League of Legends

League of Legends 13.24

Version Date
Dec. 5, 2023

Patch Notes

Patch 13.24 notes

‘Tis (the end) of the season so we're here to wrap things up with 13.24!

It's the last patch of the year and the next time you'll hear from us will be in patch 14.1 alongside all of the exciting gameplay changes. But that doesn't mean we don't have any presents for you this patch…

Our first gift is the newest addition to our roster—Hwei, the Visionary. With a whole palette of abilities at his disposal, Hwei provides players the opportunity to flex their big brains by choosing the perfect ability for each situation. So if you're interested in complex champions then this one's for you!

We also have the widely-requested return of Arena this patch! With over 180 balance adjustments, Arena is coming back better than ever. We're also adding in the ability to queue with up to 4 players or queue with a full party of 8 so you and your friends can really find out who the best gladiator is. With new mechanics, Augments, and cameos, there's plenty to learn and experiment with. So be sure to check it out.

In other news, we also have the last Clash of the year coming for ARAM, a delightful batch of new Winterblessed skins, a new Mythic Shop rotation, and more. So check out the full patch notes below and see you in 2024!

Jazzed about the new TFT set? Well make sure you stay up to date and avoid any unwelcome mix ups by checking out the TFT patch notes here!
Lilu "Riot Riru" Cabreros

Patch Highlights

Hwei, the Visionary will be released on December 6, 2023 at 21:00 UTC.

Crystalis Motus Ashe, Winterblessed Camille, Winterblessed Thresh, Winterblessed Senna, Winterblessed Sylas, Winterblessed Annie, Winterblessed Hecarim, Winterblessed Lucian, Winterblessed Hwei, and Prestige Winterblessed Camille will be available December 6, 2023 at 20:00 UTC .

Cast at Maximum Range Toggle

In this patch we've added a new toggle setting that will affect how champions cast their abilities when the player inputs the command outside of max range. Go to Options > Game > Clamp Cast Target Location within Max Range and BOOM. With the toggle turned on abilities will automatically be cast at max range if the ability was cast outside of the ability's casting range



Every mark should have meaning. Make your mark with Hwei on December 6, 2023 at 21:00 UTC.

  • Hwei Abilities Rundown here!
  • Hwei Champion Bio here!
  • Hwei Champion Trailer here!
  • Hwei Champion Insights here!


W damage increased.

We're happy that Azir has a new suite of items to consider and that Nashor's Tooth finally functions as many players expect it should. Looking into his builds, Liandry's-Nashor's, Luden's-Nashor's, and Crown-Nashor's are all performing a little bit worse than they were in the last patch so we'll be walking back one of the smaller nerfs he received in 13.23.

W - Arise!

  • Damage: 2-77 (levels 10-18) (+50/65/80/95/110) (+55% AP) ⇒ 2-77 (levels 10-18) (+50/67/84/101/118) (+55% AP)


Base mana regeneration increased. R knock up duration increased.

Braum has some very sharp matchups in his current state. He's extremely strong as counter-engage into vanguards and is very weak in most ranged matchups where he doesn't really get to do anything. While he should be best served as a true defensive warden, we'd like to give him more agency in those weaker matchups. Mana regen should allow him more freedom to use abilities while a better Glacial Fissure will let him accomplish more outside of lane, while still being suboptimal for pure engage.

Base Stats

  • Base Mana Regeneration: 6 ⇒ 7

R - Glacial Fissure

  • Minimum Knock Up Duration: 0.3 seconds ⇒ 0.6 seconds
  • Secondary Target Knock Up Duration: 0.3 seconds ⇒ 0.6 seconds


Base armor decreased, attack speed ratio increased. Q damage increased. W bonus attack speed decreased. E damage resistance decreased, healing decreased. R damage decreased, damage type changed to magic.

Briar continues to devour her opposition in the jungle as players continue to get better at her, so we need to pull her power back a bit more. While we're nerfing all her builds with these changes, we're targeting lethality builds more. To that end, we're shifting R to magic damage and throwing in a buff to her attack speed ratio. With the attack speed ratio change, Briar's overall attack speed will be higher when building Stridebreaker, while staying close to the same on builds that don't purchase any attack speed. This should help make up for the nerf to W.

Base Stats

  • Base Armor: 32 ⇒ 30
  • Attack Speed Ratio: 0.644 ⇒ 0.669 (Note: Attack speed at level 1 is unchanged.)

Q - Head Rush

  • Damage: 60/95/130/165/200 (+80% bonus AD) ⇒ 60/90/120/150/180 (+80% bonus AD)

W - Blood Frenzy

  • Bonus Attack Speed: 60/75/90/105/120% ⇒ 55/70/85/100/115%

E - Chilling Scream

  • Damage Reduction: 40% ⇒ 35%
  • Healing: 10/11.5/13/14.5/16% of Maximum Health ⇒ 9/10/11/12/13% of Maximum Health

R - Certain Death

  • Damage: 150/300/450 (+75% bonus AD) (+110% AP) Physical Damage ⇒ 150/300/450 (+50% bonus AD) (+120% AP) Magic Damage


Q cooldown decreased.

We're back again to follow up on our Galio changes as he's still not performing as well as we'd like him to. Our last two adjustments were intended to buff Galio's unique strengths such as his semi-global ultimate and anti-mage durability. This round, we're giving Galio players more individual power in the form of lowering his Q cooldown so he can better duel with his opponents because it's currently quite high despite being his primary poke/clear ability.

Q - Winds of War

  • Cooldown: 12/11.5/11/10.5/10 seconds ⇒ 12/11/10/9/8 seconds


Passive cooldown now decreases with level.

Back in patch 13.12 we released a Gragas nerf that increased his passive cooldown from 8 to 12 seconds. We've updated this to have his passive scale down as the game goes on. This is intended to give Gragas players more frequent access to his passive at later points in the game so he can sustain better during teamfights and while side-laning, but without reintroducing the oppressive sustain he had earlier this year.

Passive - Happy Hour

  • Cooldown: 12 seconds ⇒ 12/10/8/6 seconds (levels 1/6/11/16)


Base health decreased. E slow decreased.

Ivern remained unaffected when other junglers' clears were made slightly slower in patch 13.20. As a result, he's become one of the best junglers in the current game. We'd just like to take a small swing at his high base health in hopes of balancing him against other junglers and making him a bit more vulnerable to invades. Because Friend of the Forest's health cost is based on Ivern's base health, this change will have no impact on his ability to clear camps unless he gets directly damaged by his enemies. Beyond that, we're taking a small bite out of Triggerseed's slow as it locks down opponents a bit harder than we'd like, considering he has other harder-to-land crowd control abilities.

Base Stats

  • Base Health: 655 ⇒ 630

E - Triggerseed

  • Slow: 50/55/60/65/70% ⇒ 45/50/55/60/65%


W mana cost decreased, damage increased.

We overshot our nerf on K'Sante last patch but we're happy with the parts of his kit that we addressed. Now that we've nerfed the lane safety provided by his Q, we're aiming to buff him by making Path Maker a more active part of his laning phase through softening its mana cost and then increasing his reliance on gold income via these ratio buffs.

W - Path Maker

  • Mana Cost: 60/65/70/75/80 ⇒ 40/45/50/55/60
  • Damage: 20/40/60/80/100 (+50% AD) (+30% bonus armor) (+30% bonus magic resistance) (+6/7/8/9/10% target's maximum health) ⇒ 20/40/60/80/100 (+50% AD) (+50% bonus armor) (+50% bonus magic resistance) (+6/7/8/9/10% target's maximum health)


W bonus armor and MR increased. R damage increased.

Leona isn't the shining beam of light she once was and could use a bit more power. In order to get her glimmering again we're aiming to enhance her ability to all-in, as she has to commit harder to her engages than other similar supports and her engage capability is a primary reason for picking her. We're targeting her R damage and late-game W resistances specifically to give her more power in a way that doesn't affect her first few levels.

W - Eclipse

  • Bonus Armor: 20/25/30/35/40 (+20% bonus armor) ⇒ 20/27.5/35/42.5/50 (+20% bonus armor)
  • Bonus Magic Resistance: 20/25/30/35/40 (+20% bonus magic resistance) ⇒ 20/27.5/35/42.5/50 (+20% bonus magic resistance)

R - Solar Flare

  • Damage: 100/175/250 (+80% AP) ⇒ 150/225/300 (+80% AP)


E cooldown decreased.

Lucian is currently struggling in solo queue and could use a helping hand. Since our last two adjustments were to his Vigilance passive (which he's reliant on his team for) we're now choosing a buff that will give Lucian players themselves more power. We've decided to reduce his E cooldown, as Lucian is supposed to be powerful early, and this cooldown has some room to go down and still scale to the same level by mid game.

E - Relentless Pursuit

  • Cooldown: 22/20/18/16/14 seconds ⇒ 19/17.75/16.5/15.25/14 seconds


Q damage increased. R now reveals the target upon initial cast.

Mordekaiser isn't performing particularly well at the moment, so we're taking a look under his rusty metal hood. First, a quality of life change to prevent the fog of war from canceling his ultimate. Second, he's gettingan AP ratio buff to his Q with the goal of letting him build ability power in more of his games, instead of transitioning into tank items quite so quickly.

Q - Obliterate

  • Damage: 75/95/115/135/155 (+5-139 (based on level)) (+60% AP) ⇒ 75/95/115/135/155 (+5-139 (based on level)) (+70% AP)

R - Realm of Death

  • You Can Run…: Casting Realm of Death will now reveal the target upon starting the cast. This means that walking into a brush while Mordekaiser is casting his R will no longer cancel the spell. Note: The target will not be revealed for the entire duration of the spell, so you can still hide on bush if one comes with you to the Realm.


Base mana and mana growth increased.

Qiyana is a very high-skill-cap champion who only performs above average in very high-skill brackets. We don't expect to truly change that fact, but we'd still like to make her a little more forgiving to play. We noticed that she's a pretty frequent Manamune purchaser, so with these changes we'd like for you to have your cake and eat it too. If you don't buy Manamune, you have more mana to play with, and thus, don't need Tear as badly. However, if you do buy Manamune, having more total mana means more bonus AD and ability damage. So everyone wins! Except maybe her opponents. They might lose.

Base Stats

  • Base Mana: 325 ⇒ 375
  • Mana Growth: 50 ⇒ 60


Ranged Q now also resets Talon's attack timer.

Consistency is key.

Q - Noxian Diplomacy

  • Quality of Life Change: When cast at range, Q will now reset Talon's attack timer. (Note: this has been updated to match the functionality of his Q when cast at melee range.)


W and E Bugfixes

As part of this patch we had planned to do some follow up work to Vel'Koz but the changes weren't quite ready to ship. Part of those changes were bug fixes which were ready, so instead of waiting to patch in both at the same time we'll be patching the bug fixes a bit earlier.

W - Void Rift

  • Fixed a bug where the first half of the rift would fizzle if Vel'Koz died directly after casting.

E - Tectonic Disruption

  • Fixed a bug where the spell would fizzle out when V'K flashes or is knocked back at max range.
  • Tectonic Disruption's missile will now spawn at Vel'koz's original location if he flashes or is knocked back during the cast.


AD growth increased. W damage increased.

Zeri hasn't been zipping and zapping around like she used to and her battery power level is low, so we're giving her a small damage buff with the goal to amp her up ever so slightly.

Base Stats

  • AD Growth: 1.3 ⇒ 2

W - Ultrashock Laser

  • Damage: 20/60/100/140/180 (+130% AD) (+25% AP) ⇒ 30/70/110/150/190 (+130% AD) (+25% AP)

Ranked Season Schedule Update

Season 2023 Split 2 ends at 23:59:59 January 9, 2024 according to your regional local time.

Season 2024 Split 1 starts at 12:00:00 January 10, 2024 according to regional local time everywhere except for LA1 and NA1:

  • LA1 starts at 9am, Jan 10 CST
  • NA1 starts at 7am, Jan 10 PST

The season transition experience will be similar to what we had in the past: Ranked queues will be disabled for a couple of hours, and will be brought back as soon as 14.1 is up, and a couple of hours after that, Split 1 will be officially launched! The ranked games played during the downtime won't count towards your new season progression.

Shard transfers will be disabled before season end, and re-enabled after all end of season rewards are granted.

Region Time Zone Season End Time
OC1 Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT) Jan/9/2024 23:59:59
JP1 Japan Standard Time (JST) Jan/9/2024 23:59:59
KR1 Korea Standard Time (KST) Jan/9/2024 23:59:59
RU Moscow Standard Time (MSK) Jan/9/2024 23:59:59
EUN1 Central European Time (CET) Jan/9/2024 23:59:59
TR1 Time zone in Istanbul, Turkey (GMT+3) Jan/9/2024 23:59:59
EUW1 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) Jan/9/2024 23:59:59
BR1 Time zone in São Paulo, Brazil (GMT-3) Jan/9/2024 23:59:59
LA2 Time zone in Buenos Aires, Argentina (GMT-3) Jan/9/2024 23:59:59
LA1 Central Standard Time (CST) Jan/9/2024 23:59:59
NA1 Pacific Standard Time (PST) Jan/9/2024 23:59:59
PH Philippine Standard Time Jan/9/2024 23:59:59
VN Indochina Time (GMT+7) Jan/9/2024 23:59:59
SG Singapore Standard Time (GMT+8) Jan/9/2024 23:59:59
TH Indochina Time (GMT+7) Jan/9/2024 23:59:59
TW Taipei Standard Time (GMT+8) Jan/9/2024 23:59:59

Arena Returns

Hey Gladiators! We're incredibly excited for you to see all the new items, augments, and balance updates we've been working on. There are a lot of changes to cover! You can find the nitty gritty details below, but if you want to get straight to the action, here is a quick summary of all the biggest things to look out for in the Rings of Wrath!
  • A huge amount of class and individual champion balance changes.
  • Hexgates have been added to all four Arenas!
  • Death is not the end! After a delay, you can revive your dead teammate by standing on their body!
  • We've removed the Naafiri, Samira, Shaco, Viego, Lux, Evelynn, and Jhin cameos, and we've added Sylas and Thresh cameos!
  • 4 new items!
  • 60 new Augments!

Due to the large amount of balance adjustments being made this patch change lists will only contain the numbers being changed and not the entire equation as per usual.

Gameplay Updates

  • Hexgates have been added to each of the 4 Rings of Wrath. They work just like they do on Hextech Rift and Howling Abyss and have a 7 second cooldown.

Downed State/Reviving
  • When a champion dies for the first time each round, they become downed for 11-8 seconds (based on round number), after which they become revivable. If an ally stands near a revivable ally for 3 seconds, they are resurrected and healed by their ally for 150+75 per level.
  • Revive duration is cumulative. If you spend 1 second near your Downed ally, then leave and come back, they will only take 2 seconds to Revive.
  • Revive duration is decreased based on the reviver’s Heal/Shield Power, and also decreased based on how much less team health the reviver has than the enemy team.
  • When you are revived, you become Invulnerable, Untargetable, and unable to attack/cast for 0.75 seconds. You will also gain 30% damage reduction, 75% Move Speed, and 50% Tenacity decaying over 3 seconds (or 2.25 seconds after the invulnerability ends).
  • In order to revive an ally, the ally must not be reviving with another effect or ability such as Zilean’s R, Zac’s Passive, or Guardian Angel.

  • The following Cameos have been removed: Naafiri. Samira, Shaco, Viego, Lux, Evelynn, and Jhin
  • The following Cameos have been added: Sylas (At the start of the round, Sylas replaces Summoner Flee with a one-use random Ultimate) and Thresh (Thresh will occasionally throw out a Lantern. The Lantern continuously Shields and can be selected to be pulled to Thresh).

New Items
  • Sword of the Blossoming Dawn: 40 Ability Power, 200 Health, 15% Heal and Shield Power, 15 Ability Haste. Passive Effervescence: Gain 1.2% Attack Speed for every 1% Heal and Shield Power you have. Passive Peppermint: On-Hit, heal the lowest health ally champion near you for 15-45 (+10% bonus AD) (+7% AP)
  • Perplexity: 70 Ability Power, 8% Move Speed, 22% Armor Penetration, 30% Magic Penetration. Passive Giant Slayer: Deal up to 22% bonus damage against champions with greater maximum Health than you.
  • Hellfire Hatchet: 40 Attack Damage, 12 Lethality, 15% Omnivamp. Passive Char: On-Hit or damaging an enemy with an active ability, heal for 2% of the Target's Current Health and apply 1 stack of Burn that deals 12% bonus AD (+10% AP) (+2% Missing Health) physical damage per second for 4 seconds.
  • Wordless Promise: 60 Ability Power, 15% Heal and Shield Power, 25 Ability Haste. Active - Promise: Make a Promise to an ally (90 second Cooldown). Passive Promise: Gain 20% of your Promised ally's Ability Power, and grant your Promised ally 20% of your Ability Haste.

Augment Updates
  • Once two champions possess the same Augment, that Augment is removed from the pool.
  • 60 Augments have been added to the Augment Pool! While we could share them all here, it’s more fun to enjoy exploring and experiencing them live. GLHF!

Queue Changes

  • Maximum Party Size: 2 players ⇒ 4 players (Note: when queuing with 3 players the party will be given the option to select who will be matched with a random player.)
  • Rating Restrictions: Players with a Gladiator rating can only queue with other Gladiator rated players ⇒ Players with an 8,100 rating or higher can only queue with 1 other player, and players must be within 1,000 rating of one another to queue together
  • Private Matchmaking: A full party of 8 players can queue together for an unrated game. There are no rating restrictions in private matches.

Rating System Changes

  • Arena ratings from the initial launch have been reset, and all players will begin in Wood Tier with a 500 rating.
  • Gold Tier Rating: 3200 ⇒ 3300
  • Gladiator Tier Rating: 3800 ⇒ 4000

General Balance Adjustments

  • Health Bonus for Melee Champions: 200-700 (based on level)
  • 50-900 (based on level)
  • Health Bonus for Ranged Champions: 300-800 (based on level) 150-1150 (based on level)
  • Resist Bonus for Melee Champions: 4-8 (based on level) 8-36 (based on level)
  • Armor/MR Bonus for Ranged Champions: 2-4 (based on level 2-16 (based on level)
  • Attack Speed Bonus for Ranged Champions: 20% at all levels Removed

Champion Balance Adjustments

  • E Recharge Time: 26-10 seconds 22-10 seconds
  • E Percent Healing: 18-24% 20-32%
  • E Empowered Percent Healing during Ultimate: 20-36% 24-44%
  • R Increased Healing: 25-45% 30-60%
  • R Bonus AD: 20-45% 30-55%.
  • Health Growth: 111 121
  • Q Damage: 50-150 (+60% AP) (+65% total AD) 60-180 (+70% AP) (+75% total AD)
  • W Ability Haste: +30 0
  • W Cooldown: 20 seconds 15 seconds
  • Health Growth: 105 115
  • AD Growth: 3 3.7
  • E bonus AD ratio: 17.5% 22.5%
  • W Ability Haste: - 30 0
  • W Cooldown: 14-10 26-16 seconds
  • R Ability Haste: -30 0
  • R Cooldown: 120-80 seconds 180-120 seconds
  • Damage Dealt Modifier: -5% 0
  • Damage Taken Modifier: +5% 0
  • Health Growth: 102 92
  • Passive Stun Duration: 1.25-1.75 (based on level) 1-1.5 seconds
  • Q Damage: 70-210 (+75% AP) 60-200 (+65% AP)
  • W Damage: 70-250 (+85% AP) 60-220 (+75% AP)
  • W Damage: 20-80 (+100% AD) 25-105 (+120% AD)
  • R Stun Duration: 1-3.5 1.5-4.5 seconds
  • R AP Ratio: 120% 200%
  • Passive Chimes Per Upgrade: 5 4
  • Passive AP Ratio: 0.3 0 .5
  • Health Growth: 109 139
  • Q Ability Haste: +40 0
  • Q Cooldown: 20-16 13-9 seconds
  • Health Growth: 112 132
  • Attack Speed Growth: 3.5% 4.5%
  • W Braum Bonus Resistances: 20-40 (+36% bonus Armor/MR) 20-60 (+45% bonus Armor/MR)
  • W Ally Bonus Resistances: 20-40 (+12% bonus Armor/MR) 20-60 (+16% bonus Armor/MR)
  • Health Growth: 100 90
  • Armor Growth: 4.2 3.2
  • Q Base Damage: 60-220 50-190
  • Q Armor Shred: 10-26% 10-20%
  • W Bonus Attack Speed: 60-120% 60-100%
  • W Snack Attack Heal Percentage: 36-60% 36-48%
  • R Damage: 150-450 (+75% bonus AD) 150-400 (+90% bonus AD)
  • R Bonus Armor/MR: 20% AD 10% AD.
  • Health Growth: 104 94
  • W Ability Haste: -30 0
  • W Cooldown: 24-16 28-20 seconds
  • R Damage: 150-350 (+50% AP) 100-250 (+40% AP)
  • Q Ability Haste: +25 0
  • Q Cooldown: 6 5 seconds
  • R Ability Haste: +30 0
  • R Cooldown: 80-60 60–40 seconds
  • Base Health: 105 100
  • Passive Package Damage Per Second: 30-100 (based on level) (+200% bonus AD) (+24% AP) 30-100 (based on level) (+100% bonus AD) (+16% AP)
  • W Cooldown: 20-16 23-19 seconds
  • W AP Ratio Per Second: 40% 60%
  • E Ability Haste: -30 0
  • R Damage: 80-150 (+15-75% AD) (+12% AP) 70-140 (+10-60% AD) (+20% AP)
  • Passive Stacks per Round: 100 50
  • Passive Stacks per Catch: 10 5
  • Q Bonus Damage AD Ratio: +75-115% bonus AD +70-110% bonus AD
  • Q Health Growth: 98 128
  • Q Damage: 35-55 (+30% AP) 35-75 (+35% AP)
  • Q Bonus Damage on Marked Target: 25-65 (+30% AP) 30-70 (+40% AP)
  • W Ability Haste: +20 0
  • W Cooldown: 15-11 13-9 seconds
  • R Cooldown: 120-80 90-60 seconds
  • Passive Attack Speed per stack: 0.1 0.15
  • Q AD Ratio: 135% 140%
  • Q AP Ratio: 17% 20%
  • W Base Damage: 80-300 110-350
  • E Ability Haste: +15 0
  • E Cooldown: 26-14 18-10 seconds
  • E AP Ratio: 80% 90%
  • R AP Ratio: 95% 110%
  • Damage Dealt Modifier: -5% 0
  • Health Growth: 99 89
  • AD Growth: 3.3 2.8
  • Q Damage: 70-110 (+90-110% bonus AD) 55-95 (+70-90% bonus AD)
  • W Ability Haste: -20 0
  • W Cooldown: 24-16 28-20 seconds
  • Health Growth: 126 136
  • W Ability Haste: +30 >> 0
  • W Cooldown: 18-14 15-11 seconds
  • W Shield Health Ratio: 10% 15-25%
  • R Base Damage: 150-350 200-600
  • Damage Dealt Modifier: -5% 0
  • Health Growth: 101 86
  • Q Turret Shot AP Ratio: 35% 25%
  • Q Turret Beam AP Ratio: 55% 45%
  • E Ability Haste: -30 0
  • E Cooldown: 11 15 seconds
  • Damage Taken Modifier: +5% 0
  • Health Growth: 109 99
  • AD Growth: 5 4
  • Q Cooldown: 14-10 16-12 seconds
  • E Shield Amount: 85-245 (+50% AP) 80-220 (+45% AP)
  • E Damage: 70-150 (+80% AP) 60-120 (+70% AP)
  • E Slow Amount: 50-70% 40-60%
  • Health Growth: 100 90
  • AD Growth: 4.25 4
  • W Base Damage: 50-190 30-130
  • E Ability Haste: -30 0
  • E Cooldown: 15-9 20-14 seconds
  • R Passive Base Damage: 60-160 50-130
  • R Active Base Damage: 150-350 100-250
  • Passive Crit Movespeed Attack Speed Ratio: 40% 80%
  • Q Base Damage: 65-245 70-310
  • Q AD Ratio: 0.6-1 0.8-1.2
  • W Base Damage: 60-200 70-250
  • W Root Duration: 1.25-2.25 1.75-3.25 seconds
  • E Slow Amount: 35% 50%
  • R Base Damage: 100-400 144-444
  • R AD Ratio: 0.25 0.44
  • R Cooldown: 120-90 45-15 seconds
  • Health Growth: 105 115
  • AD Growth: 3.15 3.75
  • W Damage: 10-210 (+160% AD) 10-250 (+200% AD)
  • R Cooldown: 70-40 50-30 seconds
  • Health Growth: 102 95
  • AD Growth: 2.6 2.2
  • Q Individual Missile Damage: 40-100 (+50% bonus AD) (+20% AP) 40-100 (+40% bonus AD) (+15% AP)
  • Q Total AD Ratio: 105% 135%
  • Damage Dealt Modifier: -5% 0
  • Passive Wave Damage: 20-41 (based on level) (+25% AP) (+10% bonus AD) 20-41 (based on level) (+17% AP) (+7% bonus AD)
  • Q Slow Percent: 26-50% 15-35%
  • W Movespeed: 24-40% 15-35%
  • E Passive Damage: 10-30 (+20% AP) (+10% bonus AD) 5-25 (+14% AP) (+7% bonus AD)
  • R Ability Haste: -100 0
  • R Cooldown: 160-80 320-160 seconds
  • R Base Damage: 50-150 150-300
  • Damage Dealt Modifier: -5% 0
  • Damage Taken Modifier: -5% 0
  • Passive Orbs per Round: 25 30
  • Passive Assassin Out-of-Combat Window to Reset Passive: 8 4 seconds
  • Passive Assassin Bonus Magic Damage: 15-45% (based on level) 30-60% (based on level)
  • Q Darkin Damage: 5% 4% of target's maximum health
  • Q Darkin Damage: 3.5% 3% maximum HP per 100 bonus AD
  • E Assassin Cooldown: 10 7 seconds
  • E Assassin Bonus Movespeed: 70% 100%
  • R Darkin Damage: 10% 7% per 100 bonus AD
  • R Assassin Bonus Cast and Emerge range: 200 400
  • Passive bonus AD Ratio: 0.4 0.55
  • Passive Slow: 25% 35%
  • Q Evolved Bonus Cooldown Refund on Isolated Target: 45% 60%
  • Q Base Bonus AD Ratio: 110% 140%
  • W Heal: 55-135 (+50% AP) 100-300 (+100% AP)
  • E Cooldown: 20-12 12-8 seconds
  • R Recast Window: 12 18 seconds
  • R Evolved Stealth Duration: 2 3 seconds
  • R Evolved Casts: 3 4
  • AD Growth: 3.25 2.75
  • Attack Speed Growth: 3.5 3
  • E Damage: 80-160 (+80% bonus AD) (+5% missing HP) (+0.5% missing HP per mark) 80-160 (+80% bonus AD) (+2% missing HP) (+0.5% missing HP per mark)
  • Damage Dealt Modifier: -5% 0
  • AD Growth: 3.1 2.3
  • Attack Speed Growth: 2.65 2.25
  • Q Resist Shred: 23-31% 15-25%
  • Q AP Ratio: 70% 100%
  • E Slow: 30-50% 20-60%
  • E AP Ratio: 70% 90%
  • R AP Ratio: 35% 45%
  • Health Growth: 115 130
  • Q Base Damage: 30-150 40-200
  • E Ability Haste: -20 0
  • E Cooldown: 10.5-8.5 9-7 seconds
  • R Cooldown: 120-80 90-60 seconds
  • Health Growth: 111 121
  • W Ability Haste: +15 0
  • Cooldown: 18-10 16-8 seconds
  • R Ability Haste: +15 0
Lee Sin
  • Base Health: 645 725
  • Health Growth: 105 120
  • Q Ability Haste: +30 0
  • Q Cooldown: 10-6 8.5-4.5 seconds
  • W Shield Value: 60-300 70-350
  • Health Growth: 99 114
  • Passive AP Ratio: 35% 45%
  • Q Damage: 80-240 (+60% AP) 110-270 (+65% AP)
  • Q Cooldown: 11-9 10-8 seconds
  • W Shield Value: 40-100 (+35% AP) 60-180 (+45% AP)
  • Cooldown Reduction on Spell Cast or Hit Taken: 4 3 seconds
  • Q Damage: 70-270 (+2-4% max health) (+40% AP) 40-160 (+2-4% max health) (+60% AP)
  • W Cooldown: 13-9 15-11 seconds
Master Yi
  • AD Growth: 2.2 1.7
  • Q Damage: 30-150 (+50% AD) 20-120 (+40% AD)
  • E Base Damage: 30-50 20-40
Miss Fortune
  • AD Growth: 2.4 3.6
  • Health Growth: 103 113
  • Q AP Ratio: 0.35 0.55
  • E AP Ratio Per Second: 60% 90%
  • R AP Ratio Per Wave: 25% 35%
  • Health Growth: 120 140
  • Passive Packmate bonus AD Ratio: 4.5% 6%
  • Q First Cast Damage: 35-75 (+20% bonus AD) 45-95 (+25% bonus AD)
  • Q Second Cast Minimum Damage: 30-90 (+40% bonus AD) 40-100 (+45% bonus AD)
  • Q Bleed Damage: 30-150 (+80% bonus AD) 40-200 (+100% bonus AD)
  • Q Heal: 45-105 (+40% bonus AD) 60-150 (+50% bonus AD)
  • R Shield: 125-525 (+50% bonus AD) 250-750 (+70% bonus AD)
  • Q AP Ratio: 50% 70%
  • W Damage: 60-220 (+55% AP) 75-255 (+65% AP)
  • W Heal: 55-135 (+25% AP) 70-230 (+30% AP)
  • Health Growth: 100 120
  • Passive Per Target Cooldown: 6 5 seconds
  • W Shield Amount: 50-90 (+8-12% Maximum Health) 80-160 (+9-13% Maximum Health)
  • W Damage over Time: 30-70 (+40% AP) 40-100 (+55% AP)
Nunu & Willump
  • Q Ability Haste: +30 0
  • Q Cooldown: 12-8 9-5 seconds
  • W Maximum AP Ratio: 150% 250%
  • Passive Stat Amplification per Mythic Upgraded: 4% 6%
  • Ornn can now only get stat amplifications for upgrading a maximum of 2 mythics per game. If Ornn or his teammate acquires the Mythical Augment, this cap will rise by 5.
  • Players can no longer buy another copy of the same mythic with Mythical after upgrading the first one.
  • Health Growth: 109 120
  • Q Cooldown: 11-8 10-7 seconds
  • R Cooldown: 180-150 60-40 seconds
  • W Ability Haste: -30 0
  • W Cooldown: 20-12 26-16 seconds
  • E Ability Haste: -50 0
  • E Cooldown: 14-10 21-15 seconds
  • Ability Haste: +20 0
  • Base Health: 670 740
  • Health Growth: 110 125
  • E Cooldown: 15-11 13-9 seconds
  • Passive Bonus AD Ratio: 0.3 0.5
  • Passive AP Ratio: 0.3 0.5
  • Q Brush Bonus Movement Speed: 20% 40%
  • Q River Root Duration: 0.5 1 second
  • E Base Damage: 50-210 70-270
  • R Cooldown: 120 80 seconds
  • Health Growth: 107 122
  • AD Growth: 2.7 3.7
  • W Ability Haste: +100 0
  • W Cooldown: 50-30 20-10 seconds
  • Health Growth: 94 109
  • Q Cooldown: 16-6 11-5 seconds
  • Q AP Ratio: 125% 150%
  • R Cooldown: 90 40 seconds
  • Health Growth: 99 119
  • AD Growth: 3 4
  • Q Burrowed Damage: 60-200 (+50% bonus AD) (+70% AP) 70-270 (+70% bonus AD) (+130% AP)
  • W Cooldown: 16-8 18-10 seconds
  • Q Bonus Damage: 30-150 (+0-20% AD) 40-200 (+5-25% AD)
  • Q Empowered Ratio: 40% 55%
  • W Damage stored as Grey health: 50% 60%
  • W Damage: 50-170 (+80% AP) 60-220 (+95% AP)
  • W Empowered AP Ratio: 80% 105%
  • R Cooldown: 110/100/90 80/70/60 seconds
  • R Bonus Movement Speed: 40-60% 50-90%
  • AD Growth: 3.3 2.8
  • Attack Speed Growth: 3.3 2.8
  • R Base Damage: 5-25 5-15
  • Health Growth: 114 144
  • Q Ability Haste: +20 0
  • Q Cooldown: 19-13 17-11 seconds
  • Q Damage: 90-290 (+60% AP) 110-350 (+110% AP)
  • R Cooldown: 130-90 80-60 seconds
  • Passive Stacks per Round: 6.25 7.5
  • Passive Attack Bonus AD Ratio: 25% 35%
  • Q Ability Haste: -30 0
  • Q Cooldown: 12-10 14-12 seconds
  • Q Base Damage: 25-65 45-125
  • W Fear Duration: 0.5 0.5-1 seconds
  • W Cooldown: 15 17 seconds
  • Damage Dealt Modifier: -5% 0
  • Health Growth: 104 94
  • Q Cooldown: 8-6 9-7 seconds
  • W Damage per tick: 20-60 (+20% bonus AD) 15-45 (+15% bonus AD)
  • E Percent Health Damage On-hit: 3% 2.5%
  • Q Base Stun Time: 1.25 1.75 seconds
  • Q Minimum AD Ratio: 45-75% 60-100%
  • Q Maximum AD Ratio: 135-225% 180-300%
  • W Stacking: Gains 800 stacks over 8 rounds Gains 1200 stacks over 8 rounds
  • E Base Damage: 65-205 80-300
  • E AP Ratio: 0.55 0.8
  • R Minimum Base Damage: 200-350 250-750
  • R Maximum Base Damage: 600-1400 700-2100
  • Q AD Ratio: 80-100% 90-130%
  • Q Damage: 1-3% maximum health (+20% AD) (+30% AP) 1-2.5% maximum health (+20% AD) (+40% AP)
  • E Stun Duration: 1.25 1 second
  • Passive Bonus AD Ratio: 2.1 3.0
  • Q AD Ratio: 100% Bonus AD 130% Bonus AD
  • W Slow: 40%-60% 50-70%
  • W Initial Base Damage: 40-80 60-120
  • W Return Base Damage: 50-170 75-225
  • E Wall Cooldown: 160-60 22-6 seconds
  • R Movement Speed: 40-70% 60-100%
  • R Cooldown: 100-60 80-60 seconds
  • E Ability Haste: -50 0
  • E Cooldown: 16-12 22-16 seconds
  • Q Damage: 80-260 (+80% AP) 70-230 (+70% AP)
  • Q Blind Duration: 2-3 1.5-2.5 seconds
  • Health Growth: 120 130
  • Q AP Ratio: 90% 120%
  • E Passive AD Ratio: 80-200% 100-300%
  • R AP Ratio: 100% 130%
Twisted Fate
  • Q Damage: 60-220 (+90% AP) 70-270 (+100% AP)
  • E AP Ratio: 50% 40%
  • E Base Damage: 65-165 65-265
  • Damage Dealt Modifier: -5% 0
  • Health Growth: 100 80
  • AD Growth: 3.1 2.1
  • Attack Speed Growth: 3.38 2.88
  • Passive AP Ratio: 3% 4%
  • E Bonus AD Ratio Per Stack: 0.35 0.3
  • E AP Ratio Per Stack: 0.3 0.35
  • R Bonus AD: 10-30 30-50
  • Q Maximum Health AD Ratio: .0004 .0003
  • Q2 Maximum Health AD Ratio: .0007 .006
  • W Shield AP Ratio: 40% 60%
  • W On-Hit Heal AP Ratio: 8% 12%
  • R Storm Base Damage: 20-92 25-125
  • R Storm AP Ratio: .00035 .00050
  • AD Growth: 4 3
  • Health Growth: 102 92
  • Armor Growth: 5.45 4.75
  • Firebrand,Heavy Hitter, Light ‘em Up, and Angel of Retribution now deal 50% damage during W
  • Q Cooldown: 16-12 13-9 seconds
  • E Bonus AD Ratio: 90% 110%
  • Health Growth: 103 93
  • Attack Speed Growth: 3.3 3
  • AD Growth: 2.35 1.95
  • Q Bonus Damage: 60-100% AD 50-90%
  • R Bonus AD: 25-55 10-30
  • Armor Growth: 5.2 4.2
  • Passive On-hit AP Ratio: 50% 40%
  • Q Cooldown: 14-10 16-12 seconds
  • Q Bonus AD Ratio: 120% 60%
  • W Heal: 20-80 (+8-20% missing health) 10-70 (+6-18% missing health)
  • E Shield: 14% maximum health (+75% AP) 11% maximum health (+65% AP)
  • E Damage: 80-200 (+80% AP) (+11-15 maximum health) 60-160 (+70% AP) (+9-13% maximum health)
  • E Ability Haste: -20 0
  • E Cooldown: 15-11 18-14 seconds
  • Q AD Ratio: 0.45 0.35
  • W Ability Haste: -30 0
  • W Cooldown: 22-14 26-18 seconds
  • R AD Ratio Per Second: 1.375 1.1
  • AD Growth: 3.5 2.6
  • Attack Speed Growth: 3.9 3.7
  • Health Growth: 107 97
  • Q Cooldown: 10-8 10-5 seconds
  • W Bonus Damage: 20% 15%
  • E Damage: 50-90 (+60% bonus AD) 40-80 (+50% bonus AD)
  • Health Growth: 106 121
  • W Base Damage: 60-200 85-225
  • E Minimum Stun Duration: 0.75 1.25 seconds
  • E Maximum Stun Duration: 2.25 2.5 seconds
  • E Cooldown: 13-11 11-9 seconds
  • Passive Ghoul AD Ratio: 0.25 0.2
  • R Maiden Health reduced by 30%
  • Q AP Ratio: 20% 25%
  • Q Empowered AP Ratio: 30% 37.5%
  • W Bonus Heal/Shield Power: 5-15% 10-25%
  • E Shield Amount: 80-180 (+30% AP) 100-200 (+40% AP)
  • Q Base Damage: 70-210 80-280
  • Q Bonus AD Ratio: 1.1 1.3
  • W Cooldown: 20-17 16-13 seconds
  • R Damage Amplification: 25-55% 30-60%
  • Health Growth: 106 121
  • Passive AP Ratio: 50% 65%
  • Q Damage: 95-295 (+65% AP) 125-325 (+75% AP)
  • W Ability Haste: +30 0
  • W Cooldown: 20-12 14-10 seconds
  • R Damage (unempowered): 200-400 (+73% AP) 250-550 (+85% AP)
  • R Damage (empowered): 300-600 (+110% AP) 375-825 (+ 127.5% AP)
  • Health Growth: 106 121

Item Balance Adjustments

All Lethality Items (excluding The Collector)
  • Base stats have been reduced to match values on Summoner's Rift with +4 lethality unless otherwise noted below.
Atma's Reckoning
  • Health: 700 800
Axiom Arc
  • Ultimate Damage Amplification: 25% 20%
Blade of the Ruined King
  • AD: 40 35
  • Percent Current Health On-hit Damage: 11%/8% (melee/ranged) 9%/6% (melee/ranged)
Crown of the Shattered Queen
  • AP: 100 80
Demonic Embrace
  • AP: 75 45
Divine Sunderer
  • Percent Maximum Health Damage for Melee Users: 4% 3%
  • AD: 35 30
Duskblade of Draktharr
  • Passive Damage Amplification Cap: 16% 25%
Echoes of Helia
  • Ability Haste: 30 40
  • Health: 200 400
  • Shard Heal: 40-160 60-210
  • Shard Damage: 45-270 60-310
  • AD: 60 50
  • Proc Percent Maximum Health Damage for Melee Users: 6% 4%
  • Mythic Passive Armor Penetration: 5% 4%
  • Lethality: 16 12
Edge of Night
  • Health: 325 375
Essence Reaver
  • AD: 55 60
  • Maximum health: 300 400
  • Damage Amplification: 20% 25%
  • Cooldown: 30 20 seconds
  • Health: 400 500
  • AP: 70 80
Force of Nature
  • Health: 400 450
  • Bonus MR at Maximum Stacks: 30 50
  • AD: 55 60
  • Attack Speed: 25% 40%
  • Health: 300 400
  • Missing Health Heal per champion: 8% 10%
Guardian's Horn
  • Maximum Health: 200 350
  • Proc Maximum HP Ratio: 6% 7%
  • Proc Damage to Permanent Maximum Health Conversion: 10% 12%
Hextech Gunblade
  • AP: 80 100
  • AD: 40 50
Hextech Rocketbelt
  • Magic Penetration: 9 12
  • Cooldown: 40 25 seconds
Horizon Focus
  • All stat adjustments reverted.
  • Health: 300 150
  • AP: 90 100
  • Ability Haste: 20 15
  • Proc Bonus Damage: 15% 10%
Immortal Shieldbow
  • Shield Amount: 320-530 (based on level) 400-680 (based on level)
Imperial Mandate
  • Ability Power: 60 80
  • Ability Haste: 30 35
  • Initial Proc Damage: 50-90 70-170
  • Ally Proc Damage: 100-160 130-230
Knight's Vow
  • Damage Redirect Percentage: 10%/20% when empowered 8/16% for ranged and 12/24% for melee
Kraken Slayer
  • AD: 40 45
Liandry's Anguish
  • Deals up to 15% bonus magic damage based on targets Bonus Health from 0-1250 12% from 0-4000 (this was overperforming due to everyone getting a lot of free Bonus Health from the stat buff)
Lord Dominik's Regards
  • Armor Penetration: 35% 30%
Luden's Tempest
  • AP: 100 80
Mortal Reminder
  • Armor Penetration: 35% 30%
Night Harvester
  • Ability Haste: 25 40
Phantom Dancer
  • Attack Speed at Maximum Stacks: 30% 50%
Prowler's Claw
  • Proc damage buffed to match live values (and AP ratios buffed slightly)
  • Health: 300 400
  • Health: 300 450
Rite of Ruin
  • Shield now has a 30% bonus AD ratio.
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
  • AP: 85 70
  • Health: 475 400
Serpent's Fang
  • AD: 55 65
  • Ranged shield reduction: 35% 50%
Serylda's Grudge
  • Armor Penetration: 40% 35%
  • Magic Penetration based on Target's Current Health: 10-20 15-25
Shurelya's Battlesong
  • Active Movespeed: 30% 50%
  • Cooldown: 75 30 seconds
Statikk Shiv
  • Proc Base Damage: 100-200 (based on level) 100-280 (based on level)
  • AP Ratio: 60% (unchanged)
  • Attack Speed: 15% 25%
  • AD: 50 60
Sunfire Aegis
  • Health Ratio Per Tick: 1.75% 2.5%
Sword of Blossoming Dawn
  • Heal Amount: 20-60 (+12% bonus AD) (+8% AP) 15-45 (+10% bonus AD) (+7% AP)
  • Health: 300 200
  • AP: 60 40
  • Attack Speed Per 1% Heal/Shield Power: 1.5% 1.2%
Titanic Hydra
  • Bonus Health converted to AD: 2% 1.5%
  • Health: 500 400
Trinity Force
  • Health: 200 333
  • AD: 30 33
Youmuu's Ghostblade
  • Passive Lethality Reduced to 10-20 (based on level)

Augment Balance Adjustments

Looking for a list of all the new Augments? Where's the fun in that? The best way to find out is to jump in the Arena and see what Augments you're dealt. Experiment and learn what works best, after all, the journey is half the fun.
  • Removed Augments: Buckle Up, Evocation, Midnight Express, Windspeaker's Blessing, Zhonya's Epiphany
Accelerating Sorcery
  • Haste Per Cast: 8 9
Banner of Command
  • Stat Amplification: 20% 25%
Celestial Body
  • Health: 1000 1250
Circle of Death
  • Heal to Damage Conversion: 50% 70%
Combo Master
  • Base Movement Speed for Ranged Users: 20% 30%
  • Base Movement Speed for Melee Users: 30% 40%
  • Maximum Haste: 60% 80%
  • Electrocute Damage: 50-250 (based on level) + (45% bonus AD) + (30% AP) 60-300 (+55% bonus AD) + (40% AP)
Contract Killer
  • Damage Amplification: 15% 20%
Courage of the Colossus
  • Base Shield: 200 100-400 (based on level)
  • Attack Speed: 50% 60%
  • Damage reduced by 17%
Feel the Burn
  • Ignite Damage: 70-410 (based on level) 100-600 (based on level)
  • Slow Amount: 30% 50%
Guilty Pleasure
  • Heal: 4% maximum health 10-180 (based on level) + 2% maximum health
Infernal Conduit
  • AP Ratio: 10% 6%
Lightning Strikes
  • AD per 1 Attack Speed: 30 25
Mystic Punch
  • Cooldown Refund: 1 1.25 seconds
OK Boomerang
  • Damage: 45-225 (based on level) (+25% bonus AD) (+17% AP) 40-200 (+22%bonus AD) (+15% AP)
Outlaw's Grit
  • Resists per stack: 15 12
  • Base Regeneration: 600% 800%
  • Amped Regen: 1200% 1600%
Phenomenal Evil
  • Per Ability Proc Cooldown: 0.75 0.5 seconds
  • newIf taken during the 2nd augment round, starts with 40 AP
Rabble Rousing
  • Heal: 2% maximum health 5-90 (based on level) + 1% maximum health
Restless Restoration
  • Base Heal Per 1000 Units Traveled: 30-150 (based on level) 20-120 (based on level)
  • Maximum Health Ratio Per 1000 Units Traveled: 2.5% 2%
Searing Dawn
  • Damage: 24-160 (based on level) 40-200 (based on level)
Slow Cooker
  • Total Bleed Damage: 2.5% 1.75% of Users Maximum Health
Sonic Boom
  • Slow Amount: 40% 30%
  • Damage: 40-160 (based on level) 30-150 (based on level)
Soul Siphon
  • Lifesteal on Critical Strike: 30% 20%
Spirit Link
  • Damage Redirected: 25% 15%
  • Healing Copied: 45% 50%
Symphony of War
  • Conquerer Adaptive per Stack: 2-4.5 (based on level) 3-5.5 (based on level)
  • Conquerer Post-Mitigation Healing: 8%/5% (melee/ranged) 10%/8% (melee/ranged)
  • Attack Speed per Stack for Melee Users: 10-15% 13-18%
  • Attack Speed per Stack for Ranged Users: 5-9% 8-12%
Tank It or Leave It
  • Damage Reduction: 30% 25%
The Brutalizer
  • Lethality: 15 10
  • Total Burn Percent Maximum Health Damage: 5% 4%
Trueshot Prodigy
  • Damage: 200-700 (based on level) (+100% bonus AD) (+90% AP) 250-750 (+140% bonus AD) (+100% AP)
Willing Sacrifice
  • Current Converted to Shield: 30% 25%

New Arena Challenges

  • Cream of the Crop: Deal the most damage to champions in the game
  • Dancing Shoes: Dodge 5 skillshots (ranged untargeted abilities) within 8 seconds
  • Double Down: Get double kills
  • The Wall: Take 10,000 pre-mitigation damage from champions in a single fight without dying
  • Outplaying the Odds: Get kills while more enemy champions than friendly ones are nearby
  • I've Got You!: Save an ally who would have otherwise taken lethal damage with a heal or shield

ARAM Balance Changes


  • Riven: Shielding Done: 120% 100%


  • Ashe: Damage Dealt: 90% 100%

Clash - ARAM Cup

It's time for the last Clash tournament of the year, and what better way to celebrate than by fighting it out on the Howling Abyss!
  • Registration Begins: December 4 @ 11:00 AM (Local Time)
  • Tournament Days: December 9 and 10 (~4-7 PM Local, varies by region)

Mythic Shop Rotation

Now Available

  • Prestige PROJECT: Irelia
  • Prestige K/DA Kai'Sa
  • Prestige Spirit Blossom Master Yi
  • Prestige Battle Academia Lux
  • Hextech Alistar
  • Hextech Malzahar
  • Mythic Chroma Storm Dragon Lee Sin
  • Mythic Chroma Dawnbringer Riven
  • Crystalis Motis Ashe
  • Reclaimed Chroma (Crystalis Motis Ashe) + Icon
  • Crystalis Motis Ashe Emote
  • Crystalis Motis Ward Skin
  • Winterblessed 2022 Mythic Essence Icon
  • Lunar Revel 2023 Mythic Essence Icon
  • Fairie Court 2023 Mythic Essence Icon
  • Inkshadow 2023 Mythic Essence Icon
  • Soul Fighter 2023 Mythic Essence Icon
  • Worlds 2023 Mythic Essence Icon
  • Faerie Court 2023 Grab Bag

Leaving the Mythic Shop

  • Prestige Cyber Halo Janna
  • Prestige K/DA Evelynn
  • Prestige Arcanist Zoe
  • Prestige Blood Moon Aatrox
  • Hextech Kog'Maw
  • Hextech Swain
  • Neo PAX Jax
  • Crystalis Motis Taliyah
  • Reclaimed Chroma (Crystalis Motis Taliyah) + Icon
  • Crystalis Motis Taliyah Emote
  • Galaxy Slayer Zed Mythic Chroma + Icon
  • High Noon Senna Mythic Chroma + Icon

Bugfixes & QoL Changes


  • Fixed a bug that caused Elise's Q - Venomous Bite's on-hit sound effects to not play correctly while Elise is in Spider Form.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Draven's R to execute himself if it was used in very close proximity to an enemy and the amount of gold accumulated from his passive was greater than his current health.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Xayah's empowered auto attack feathers to break when hitting a dashing target.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Morgana's W - Tormented Shadow pool VFX to not appear to enemies if it was cast inside of terrain.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Evelynn's Q sound effects to not play when used very close to the target,
  • Fixed a bug that caused Neeko to be able to inherit the attributes of 2 different units at the same time, causing her to sometimes have 2.5 Attack Speed.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some of Ornn's upgraded Mythic Items to not grant stackable unique passives such as Rod of Ages or Guinsoos.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Viego to be unable to swap guns if he possessed Aphelios.

Cosmetic Bugfixes

  • Fixed an issue where Hextech Annie's Fire VFX in her idle animation would disappear momentarily.
  • Fixed an issue where Ashen Slayer Sylas, Battle Wolf Sylas, Prestige PROJECT: Sylas and Project Sylas' clone model had corrupted textures when stealing Shaco's Ultimate from the following Shaco skins: Prestige Soul Fighter, Soul Fighter, Winterblessed, Crime City Nightmare and Arcanist.
  • Fixed an issue where High Noon Senna missed transitions when exiting from Homeguard Run animation.
  • Fixed an issue where VFX of Project Senna's Dawning Shadow (R) was no longer cut off near elevation change, when cast from lower ground

Upcoming Skins & Chromas