Star Traders: 4X Empires

Star Traders: 4X Empires Steam Update #13

Steam Update #13
Version Date
April 14, 2015

Patch Notes

Steam Update #13

Steam Update #13 brings the first major upgrade to ship design components – this one to the Crew modules. The next few releases will make the rounds of all of the ship design components to improve and re-balance their stats, mass, and cost.

Also, we finished and finalized the double-click support throughout the game. All the appropriate UIs now accept a double-click to use the default option in the table (such as "Buy" in New Projects). You can quickly see which option is the default, as the default button now has a "double lined" button. If you've got questions, this is covered pretty early in the tutorial, so you can check that out.

v2.2.7 - 4/15/2015
- Double-click covered in tutorial
- Double-click selects default option in table
- Default options shown by double-lined button
- Major Updates to Ship Upgrades (Part 1: Crew)
- Rebalanced: Trained Crew, Combat Crew, Efficient Crew, Titan Crew, Battle Crew
- Improved: Hyperspace Combat Crew, Efficient Crew II, Combat Crew 2, Trained Titan Crew,
- Level Changed: Pirate Crew, Ranger Crew, Military Crew, Bounty Hunter Crew