Seven Kingdoms 2 HD

Seven Kingdoms 2 HD 2.09

Version Date
Feb. 18, 2015

Patch Notes

Seven Kingdoms 2 HD v2.09 Officially Released

Seven Kingdoms 2 HD v2.09 Improvements:

Added hot keys for switching the display mode of unit attributes in Forts and Military Camps.

ALT-1 – display loyalty levels of all units in the fort.
ALT-2 – display combat skills of all units in the fort.
ALT-3 – display hit points of all units in the fort.
ALT-4 – display leadership skills of all units in the fort.

The display mode now will not be automatically reset when you view another fort. It stays in the selected mode until you change it.

Added hot keys for the following diplomatic responses:
ALT-A - Accept
ALT-R – Reject

Bug fixes:
Fixed the bug with ALT-R key.

Fixed a multiplayer crash bug.

Gameplay Balance Improvement:
AI will never offer to buy throne from the player.

Fine-tuned the AI’s logic for surrendering.

New kingdoms will emerge more often with more cash and food if the “Random Kingdoms” option is enabled.

News about rebellions at enemy towns will only be displayed when there is a minimum of 6 peasants rebelling.

Tuned the frequency at which independent heroes joining your kingdom.