Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord 1.2.7

Version Date
Dec. 14, 2023

Patch Notes

Patch Notes v1.2.7


Patch v1.2.7 has been released to Live! This means all of the Beta v1.2.x version series changes are now on the main branch.

Unfortunately, the character/word limit on Steam Announcement posts isn't enough to allow us to share the patch notes in their entirety with you here. Instead, on this occasion, we have to ask that you head on over to our forums or our website where you can read the v1.2.7 changelog in full.

We apologize for the inconvenience and hope that you enjoy the many changes that the patch brings!

Patch Notes v1.2.7 - Forums Patch Notes v1.2.7 - Website