Shades of Elysium
Shades of Elysium 1.6.2
Patch Notes
#DirtyTalk Expansion (only applicable to Duke as of now)
-Added Speedbar (Submissive player will have to beg for speed changes), Stamina Gauge and Pleasure Gauges.
-Dominant npc will randomly speed up or slow down the pace
-Dirtytalks greatly affects the NPC pleasure build up, both positively and negatively.
-There will be climax animations, each for player and npc (currently with duke there's only one shared across).
-There are different outcomes depending on your sex performance.
-as your level of affection progress with a npc, more dirtytalk option will be available. There are currently 3 tiers.
-NPC assertiveness rating affects how often dorm npc comply with player speed requests or would they politely ask for more rounds of sex.
-Sensitivity factors in how quickly player's pleasure bar build up.
-Strength factors in stamina efficiency, speed of which stamina drains.
-Base Stamina drain rate varied depending on posture difficulty.
-Endurance and Lust affects how many times a player can cum during a session.
-The sex scene will exit upon player fully depleting their stamina or exhausting the number of climax at the time.
-Available stamina per session will be at the base of 20% of Player's Max stamina. It can be increased with HP (up to 20% from Max HP) and Agility (up to 20% from Max Agility) with a total of 60% drawn from Max stamina.
-Future implementation will include having player being able to use custom pleas/climax/exhaustion lines during sex, with Intelligence affecitng the number of customizeable lines.
#AlphaFitness Expansion
-2 unique encounterable receptionists, a gazelle and a cheetah
-Player can choose to lift weight, use a treadmill or join a yoga session to increase improve their strength, endurance and agility respectively.
-4 spying encounters in the locker room.
-Private shower and Communal shower available, at the right timing player could masturbate during private shower.
-Future implementation in this area will include getting to know more about Zoey and Dean and potentially dating them.
-Cheating...ahem I mean Debugtool is available for all. Simply press G while you're in control of your character to use it.
-Added Sensitivity stat at default game start value of 50, currently you can't fluctuate the value through any other means aside with the debug tool.