Star Traders: Frontiers

Star Traders: Frontiers Save 50% on Update #341: Masters of Quarters and Spies

Save 50% on Update #341: Masters of Quarters and Spies
Version Date
Feb. 22, 2024

Patch Notes

Save 50% on Update #341: Masters of Quarters and Spies

Welcome Star Traders and exiled Cyber Knights to another exciting update news post for your favorite Star Traders game, Star Traders: Frontiers. If you haven't already seen it, consider this your notification that all of the Trese Brothers games and bundles are on sale today! Grab a copy for a crew member or get in on the ground floor of …

Our new turn-based tactics RPG!

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint, our stealth & squad tactics heist RPG, launched into Steam Early Access and how is received over 50 updates as it battles through its ambitious public roadmap. We've just added a whole new class, the tricky bio-manipulating Scourge to the game this week. If you're looking for a story rich, squad-based RPG, take a minute to follow, wishlist or try Cyber Knights!

All support for Cyber Knights ultimately results in a brighter future for Star Traders, so hope you’ll check it out and spread the word!

New Talents

This update brings two new Rank 15 Talents, one for Spy and one for Quartermaster. The new Quartermaster "Combat Debrief" talent provides a catch-up mechanic for Crew Experience and provides a strong Morale heal following Crew Combat. Depending on how popular this Talent is, we might be releasing a twin brother Talent that provides the same result but for Ship Combat.

The Spy gains "Asset Forfeiture" which is a Prize Ship talent capable of seizing ships during Conflicts, if the Captain holds and Edict and can pay the tithe. Chasing prize ships is a favorite activity for many late game Star Trader: Frontiers players and adding this talent to the Spy has been a popular request. Our hope is that this will open up more Officer builds for players hunting Prize Ships.

We love hearing your ideas for new Rank 15 Talents, even when they are a little bit OP. Keep 'em coming!

New Ship Components

By popular request, we've added "Fuel Tank 8" and "Fuel Tank 9" to hold previously unheard of quantities of fuel. Useful for players building ships with the capacity for many hyperwarp jumps without refueling and available for installation on small and medium sized ships. They are expensive to install, but not particularly expensive to maintain. For an upcoming patch we are testing additional Large Fuel Tank upgrades for players who are building dreadnought-sized behemoths with a terrible thirst for fuel.

Exploration & Salvage Linked

In an effort to provide even more variety and seekable scenarios, and make Salvage Rumors more valuable for more types of builds, we've added some new rules about how Salvage Ops and Explorer interact. The Explorer deck now includes additional reward, and some risks, when a Salvage Rumor is active overhead. During an Orbital Disaster there are increased risk of Ship Damage, but also the possibility of finding valuable components and cargo that was ferried down to the planet from the dying Orbital. Orbital Construction Rumors also modified the Explorer deck increasing the potential to strike it big when Exploring.

We have reworked the very dangerous "Meteor Storm" -5 orbital Risk card to include Navigation or Command in the avoidance save. However, the rule that 25% of the time no save is permitted is still in place – so watch out for this card. As this card was only included in the deck for a single Rumor, we've also expanded it to be present in all Salvage Operations, albeit at a very low percent.

In keeping with the theme of running a rescue operation during Orbital Disasters, we've added an additional large Reputation Bonus reward card to that Salvage Operations deck. This should help balance out some of the additional risk cards that have been added during the v3.3.x series of updates.

Shipyard Accountants Strike Back

The v3.3.x series of updates has included a large number of fixes, new components and price adjustments, both for install value and maintenance cost. As a result, some of the ship prices have started to drift outside of the expected bands. The accountants at the largest Rychart shipyard have teamed up with a Javat price to push for updated pricing, and here we are. Four ships got more expensive, one ship got a lot cheaper. Several ships received patches and adjustments to fix issues and replace some incorrect components.

Full Trese Brothers sale to celebrate!

Cyber Knights has just received a huge update with the new Scourge class, and we wanted to thank all of our players who have helped support all of our games through Early Access and beyond. It makes a big difference to the final quality of the game.

We have the full Trese Brothers catalog on sale right now (including the Android and iOS versions of our previous releases), and just released a new "Best of Trese Brothers" Steam bundle for a bonus discount on any games you don't already own. More squad tactics in Templar Battleforce, turn-based ship and crew combat in our sci-fi captain RPG Star Traders: Frontiers, and old-school fantasy tactics in our party-based RPG Heroes of Steel.

v3.3.95 - 2/22/2024

- New Rank 15 Spy Talent: Asset Forfeiture (Prize Ship w/ Edict)
- New Rank 15 Quartermaster Talent: Combat Debrief (Bonus XP, Morale Recovery)
- New Ship Components: Fuel Tank 8, Fuel Tank 9
- "Meteor Storm" orbital card can now be reduced with Navigation or Command check
- Salvage Ops can now draw "Meteor Storm" card (very low base chance)
- Successful Salvage Ops can now generate Rep Bonus during Orbital Disasters
- Explore operations have additional cards for Orbital Disasters and Orbital Construction Rumors
- Increased the price of "Rim Exocruiser" by 200K credits
- Increased the price of "Basalt Carrier" by 200K credits
- Reduced price of updated "Vark Carrier" by 1M credits
- Increased the price of "Horizon Highliner" by 175K credits
- Increased the price of "Horizon Cruiser" by 175K credits
- Components adjustments for "Obsidian Carrier" and "Larimar Battlecruiser"