Star Traders: 4X Empires

Star Traders: 4X Empires Update #34: QoL Weekend

Update #34: QoL Weekend
Version Date
May 9, 2016

Patch Notes

Update #34: QoL Weekend

To cap off the sale week and a great weekend, we've included a quality of life update for all of your galactic empires. We've got a lot of users thank for these improvements and suggestions. We'd like to extend a special thanks to @giddion for catching bugs and great RFEs these last weeks.

v2.6.9 - 5/9/2016
- Fixed Bugs with Defeated Colony Green Space
- Replaced "Spy" with "EP" in Colony UI
- Added AP remaining total to Confirm End Turn
- Improved Terrox AI Planning Routines
- Fixed some bugs in Ship Designer Training
- New Refueling Spots in Garden & 100x100 Degla