Monster Girl 1,000

Monster Girl 1,000 4.3.0


Patch Notes


- Released Android port: All menus have mouse functionality, fixed game getting stuck on black screen. Removed all music from Android version.
- New Main Menu, Contract Menu, Information Broker and Townsfolk Menus for all towns. All menus in general have been polished.
- The Scrying Room now shows every single scene in the game.
- The Scrying Room is now always available and doesn't have to be built.
- Keke's sex scene has been fixed and can be enjoyed again
- Colosseum Foyer and Waiting Room added. (Nothing to be done here yet)
- Hopefully fixed a few crashes
- Reduced the hits from Bessie's Limit Break "Fully Automatic bolts" by 66%, and increased the damage so it's the same with less hits.
- Sleeping/resting no longer advances item collection progress. Only contracts and story events can do that.
- Alraune's Luster Weapon not properly provides the Bio and Sleep spells.
- Fixed the exit to world map in the Snowy Wilderness
- Casting haste on a target now cures slow on them, and casting slow removes haste.
- You can now flee from the Training Dummy (Press cancel on anyone's turn, then select escape)
- Moving the cursor no longer creates a feedback sound. (OK/Cancel still do)
Known Issues:
- Using "Change Equipment" hides the turn order in the top right. Anyone know how to fix this?