Star Traders: 4X Empires

Star Traders: 4X Empires Steam Update #12

Steam Update #12
Version Date
April 12, 2015

Patch Notes

Steam Update #12

Our 12th update on Steam bring v2.2.5. In this release, we've expanded the new tutorial to cover even more of the game concepts – including Core Upgrades and Improvements for existing upgrades. Also, thanks to all of the gamers who have been writing in and helping us fine tune the tutorial advice so that it plays cleaner and gives the best possible info.

We're also excited to have rolled out the first release of double-click to four of the most used screens in the game. The next releases should spread this new UI pattern across the game and help increase speed of play immensely. Double-clicking on a table row will always choose the default option, for example – in New Project, double clicking on a Hab Unit I will "Buy" the hab. Double-clicking on a saved game in your Saved Games list will open that game.

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v2.2.5 - 4/6/2015
- Double-click added to first 4 UIs - Saved Games, New Project, Choosing Upgrade to Improve, Choosing Upgrade
- Saved games visually differentiated by map type
- Tutorial covers core upgrades for colonies
- Tutorial covers improving existing colony upgrades
- Improved Tutorial advice on building, fixed bugs with duplicate steps
- Fixed Report Upgrade and Ship Component Bugs