Seven Kingdoms 2 HD

Seven Kingdoms 2 HD 2.08

Version Date
Feb. 16, 2015

Patch Notes

Seven Kingdoms 2 HD version 2.08 Beta now available

A new version of Seven Kingdoms 2 HD is now available as a Beta.

To install Seven Kingdoms 2 HD version 2.08 on Steam:
-Right-click on the Seven Kingdoms 2 HD game from the library page and select "Properties". Among the available tabs will be the "BETAS" tab.

-Select “Beta” from the drop down box. Leave the password empty as it is not required.

-Close the “Property” window and run the game and you should see “version 2.08 HD” at the top-right of the main menu.

Seven Kingdoms 2 HD v2.08 Improvements:

Supported for windowed mode. Click on the resolution indicator on the main menu to change the display mode.

Add shortcut keys for:
ALT-R - Conduct Research in Science of Tower
ALT-C – Hire Caravan at Market
ALT-W – Make Weapon in War Factory
ALT-T – Train special unit
ALT-R – Promote a Unit

T-find the next town
Original T key which was for Science of Tower, now it is changed to Q

Press hotkey ‘P’ to select the next idle peasant unit that is outside a town. (To pause the game, please use Space key instead.)

When you press ‘G’ to select a General unit, it will also select the soldiers the general commands.

When you hire a caravan from a Market, your Caravan will be automatically selected.

It will play a notification sound when you define a group with CTRL 1 to 9.

To recall a group and center the map view on the group, press the numeric key twice (e.g. press ‘1’ twice to recall the group #1)

Gameplay Balance Improvement
Decreased the tendency for AI kingdoms to surrender to each other.

AI kingdoms will tend less to declare war on you.

Added a new column called “Relation Level” on the Kingdoms report, showing your relation level with other kingdoms. This indicator gives you new insights on the diplomatic situation.

The following are two examples of comprehending the diplomatic situation with the aid of this new indicator:

1. When you propose a friendly treaty to an AI kingdom, it will only consider your offer if your relation level with the AI kingdom is higher than zero.

2. When your relation level with a friend or allied AI kingdom drops to a low level, there will be higher possibilities for them to terminate the existing friendly or alliance treaty with you.

In a single player game, when an allied or friendly kingdom sends you a request, it will automatically pop up the Accept/Reject window and pause the game. This is to prevent the situation where you missed the requests from AI kingdoms leading to the unintentionally outcome of their terminating the alliance/friend treaty with you.

An AI kingdom will now always accept your financial aid if you offer any to it. For instance, instead of going into war with the Fryhtans yourself, you may sponsor an AI alliance to battle the Fryhtans.

New Optional Launch Game Parameters
If the game cannot launch successfully, you may use the following new game launch parameters for forcing the game to start in windowed mode or full screen mode.

“–w” to force the game to start in windowed mode.
“–f” to force the game to start in full screen mode.

Bug fixes
Fixed a display problem with research options on the Science of Tower building.

Fixed a crash bug with the campaign map screen.

Fixed various tutorial bugs.

Fixed the attacking sounds of Greek units.