Star Traders: Frontiers

Star Traders: Frontiers Update #221: Spirit of Cadonya

Update #221: Spirit of Cadonya
Version Date
Aug. 9, 2020

Patch Notes

Update #221: Spirit of Cadonya

Update #221 follows up on the Groundshaker #220 with a big release of new story content, new story components and contact types, an upgrade to the Talent manifest, changes to fuel consumption on social tests during travel and a number of additional fixes and small improvements requested by the community.

Spirit of Cadonya

Starting on any Cadar world in the mid-game, the latest story vignette begins with an introduction to the Exodus Research, Jon Kaytyn. As with all the vignettes, we don't want to spoil any of the exciting story, but we do share this starting point so that everyone knows what to keep an eye out for. Join with Jon Kaytyn and you'll get tangled up in a tale far older than the Exodus which reveals new lore about the Guild War, Exodus and old grudges between the factions.

Depending on how the story plays out and which ending you get, multiple story ship components can be unlocked, including some very powerful offensive components and a truly unique large slot weapon.

As always a huge thanks to the Kickstarter backers who helped us create this awesome content, we can't wait for everyone to see the Star Traders history from a new angle.

One thing we were extremely pleased to see during testing, is that the conditions of the new vignette are very likely to get a legendary bounty hunter sent after you. Of course, that's up to the proc-gen simulation system, but the last 3 times we tested the ending of the story, a different legendary was on our case within a few years! So, make your choices wisely!

Hideout Joins Talent Manifest

The Smuggler's Hideout Talent has now joined the Talent manifest under the Ship Encounter's grouping. In the request to add this one, we've received a few more great suggestions on how to improve the Talent Manifest and will continue to make minor adjustments and adds to it as requested by the community. Stay tuned for a few more changes here soon!

Tactics and Intimidate Travel Tests

We've updated the travel test matrix slightly to move two social test types – Tactics and Intimidate – out of costing extra fuel. They may still burn more turns, damage Morale and possibly even health, but unlike all of the ship tests, they do not cost additional Fuel any longer.

Bugs and QoL

Coming out of #220, there were a few lingering things to fix. One issue related to certain situations in which the cards for Patrol, Blockade and Spy could be rerolled if the right Conflict was in place. This is now fixed. Another issue cropped up around reviewing recruits, a certain click pattern that could lead to issues with repeating recruiting. Finally, many of the Stealth Talents stopped displaying that they engaged Stealth Mode (while they still did) we we have fixed now.

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

For 10 years, we've honed our craft creating turn-based tactics and simulation games, and we are extremely excited to be coming back around to the world and story of our second game, Cyber Knights. Our next title is Cyber Knights: Flashpoint and its waiting for your Wishlist on Steam. Get hype!

v3.0.87 - 8/9/2020

- Added new story vignette "Spirit of Cadonya" starting on Cadar worlds with Jon Kaytyn – thanks KickStarter backers!
- Get tangled up in galaxy-wide hunt for a lost legendary Exodus era battlecruiser
- Multiple possible unique story Ship Components unlocked by story – top tier new offensive small slots, large slot level 8 torpedo array!!
- Story includes new high powered Contact type, so called "Exodus Researcher"
- Added Talents reducing hostility with spies to Talent Manifest under Ship Encounters group
- Added "Hideout" Smuggler Talent to Talent Manifest under Ship Encounters group
- Fixed bug allowing re-roll of some orbital card games for some captains
- Fixed repeat issue recruiting from Contacts while reviewing stats
- Fixed issue with Talents like "Gliding Advance" not stating that they enable Stealth Mode
- Improved message for saved slots on high difficulty when loading games
- Failed Intimidate/Tactics saves during travel no longer incurs extra Fuel cost
- Fixed 2 inaccurate ship buff names in hovers (Wild Flying, Bandit)