My Tuition Academia

My Tuition Academia 0.4.1


Patch Notes


- LonelyFans is now finished!
- Added LonelyFans19, Sex Set (New Art)
- Added LonelyFans20, Anal Set (New Art)
- Added LonelyFans21, Double Penetration.
- Added Final LonelyFans menu
- Added the Hospital, here you can have a natural birth after 280 days, induce birth at any time or terminate a pregnancy.
- You can now go to the beach naked, and people react to this
- You can now name every single female character upon meeting them, their defaults remain as is. Additionally, XTube content now requires meeting the featured girl out in the world, and Susu only asks you to go clubbing if you've met her.

- Added the ability to change character names in the advanced cheat menu
- Susu now has a coloured picture when meeting her.
- Fixed bedroom screen stats not showing their correct values
- You can no longer drink at the beach bar while pregnant
- Various typos and coding fixes