Lust for Life

Lust for Life 0.38


Patch Notes


New characters available in Speed Run mode: Dakota, Mrs. Jackson, Eva, Gabbie and Gina.
Made some retroactive changes to some old Melissa scenes to make them more consistent with the scenes in this version. When the new version loads, your current status in Melissa's quest will be set back a few scenes to allow you to view the changes made and potentially make a different choice.

Melissa - New Quest and Scenes - Melissa will continue her plan of seduction and manipulation towards you without your knowledge.
I have made some retroactive changes to the previous scenes related to Melissa's quest to make you an unwitting accomplice in this first phase of her plan. This way you can safely continue in her quest and 'have fun' with her without worrying about getting Gina into trouble. Only in a future version will there then be your full awareness of her plan and you will have to make a definite choice. Choose to side with Gina and turn the plan against Melissa, or allow yourself to be corrupted by her perfidy and implement her plan.

For those, however, who hate Melissa so much that they want nothing to do with her, it will be possible, after some household chores at her house, to decide to permanently block her quest and block all scenes related to her.

Gina- New Quest and Scenes - Whether you decide to continue with Melissa's quest or block her quest, it will be possible to take Gina to exciting new perversions. In fact, you will be able to convince Gina to experience new parts of her body hitherto unexplored and conquer the last still virgin part of her body... her ass.