Seven Kingdoms 2 HD

Seven Kingdoms 2 HD 2.05

Version Date
Feb. 6, 2015

Patch Notes

Seven Kingdoms 2 HD version 2.05 Beta now available

A new version of Seven Kingdoms 2 HD is now available as a Beta.

To install Seven Kingdoms 2 HD version 2.05 on Steam:
-Right-click on the Seven Kingdoms 2 HD game from the library page and select "Properties". Among the available tabs will be the "BETAS" tab.

-Select “Beta” from the drop down box. Leave the password empty as it is not required.

-Close the “Property” window and run the game and you should see “version 2.05 HD” at the top-right of the main menu.


Improvements and bug fixes in this version:

Added support for the following screen resolutions:
• 1280x800 (16:10 aspect ratio)
• 1366x768 (16:9 aspect ratio)
• 1440x900 (16:10 aspect ratio)
• 1680 x 1050 (16:10 aspect ratio)

Now you can press either F10 key or ESC key to bring up the menu in the game.

It is now possible to optionally access the original 7K2 DirectPlay multiplayer game setup menu, although we still recommend using GameRanger for a better experience.

When you click the "Multiplayer" option on the main menu, it will pop up a window asking you to select either "GameRanger" or "DirectPlay".

Fixed the problem with running the game on Windows XP.

Fixed the problem with black borders on some screen modes.