanged)
  • Heal and Shield Power: 16% ⇒ 15%
  • Active - Purify: Remove all crowd control debuffs (except Knockups and Suppression) from an ally champion and restore 100-180 (based on ally's level) health. (120 second cooldown) ⇒ Remove all crowd control debuffs (except Knockups and Suppression) from an ally champion and restore 100-250 (based on ally's level) health. (120 second cooldown)
  • newUnique Passive - Harmony: Gain 25% base health regeneration for every additional 25% base mana regeneration

Moonstone Renewer

Echoes of Helia and the older Moonstone have a pretty big overlap as items that enhance your healing (even if Echoes had a damage output). Ultimately, this should help Moonstone feel like your actions influence how it impacts a fight as opposed to the healing happening on auto pilot.

Now both items should be useful in different scenarios, Moonstone Renewer is a safer, chain-healing item whereas Echoes is for when you want to fight and provide more damage.

  • Total Cost: 2500 ⇒ 2300
  • Item Recipe: Bandleglass Mirror + Kindlegem + 750 gold ⇒ Bandleglass Mirror + Kindlegem + 550 gold
  • Ability Power: 40 ⇒ 35
  • Health: 200 (Note: Unchanged)
  • Ability Haste: 20 (Note: Unchanged)
  • Base Mana Regeneration: 100% (Note: Unchanged)
  • newUnique Passive - Starlit Grace: Healing or shielding an ally chains to the nearest ally champion (excluding yourself), healing for 20-35% (based on ally target's level) or shielding 30-40% (based on ally target's level) of the original amount.
  • newMythic Passive: Empowers each of your other Legendary items with 5 ability haste.


Ornn upgraded version of Moonstone Renewer.

  • Ability Power: 65
  • Health: 300
  • Ability Haste: 25
  • Mana Regeneration: 200%

Radiant Virtue

Radiant Virtue is still positioned as an item for top and jungle tanks, but by lowering its cost we’re hoping to open it up as a greedy Support item purchase for those looking to snowball their leads.

  • Total Cost: 3200 ⇒ 2700
  • Item Recipe: Aegis of the Legion + Kindlegem + Ruby Crystal + 800 gold ⇒ Aegis of the Legion + Giant’s Belt + 600 gold
  • Health: 400 ⇒ 350
  • Armor: 30 (Note: Unchanged)
  • Magic Resistance: 30 (Note: Unchanged)
  • Ability Haste: 20 ⇒ 10
  • Unique Passive - Guiding Light: Upon casting your ultimate, you Transcend for 9 seconds. While Transcended, increase your maximum health by 15% and cause you and all allies within 1200 units to heal for 3% of your maximum health upon you Transcending and every 3 seconds thereafter (90 second cooldown). ⇒ Upon casting your ultimate, you Transcend for 9 seconds. While Transcended, increase your maximum health by 12.5% and cause you and all allies within 1200 units to heal for 2.5% of your maximum health upon you Transcending and every 3 seconds thereafter (90 second cooldown).
  • Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items 100 bonus Health ⇒ Grants all other Legendary items 75 bonus Health

Primordial Dawn

Ornn upgraded version of Radiant Virtue.

  • Health: 500
  • Armor: 40
  • Magic Resistance: 40
  • Ability Haste: 15


Redemption is another item that’s seeing some recipe adjustments and getting a bit more strength for its healing.

  • Total Cost: 2300 (Note: Unchanged)
  • Item Recipe: Kindlegem + Forbidden Idol + 700 gold ⇒ Chalice of Harmony + Forbidden Idol + 550 gold
  • Item Recipe: Kindlegem + Forbidden Idol + 700 gold ⇒ Chalice of Blessing + Forbidden Idol + 550 gold
  • Health: 200 ⇒ 250
  • removedAbility Haste: 15 ⇒ 0 (Removed)
  • Base Mana Regeneration: 100% (Note: Unchanged)
  • Heal and Shield Power: 16% ⇒ 15%
  • Active - Intervention: Target an area within 5500 range. After 2.5 seconds, call down a beam of light to restore 180-340 (based on target’s level) Health to allied champions and burn enemy champions for 10% max Health true damage (90 second cooldown). ⇒ Target an area within 5500 range. After 2.5 seconds, call down a beam of light to restore 200-400 (based on target’s level) Health to allied champions and burn enemy champions for 10% max Health true damage (90 second cooldown).
  • newUnique Passive - Harmony: Gain 25% base health regeneration for every additional 25% base mana regeneration

Shurelya's Battlesong

Shurelya's is currently one of the strongest support items in terms of satisfaction, so we didn't want to fix something that wasn’t broken. We ultimately reduced the total cost, shaved off some AP, and took some power out of the passive so that Shurelya’s lines up with the rest of the support items.

  • Total Cost: 2500 ⇒ 2300
  • Item Recipe: Kindlegem + Bandleglass Mirror + 750 gold ⇒ Kindlegem + Bandleglass Mirror + 550 gold
  • Ability Power: 40 ⇒ 35
  • Health: 200 (Note: Unchanged)
  • Ability Haste: 20 (Note: Unchanged)
  • Base Mana Regeneration: 100% (Note: Unchanged)
  • Active - Inspire: Grants you and all allies within 1000 units +30% bonus movement speed for 4 seconds (75 second cooldown) (Note: Unchanged)
  • Unique Passive - Motivate: Healing, shielding, or buffing allies grants you and them +25% bonus movement speed for 1.5 seconds ⇒ Healing, shielding, or buffing allies grants you and them +20% bonus movement speed for 1.5 seconds
  • Mythic Passive: Empowers each of your other Legendary items with 5 ability haste (Note: Unchanged)

Shurelya's Requiem

Ornn upgraded version of Shurelya’s Battlesong.

  • Ability Power: 65
  • Health: 300
  • Ability Haste: 25
  • Mana Regeneration: 200%

Staff of Flowing Water

Like Ardent Censer, we’re putting more power into the passive and adding movement speed so that it’s easier to keep up with the teammates you’ll be supporting.

  • Total Cost: 2300 ⇒ 2100
  • Item Recipe: Amplifying Tome + Forbidden Idol + Amplifying Tome + 630 gold ⇒ Aether Wisp + Forbidden Idol + 450 gold
  • Ability Power: 50 ⇒ 35
  • Base Mana Regeneration: 100% ⇒ 75%
  • Heal and Shield Power: 8% (Note: Unchanged)
  • newMovement Speed: 5%
  • Unique Passive - Rapids: Healing or shielding another ally grants you both 25-45 (based on ally's level) Ability Power and 20 Ability Haste for 4 seconds ⇒ Healing or shielding another ally grants you both 30-45 (based on ally's level) Ability Power and 20 Ability Haste for 4 seconds

Watchful Wardstone

With the cost of items going down, there was a need to create a late game gold sink for when your inventory is full. Watchful and Vigilant Wardstone is intended to be that later game gold sink for Supports. We also smoothed out Blessing of Ixtal so you get a smaller bonus with Watchful Wardstone, just in case you want to buy the item a little earlier in the mid-game.

  • newOne Quest Please: Watchful Wardstone can only be purchased after completing your support quest.
  • Total Cost: 1100 (Note: Unchanged)
  • Item Recipe: None (Note: Unchanged)
  • Health: 150 (Note: Unchanged)
  • Ability Haste: 10 (Note: Unchanged)
  • newBase Mana Regeneration: 50%
  • Unique Passive - Arcane Cache: This item can store up to three purchased Control Wards (Note: Unchanged)
  • newUnique Passive - Blessing of Ixtal: Grants an 8% increase to bonus Health, bonus Attack Damage, Ability Haste, and Ability Power.

Vigilant Wardstone

Vigilant was changed from an auto-upgrade from Watchful Wardstone into a gold sink as a result of the general cost of support items shifting downwards. This is intended to be a strong late-game item for those games where your inventory gets full and you still want to be able to buy control wards.

  • newOne Quest Please: Vigilant Wardstone can only be purchased after completing your support quest.
  • Total Cost: 2300
  • Item Recipe: Watchful Wardstone + 1200 gold
  • Health: 250
  • Ability Haste: 10
  • Base Mana Regeneration: 50%
  • Unique - Arcane Cache: This item can store up to 3 purchased Control Wards
  • Unique - Behold: Increase your Stealth Ward and Control Ward placement caps by 1
  • Unique - Chosen of Ixtal: Grants a 20% increase to bonus Health, bonus Attack Damage, Ability Haste, and Ability Power.

Zeke's Convergence

For Zeke’s, we just have some cost, stat, and recipe adjustments to bring it in line with the rest of the support items. We’re looking at doing improvements on this item in the future depending on how this update lands.

  • Total Cost: 2400 ⇒ 2200
  • Item Recipe: Kindlegem + Glacial Buckler + 700 gold ⇒ Lifewell Pendant + Glacial Buckler + 250 gold
  • Health: 250 ⇒ 200
  • Mana: 250 (Note: Unchanged)
  • Armor: 35 ⇒ 45
  • Ability Haste: 20 ⇒ 15
  • Active - Conduit: Designate an Accomplice (60 second cooldown) (Note: Unchanged)
  • Unique Passive - Convergence: For 8 seconds after you immobilize an enemy, your Accomplice's attacks (On-Hit) and ability hits apply an additional 30 - 70 (based on level) (+7.5%AP) (+1.5% Maximum Health) magic damage on-hit to that enemy. (Note: Unchanged)

Other Items

Divine Sunderer

We’re nerfing Sunderer to be less of a Tank counter especially in lane, and ideally less of a general pick up because it’s simply strong.

  • Spellblade Damage: 125% of base AD plus 6% (3% if ranged) of target's maximum health ⇒ 160% of base AD plus 4% (2% if ranged) of target's maximum health


In this patch we’re giving Fimbulwinter a quality of life buff by removing the mana requirement from the shield. The shield originally drained mana when it activated because we were worried that the item needed a limiter. After seeing the state of the item on live for a while, we believe it no longer needs that limiter to keep the item in check.

  • removedFree you say?: Fimbulwinter’s Passive - Everlasting shield no longer consumes the user’s mana.

Force of Nature

This item is simply too strong as a single item resist purchase as it can give over 50% total damage reduction by itself. We’re aiming to reduce its overall value and particularly reduce how effective it is against a single mage. Dissipate should not be activated by a single burst mage combo.

  • Gold Cost: 2900 gold ⇒ 2800 gold
  • Health: 350 ⇒ 400
  • Magic Resist: 70 ⇒ 60
  • Passive - Absorb Maximum Stacks: 6 ⇒ 10
  • removedPassive - Dissipate: Dissipate no longer gives multiplicative Magic Damage reduction
  • newPassive - Dissipate: Dissipate now grants 30 bonus Magic Resistance


Goredrinker is already reasonably powerful, but it’s still lagging behind Sunderer, so we’re giving it some light buffs to bring it up to par. We’re adjusting the gold cost specifically to reduce how directly comparable these items are to each other.

  • Gold Cost: 3300 ⇒ 3200
  • Mythic Passive Bonus Health for Legendary Items: 50 ⇒ 75

Ceaseless Hunger

Ornn upgraded version of Goredrinker.

  • Mythic Passive Bonus Health for Legendary Items: 50 ⇒ 75


Hullbreaker is a mostly unused item that is sitting alone on the shop keeper’s shelf unless a stray Yorick decides to pick it up. We’re trying a light reshape and significant buff to the item while avoiding making it a first rush item again.

  • Item Recipe: Pickaxe + Phage + 825 gold (2800 total gold) ⇒ Pickaxe + Phage + Winged Moonplate + 225 gold (3000 total gold)
  • Attack Damage: 50 ⇒ 60
  • newBonus Movement Speed: Now grants +5% Movement Speed

Lord Dominik's Regards

Lord Dominik’s now multiplies magic damage through its passive effect, which just makes it feel a bit better for crit users who happen to have some magic damage on their kits or items. LD sends his regards.

  • Giant Slayer: Deal increased physical ⇒ physical and magic damage based on maximum health difference

Lost Chapter

We’re aiming to help Mages with an earlier power spike in their laning phase to keep up with the opposition in solo queue. We want to acknowledge some risk to this change given Mages already tend to be the top performers in pro play, so we’ll be keeping an eye out.

  • Item Recipe: Amplifying Tome + Sapphire Crystal + Amplifying Tome + 80 gold (1300 total) ⇒ Amplifying Tome + Sapphire Crystal + 265 gold (1100 total) (Note: Luden’s final cost is unchanged and this 200 gold will be added to the combiner cost.)

Maw of Malmortius

Mages have options to play around Maw of Malmortius, but it should be a bit easier to wait out the shield and we want to give opponents a longer window to play around this item once the shield has triggered.

  • Gold Cost: 2900 ⇒ 2800
  • Passive - Lifeline Cooldown: 75 seconds ⇒ 90 seconds
  • Passive - Lifeline Shield Duration: 5 seconds ⇒ 2.5 seconds

Rabadon's Deathcap

Deathcap is currently a bit underpowered despite it being such a key item for Mage satisfaction. Mages should feel like this is a very powerful choice in most games that go long, and sometimes even in relatively short games when they’re doing well, so we’re making this hat just a tad more magical for its users.

  • Passive - Magical Opus Ability Power Increase: 35% ⇒ 40%

Sterak's Gage

Sterak's Gage should be an essential item for Juggernauts and other Fighter front-liners, and it has struggled to fill that role since the item update. We’re adding back one of the properties that was cut from the item to make it feel like more of a complete purchase.

  • newGigantification: When Lifeline triggers, the user will also gain 25% increased size and 30% Tenacity for 8 seconds


Buffing Stridebreaker up to Sunderer's power level (which wasn’t at 9000 btw).

  • Attack Damage: 50 ⇒ 60


Ornn upgraded version of Stridebreaker.

  • Attack Damage: 60 ⇒ 70

Trinity Force

We’re buffing Trinity Force to better match Sunderer, and adding a QOL buff to Threefold Strikes to match Conqueror’s duration and limit how many things you have to track. The trigger conditions aren't quite the same, but they should line up fairly often now.

  • Threefold Strike Duration: 3 seconds ⇒ 5 seconds
  • Attack Damage: 35 ⇒ 40
  • Attack Speed: 30% ⇒ 35%

Infinity Force

Ornn upgraded version of Trinity Force.

  • Threefold Strike Duration: 3 seconds ⇒ 5 seconds
  • Attack Damage: 45 ⇒ 50
  • Attack Speed: 40% ⇒ 45%

Early Game Adjustments

In the Midseason Patch, we'll also be making some pretty large changes with the goal of making the laning phase more about victories over your direct laner and less about external influences like junglers or roaming, especially in the early parts of the game. We still want roaming to be a powerful strategy, but currently the best way to play the game is finding ways to quickly snowball other lanes rather than decisive 1v1s or 2v2s. These changes should make the two strategies more equally rewarding.

Fountain Mana Regeneration

Previously, mana was a way to gate early waveclear for casters. With League’s current roster of diverse champions, waveclear is a lot more common and we have mana more resourceless champions. Being forced to base already feels a bit sad as you take yourself out of the action, but waiting at full health as your mana pool slowly creeps up adds salt to the wounds. So we’re equalizing the playing field between mana users and non-mana users so that one side doesn't feel even worse when losing and basing.
  • Mana Regeneration per Tick (every 0.25 seconds): 2.1% Maximum Mana ⇒ 3.1% Maximum Mana

Homeguard Timer

Back in the olden days of League, 20 minutes was the "end of the laning phase". The game has gotten a bit faster and we're lining up the start of Homeguards with Tower Plates falling. We'll be keeping an eye out on how this affects wave pushing and basing strategies, but for now get excited to see those sweet Homeguard animations a bit earlier.
  • Homeguard Start Time: 20 minutes ⇒ 14 minutes

Blast Cone Spawn Time

As another way to reduce early roaming and ganking pressure, we're delaying the first spawn of Blast Cones. This should help reduce the number of potential gank options until later in the game, so make sure to place those wards (like you always do I'm sure)!
  • Blast Cone (over the river walls) Initial Spawn: 5:00-5:30 ⇒ 9:00-9:30


The first major change for minions is adjusting the speed of minion waves. Mid lane minions have always met first, meaning that mid laners can clear the wave and look for ganks and roams while the side lanes risk themselves to clear their minion wave. Due to the wave offset, mid laners don’t have to risk much for high-pressure plays. Timing the waves more closely will put more pressure on mid laners who want to roam.

The other minion change will be adjusting how minions act near towers. Building up a large minion wave and pushing it into the enemy tower is one of the most powerful strategic moves in the game. It opens up a ton of options and any successful play denies massive amounts of experience and gold. While winning lane states should be rewarded heavily, we think that the rewards for such plays are a bit too high for how consistent the strategy is (pick a winning lane and slow push the wave). We're making tower dives a bit more risky by making it so that minions will not switch their target from a tower once they've damaged it. This means that while trying to orchestrate a tower dive, you'll need to do so without the help of your ally minion damage, which should mean you need to be in a stronger winning position.
  • newMinions Gotta Go Fast: Except for the first spawn of minions, Mid lane minions will meet at the same time as side lanes (side lane minions will be sped up). This falls off after 14 minutes.
  • newTunnel Vision: Minions that are currently attacking an enemy tower will ignore "call for help" signals to target enemy champions. Let them focus.


Given we're re-adding some hybrid builds to the game, we’re also removing one of the major and unintended downsides to hybrid builds.
  • Champion Damage to Turrets: Champion base AD plus whichever was higher: bonus AD or 60% of AP ⇒ Champions now deal their total AD plus 60% of their Ability Power. (Note: Damage type still converts to magic damage if 60% of AP is greater than the attacker's bonus AD.)

Turret Plating

We've all been in the situation where a single gank, Rift Herald, or bad mistake in lane costs 2-3 tower plates, snowballing the lane out of control. These scenarios are important as individual wins, but we think they've gone a bit too far with how quickly they end interaction in lane. The following change means that subsequent plates are much harder to take, especially with multiple enemies around. This shouldn't affect small wins where 1 plate is taken (like roams or a single death), but should help you avoid losing your entire tower to a single push or rotation from the enemy team.
  • Plate Rushdown Resistances (20 seconds after taking a plate): 0-180 (based on number of champions) ⇒ 45-225 (based on number of champions)

Unleashed Teleport

The other changes in this patch aim to help side laners 1v1 a lot more. For Top Laners, this is the dream, but also a nightmare, as oftentimes their 1v1s have little impact on the early part of the game. We're dialing back the Unleashed Teleport timer so that top laners can impact the second dragon, giving them a bit more agency in the early game. We're also adjusting the cooldown of Unleashed Teleport in the early game, but evening it out by the time it would transform before.
  • Time Teleport is Unleashed: 14 minutes ⇒ 10 minutes
  • Unleashed Teleport Cooldown: 240 seconds ⇒ 330 seconds-240 seconds (levels 1-10)

Trinket Changes

We haven't made any major changes for trinkets in a while, so we wanted to help them feel seen. The goal is to make them more usable and intuitive, as well as keep up with modern standards in League. We’re happy with Stealth trinket, but both Farsight and Oracles have room to improve. For example, Oracles can be very punishing when activated at the wrong timing and location, so we've added another charge to make it more forgiving. Farsight is undervalued even though they have unique range advantage, so we've added pings and another scryer to help connect their value back to the ward placement.

Farsight Alteration

  • newX-Ray Vision: Farsight will now provide vision over walls within 500 units.
  • newHEY LISTEN: Farsight will now ping enemy champions revealed on the mini map.
  • newINTRUDER ALERT: Upon detecting an enemy champion for the first time, Farsight will ping the enemy champion on the minimap, expand its vision radius to 800 units, and then self-destruct. (Note: There will still be enough time for the enemy to destroy the ward for 15 gold.)

Oracle Lens

  • newThe Day You Almost Caught…: If the owner of Oracle Lens is actively hitting a ward, their team will now gain vision of the ward so they can completely clear it out. (Note: 2 seconds of vision will be granted since the last hit before Oracle ran out.)
  • newDouble Vision: Oracle Lens will now have 2 charges.
  • Charge Recharge Time: 120-60 seconds ⇒ 160-100 seconds
  • Duration: 10 seconds ⇒ 6 seconds

ARAM Adjustments


  • Gnar: 100% Damage Dealt ⇒ 105% Damage Dealt
  • Gragas: 100% Damage Dealt ⇒ 105% Damage Dealt
  • Kled: 100% Damage Dealt ⇒ 105% Damage Dealt


  • Evelynn: 115% Damage Dealt ⇒ 110% Damage Dealt
  • Milio: 100% Shielding ⇒ 95% Shielding, 100% Healing ⇒ 95% Healing
  • Shen: 100% Damage Taken ⇒ 105% Damage Taken


  • Off Target: Fixed a bug that had changed Ashe’s Damage Taken modifier to 105% in patch 13.9. It has been corrected back to 115% Damage Taken as it was in patch 13.8.

Mythic Shop Rotation

Now Available

  • Prestige Phoenixmancer Xayah
  • Prestige Firecracker Vayne

Leaving the Mythic Shop

  • Prestige True Damage Senna
  • Prestige Nightbringer Kayn
  • Mythic Chroma Dawnbringer Riven (Nightbringer)

NOTE: There will not be a new Mythic Chroma in this rotation of the Mythic Shop. The next new Mythic Chroma will appear in 13.12.

Bugfixes & QoL Changes

  • Fixed a bug where the chat command “/deafen” would mute player’s own pings.
  • Fixed several bugs involving Mordekaiser’s R - Death Realm causing Aurelion Sol’s abilities to not function as intended.
  • Fixed a bug where Neeko’s Passive disguise would break upon attacking if the monster that she was disguised as died.
  • Fixed a bug where Kayle’s sword VFX were missing on her body when casting R - Divine Judgement on an ally champion.
  • Fixed a bug where Sylas would not be able to cast the stolen version of Samira’s R - Inferno Trigger.
  • Fixed a bug where Neeko’s W - Shapesplitter would sometimes inconsistently apply its damage when using Runaan’s Hurricane.
  • Fixed a bug where Akshan’s Q - Avengerang and W - Going Rouge icons would not be greyed out during his E - Heroic Swing.
  • Fixed a bug where Milio would not be displayed in the Support position in the champion select screen.
  • Fixed a bug where using Stasis as Sivir during the first half of her Q - Boomerang Blade would cause it to not return.
  • Fixed a bug where Ornn’s E and R crowd control effects would last slightly longer than intended.
  • Fixed a bug where using Jarvan IV’s R - Cataclysm on Neeko’s clone as she recalls to leave invisible minions behind.
  • Fixed a bug where Neeko’s items could be pinged by the enemy team while she is disguised as a unit with items.
  • Fixed a bug where Ardent Censer’s enhancement effects were being applied to the user based on their level and the ally based on the ally’s level, despite both buffs being based on the ally’s level.
  • Fixed a bug where Akshan could infinitely swing inside Baron and Dragon Pit if the local resident wasn’t present. Weeeee!!!!
  • Fixed a bug where in-game reporting would reveal Neeko’s disguise on the scoreboard. Playing Neeko is not a reportable offense folks.
  • Fixed a bug where Akali would sometimes not be able to cross walls with her E - Shuriken Flip recast.
  • Fixed a rare bug where Akshan’s R - Comeuppance would sometimes indicate it is going the wrong direction.
  • Fixed a bug where Unleashed Teleport’s icon would not visually upgrade until exiting the Fog of War.
  • Fixed a bug where Target Champion Only would still work on Neeko even when she was disguised.
  • Fixed a bug where Prestige Star Guardian Neeko’s Homeguard VFX would persist even if she was disguised.
  • Fixed a rare bug where traveling the maximum distance with Azir’s W+E+Q combo would sometimes cause the game to crash.
  • Fixed a bug where Neeko would keep 2.5x Attack Speed when Neeko stands next to the ward and exits the store and then transforms into a monster.
  • Fixed a bug where Nashor’s Tooth’s on-hit damage would not be applied to the final attack if a champion died mid auto attack.

Skin Bugfixes

  • Fixed a bug where Coven Morgana was missing an animation transition when issuing a movement command after attacking with her left hand.
  • Fixed a bug where Neeko's Inherent Glamour (P) clone of Spirit Blossom Ahri's empowered form persisted after Spirit Rush's buff timed out.
  • Fixed a bug where a placeholder would appear under Elderwood Ahri’s model while under the effects of Sona’s Song of Celerity (E).
  • Fixed a bug where Inkshadow Master Yi’s Highlander (R)’s cooldown refund SFX are audible in the Fog of War.
  • Fixed a bug where Inkshadow Master Yi was leaving behind a champion after-image VFX when casting Alpha Strike (Q) after casting Highlander (R).
  • Fixed a bug where Piercing Arrow (Q) for Conqueror, Infernal, PROJECT, and Cosmic Hunter Varus was lacking on-hit VFX for minions and non-epic jungle monsters.

QoL Changes

  • In response to recent feedback around the in-game reporting and mute updates, we've added back the fog of war indicator onto the scoreboard, and it will now appear over your enemy's champion portrait.
  • Self-Mute and Mute-All button placements have been swapped on the scoreboard.
  • You can now copy your game ID # to your clipboard in your EoG lobbies and match history pages.

Upcoming Skins & Chromas

The following skins will be released in this patch:

The following chromas will be released this patch: