Star Traders: Frontiers

Star Traders: Frontiers Quick Patch

Quick Patch
Version Date
Jan. 5, 2022

Patch Notes

Quick Patch

Happy New Year and welcome all new captains! We're pushing out a quick patch today to fix a crash with pinning the mission list and an oddity causing the repair times of hulls to be near random. Both bugs were accidentally introduced in release .19 and .21 and we wanted to get them fixed as so many new captains are piling in this week.

We'll be back to regular updates in a week or two, we've just launched the private alpha for our next game, Cyber Knights: Flashpoint and are getting that going before returning to the ST:F roadmap.

v3.2.23 - 1/5/2022

- Fixed random, long repair times with ship hull
- Fixed crash with pinning Mission list