No More Secrets

No More Secrets 0.10.1


Patch Notes


Now let's talk about Episode 10. Up until now you did plenty of decisions. In this episode is more of the consequences of your choices, but you still get to do some choices of your own. There are going to be plenty of sex, but most important plenty of relationship development especially with Lizzie, however part I is just the beginning of a long beautiful Episode.

I hope you enjoy.
fixed a few bugs and typos.
Mac users shall have a different build and now they can play the game
Previous saves will work better now
Changed a bug in the airport event with Amie
Changed a few typos
Fixed a problem with the mac version
Fixed a few small bugs
There were a few typos, I have fixed that too
Changed the Glock to a M1911 like it was supposed to be. (That's for the gun lovers out there)
The size of the game went from 2.36 to 1.14GB
fixed the negative relationship with Jeane. You just need to pass from one episode to another for the fix to happen or start over
fixed the kitchen after bikini scene in episode 1
fixed a few relationship progress
get rid of a few typos
made some changes in the quests
The incest patch has bigger impact on the game, because there was a problem that Jeane did not acknowledge Brian as her son, later in the game.
Complete till Episode 4
A few typos
When you go to the locker room and Stephania is there you were not able to strip her and continue. It's fixed now
A few of you complained about the fact that the game crashes after the cops. Well, it should have stopped the game not crashed, because that's where the free version ends up. I have fixed that so it won't crash anymore, but go to the Menu.

The game is now made in Ren'Py and I got of the errors that the previous versions had. Includes episodes 1 and 2.
As you know I completely reworked the whole game changing it from 3D perspective to a 2D one.
First of all I want to apologize for the delay, I wasn't expecting to be this hard to do it. At first it was looking quite easy, however it was quite cumbersome.

Another thing that may ruin your experience is the fact that I have made a completely new game which means the saves from previous versions won't work anymore. I know it's an inconvenience for you but I had no other way to do it, or at least not one I was aware of.

For those who know me since version 1 you might remember that my page was shut down for a few weeks. Well... It seemed that my story back then wasn't playing by the rules of patreon, so I had do change a few things, however now I changed the story quite a little bit and you're able now to score with any of the girls, which mean that the removed content from Episode 2 is not removed anymore.

As you know in the first episode Brian was preparing a small birthday party for his step-sister.
The second episode takes place mostly in Brian's house. You and 8 other friends will celebrate Lizzie. You'll have plenty of activities like talking, dancing, playing, kissing and some other interesting other activities which I will leave you to find by yourself.