No More Money

No More Money 0.3.1


Patch Notes


Beside the new content I also added a few new features to the game to make it nicer.
There is a gallery with hot images of the girls based on your choices.
For those who will play on older saves, as soon as you start episode 3 you'll unlock all the images of the previous two episodes.
I have added a progress bar below so you can see how much content is left.
You can disable this bar in the options tab
Changed the way our MC gets his messages on the phone. I created a custom screen where you can read the text better and access the images you receive.
The +20$ patrons will the Gold Edition version of the game with the walkthrough integrated already.
If you want to play the game without seeing the consequences of your choices you can disable them in the option tab
Fixed some small bugs and changed the text here and there.