Star Traders: 4X Empires

Star Traders: 4X Empires Steam Update #9 Right Click Added

Steam Update #9 Right Click Added
Version Date
March 5, 2015

Patch Notes

Steam Update #9 Right Click Added

With the release of v2.1.7 on Steam - our #9 update - we've added right click mouse support, as well as improving and focusing more on the tech tree UI as opposed to its tabular variants.

In the tech tree, right click on any tech. A small context menu will pop up giving the tech's summary, an option to buy it right there, or a link to its fully expanded details. Now you can browse the tech tree and research new techs much faster and with far fewer clicks and screen transitions.

For quick access to an enemy's stats while on the map, right click on the target. Even if you have a Talent active, the alien's detail box will pop up. Fast, safe access to the details.

If you want access to one of your ship's details quickly, right click on the ship and the status screen will pop.

We're excited to move forward with this new set of UI enhancements, and we'll be continuing working on this in next releases.
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v2.1.7 - 3/3/2015
- Updated Research Tree to be easier to use
- Adding Technology to Queue is faster
- Tapping a Xeno World shows the alien's name
- Fixed bugs with auto-move and cancel move
- Further combat & political balancing updates
- Do not unselect Repair or Refuel Training after use
- Desktop: Right Click Support for Units on Map
- Desktop: Right Click in Tech Tree