Star Traders: Frontiers

Star Traders: Frontiers Save 35% and Update #253: Lunar Slingshot

Save 35% and Update #253: Lunar Slingshot
Version Date
Feb. 12, 2021

Patch Notes

Save 35% and Update #253: Lunar Slingshot

Update #253 welcomes the Steam Lunar New Year sale with a 35% discount and a pile of new content and community-driven improvements and fixes. Welcome all new captains pouring into the void this weekend and thanks to everyone posting feedback and reviews. We've got a new hat, 3 new character faces, a corrected Peak Velocity Matrix 4 and more!

For a different flavor of Trese Brothers sci-fi, check out Cyber Knights!

Our next game, Cyber Knights: Flashpoint is under development. Set in a different universe than Star Traders, we think much of what you all love about STF (a lore-rich world, many ways to play, strong independent spirit, lots of RPG depth) is shared within. Learn more about the Cyber Knights setting on its Steam page, or check out this video showing a ton of art and discussing the game design.

New Flight Helmet and Faces

With Update #253 we've added a new community-requested hat for all characters. The flight helmet is perfect for all the Wing classes, your working ship crew or just anybody who wants the look! We've also added another 3 character face options including 2 beards and a scar. It is always exciting to see some new faces in the crew!

Peak Velocity 4

The PVM 4 came out just last week but had some of its stats wired up wrong. It's now fixed, for the glory of Rychart!

Boarding Details

With Update #253, we've brought the details on a character's Talents up to full parity with what you can see in the status screen – including the full description, effect and cooldown rules. If you're looking for details while picking crew, just click the >> button to slide out the detail panel as usual.

Community QOL

We're always pulling from the community for requests for fixes and improvements and with Update #253, we hit on some great ones! For those players having the issue where music would reset or stop after ignored combats, it's finally fixed! We've improved some of the missing or incorrect SFX and VFX for crew combat Talents for the Templar and the Jyeeta bosses as well as Interdictor flight plans. Finally, if you revealed a Contact Trait that changed their service offering, the screen used to do a poor job of updating on the fly – now its smooth and updates immediately without having to exit.

Finally, all carriers – including Pirates – will not suicide their Shuttles against you if they lack proper fighting crew. You will no longer find an enemy shuttle packed with whimpering Pilots and E-Techs :D

v3.1.31 - Update 253: Lunar Slingshot

- Added new flight helmet hat – great for craft pilots, engineering crew, everyone
- Added 3 new character faces - scars, beards, beards!
- Corrected bonuses for Peak Velocity Matrix 4
- Improved display of Talents shown during Crew Combat selection to match Status > Talents
- Fixed issue with some Pirate carriers attempting to board without surviving fighting crew
- Fixed issue with revealing Contact Traits not always refreshing Contact service offerings
- Fixed inconsistencies with Talent SFX and VFX in a few spots in crew and ship combat (flight plans, Templar, jyeeta boss)
- Fixed issues with keybindings on Explorer screen
- Fixes music stopping and starting around ignored combats