My Tuition Academia

My Tuition Academia 0.9.0


Patch Notes


True Ending Added!
5 New Sex Scenes with several variants.
40,000+ Words of Content
Android Phones: Updated the GUI to match PC. Finally fixing that janky text.
Paying Tuition: Now correctly gives +25 condoms, instead of 10.
Park Route: Fixed the auto-unlock event not having any eyes for a single textbox.
Swimming Pool: Fixed 8 instances of Tina being called 'Tina', instead of your custom name.
Yoko Futa Scene: Added sex noises to the first half.
Pregnancy Misc: Add Pregnancy cheat now adds 1 to your total pregnancies counter, while removing it takes 1 away. If you get pregnant again after the first time, Taco will acknowledge it when it starts showing. If you select the "Woops! Already Pregnant!" quirk, it now correctly appears the first time you load into the bedroom.

Misc: Music from previous scene now stops when starting a random event. 'Rest' track plays instead.
Tons of typo fixes, like, 50.