Star Traders: 4X Empires

Star Traders: 4X Empires Steam Update #23

Steam Update #23
Version Date
Aug. 23, 2015

Patch Notes

Steam Update #23

Update #23 drops a big upgrade on the colony details screen. We've brought together an exciting bundle of the all of the quality of life features that have been requested for this screen and added them in a single big update. Now you have easy access to seeing what each colony is building, improved quick filters to access list of build options (around population, mining, factories) as well as an improved Quick Build list at the bottom of every colony screen.

What's next, you ask? Well, we're working on bringing together all of the quality life RFEs around the Colony List and pushing them into a big update.

But before that, we're going to roll in an advanced game options screen, options for music and SFX volume, and the ability to control resolution of the game in windowed mode. Can't wait to post this next update - so much more coming down the pipe.

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v2.4.1 - 8/22/2015
- Improved colony detail screen
- Build queue now displayed on colony detail screen
- Use quick filters in colony screen to see filtered project lists (click Housing to see Habs, etc)
- Quick build queue shown on all colony detail screens
- Added scrolling on colony detail screen