Star Traders: Frontiers

Star Traders: Frontiers Update #219: Ship Buyer's Midpack

Update #219: Ship Buyer's Midpack
Version Date
July 23, 2020

Patch Notes

Update #219: Ship Buyer's Midpack

The requests for new filters and features on the Ship Buyer's screens have come in fast and furious since we debuted Update #218 earlier this week and we're excited to roll out the first set of community-driven enhancements as of today. We've got more coming, some of which we are sharing below! We've also followed up the rank 5 Salvage Bay with an Armored variation for those who know that orbital salvage is a risky business and asks for ship to ship combat.

Armored Salvage Bay

The Armored Salvage Bay 5 trades some of its cargo and fuel in exchange for a hefty armor package while still providing the powerful utility expected at that component level. Sold exclusively at Thulun starports, its up for sale now for a pretty price.

We've also made some tweaks to the Salvage Bay 5 component, increasing its Ship Ops skill as well as its cargo capacity by +5.

Mass & Default Sorting

Perhaps the mostly rapid fire feedback we got about the new ship screen was the swap to sort to the largest ships first by Mass. We've swapped it back to the way it was, starting with small Mass ships and down to the big hulls. We've also split out the Mass sorting so that you can sort Mass from high to low or low to high.

Shopping for a Match

When you're shopping for a ship, if you're looking for a hull that will fit your current crew and officers you can now use the easy Exact Crew Match filter which only shows ships that match your exact maximums. If you're looking to upgrade without changing crew sizes up or down, this filter will be a big help.

Mass Class Filter

To help narrow in on certain bands of ships, you can now filter on Mass class. The filter works with an "AND" mentality, so you can select Mass 5000 and Mass 6000 ships and see both sets. Then filter by Exact Crew Match, and sort by price and you've got a pretty nice looking shopping list to eval!

Additional Features Coming

To address some of the other most hotly requested features, we are working on:
  • Allowing you to preview the full component build of a ship before purchase. This will prevent any need from checking the wiki and expose all values for components like Engines.
  • Indicating the base values for Armor, Shield, Fuel, etc as well as the values with all the components installed
  • Providing a summary of each ship's design based on its default component setup

v3.0.81 - 7/23/2020

- New Component: Armored Salvage Bay 5, less cargo and fuel by +5 armor, Thulun-only
- Minor improvements to Salvage Bay 5, +1 Ship Ops, +5 Cargo
- Added new ship filter: Exact Crew Match, only shows ships that have the exact max crew/officers as current ship
- Added new ship filters: by mass class, filter to show ships in 3400 Mass and 5000 Mass, etc
- Improved sort by Mass feature to sort either direction low/high