Shades of Elysium

Shades of Elysium 1.0.11


Patch Notes


- Added female Dragonborn race
- Added one new intro animation for female in the character creator screen
Bug fixes
-fixed a bug where male dragonborn doesn't look at character in their sight and vicinity.
-character placement preview should better reflect the final look for the dragonborn counterpart.
-fixed a bug with female pin down 3p interaction point being out of place thus rendering it not being able to be interacted.
-main menu character now shouldn't be unnecessarily lock gaze at neighboring characters.
- Added male Dragonborn race
- Added one new intro animation for male in the character creator screen
- Overhauled and polished all three male models
- 1 new pin down animation set, 1 threesome animation, 1 against wall's alternative animation.
- fixed missing sounds issue from some existing interaction
- fixed a bug that hiding HUD would cause radial menu to malfunction
- fixed a bug with dick misalignment in certain 3p events
- fixed a bug with shibari horizontal ropes event that prevents player from joining in the 3p.
- temporarily disabled the fur shell option until further development as the current models is incompatible with the old fur splines.
- Multi interaction entry point implemented for certain furniture. (especially the likes of tables or walls that are multi directional)
- New Spectator mode (For those who prefer a more hands-free experience and simply observe AI activities)
- Improved Jiggle physics (Noticeably bouncier and applies to butt too)
- Ability to participate in threesome after a pin down event (only applies to female pin event for now)
- 3(+1) new sets of animations (9 total)
- added mechanical sounds to treadmill and bike during workout
- added a gender spawn ratio modifier to entrance utility
- fixed a bug where loading a custom exported gym map, new contents including the map wouldn't load.
- fixed a bug when you're interacting and still in dialogue, another character starts using it before you do resulting into a T-Pose for both parties
- fixed an issue with camera collapsing into spaces and unable to move during certain animation and transitions
- fixed a bug where Entrance setting windows can be triggered multiple times and stacked
v1.0.3.0 Prototype
- added new map Alpha Fitness, the level is subject to changes and expansion.
- added 6 new sets-of-two (12 total) animations, all fitness related.
- npc will now turn and look at whoever catches their attention and closer in proximity, they will also now stop and turn to player upon interaction. providing overall smoother experience.

- added entrance (spawner) utility node, you may edit the spawn rate and other settings during building mode.
- added exit uitility node, roaming npc will have a small chance to exit the compound, higher chances if there are nothing that interests them.
- added map settings, namely
#1 npc being normal until 'XX%' arousal. meaning they'll only perform actions that are non-lewd until hitting X% arousal unless being commanded to or is initiated by player.

#2 max characters allowed to be spawn at the compound, only affects spawner node.
- all character will get a 5-second phase duration upon entering close proximity to each other for at least 5 seconds. this is to avoid some inevitable traffic incidents.

- fixed a major bug that caused export map function to crash.
v1.0.2.0 Prototype