Star Traders: Frontiers

Star Traders: Frontiers Update #222: Void Searcher

Update #222: Void Searcher
Version Date
Aug. 14, 2020

Patch Notes

Update #222: Void Searcher

Update #222 arrives with a major upgrade to ship component shopping that matches the new ship preview capability of Update #220 in size and scope. Finding and considering components to install on your ship has never been easier or faster with the new browse by category feature. With this update, we've also added 4 Pulse Booster components and improved the entire Reactor Spike Module set to round out the new set of 54 categories. Plus, new Explorer cards, better timing rules for the Jyeeta Era and some critical bug fixes!

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Browse by Component Type

The major ship component shopping upgrade in #222 allows you to quickly browse categories of ship components before drilling down into their specific progression. As you browse the categories offered, you can see a useful summary of what the component type has to offer, what Skills it will boost in your ship and for weapons what Reactor Point range it fires in, how it stacks up against small craft and what types of special damage (Void, Radiation) it causes. This boils the 586 components in the game down to 58 categories and makes searching faster and more efficient. It will also help many players who may have previously overlooked a component type to see the value and goal of the component type and how it might fit into a ship build.

Once you drill into a category, you'll see only the components in its progress and be able to consider what you can afford. If you've finished browsing a category, use the ALL button to hop up to the main list.

Category browsing works with all the other filter types, so you can quickly narrow your categories to Weapons or Weapons that fire at range 4 and still see the summaries.

Of course, if you're just bonkers about the old way of shopping the entire list, you can click the "Expand All" filter to jump back to the old setup.

In addition to adding this new browsing feature, we've increased the consistency of sorting across the board between the different sort types.

New Pulse Boosters

With Update #222 we've added 4 new components to extend the Radi-Pulse and Void-Pulse Boosters beyond a single component to a full progression. You can now invest in Radi-Pulse and Void-Pulse Boosters 1 to 3. The first grade of these have had their bonuses to void and radiation increased and the 2nd and 3rd grade have more powerful Radiation and Void resistances as well as +Defense % bonuses. These new levels help push alternative options to other defensive components and open up new build paths for ships of all sizes.

Reactor Spikes and Defense Patterns

We've expanded the use case for Reactor Spike Modules which are still excellent smaller sources of additional fuel but these high-pressure fuel injection system increases both your Range Change bonus as well as your Escape bonus. In trade for their new bonuses which help them be more relevant in the mid to end game component design, RSM 2 thru 4 have gained in price.

To better even out the component set, we've increased the prices of Defense Pattern Matrixes 2-4 as well.

New Cards

We've added two new positive cards to Explorer mini-game which can help a crew keep going a bit longer in the wildlands. The first card – an extreme Experience bonus – is rare but can help increase the XP efficiency of an exploration crew that is working on zones with high reward percentages. The second card is also very rare – the discovery of a Zendu ruin – and restores the Morale of the entire crew as well as possibly causing a positive Trait mutations.

BROOD Timing

With Update #222, we're dusting off the Jyeeta BROOD era and making some improvements base on player feedback. We're prepping for some bigger changes and the first tweak here is the better improve the era's timer's reactivity. You will now consistently extend the era's timeline as you are battle the Jyeeta, the extensions were previously limited to doing missions but now you can gain through any victorious encounter with the Jyeeta (ship or ground).

Wishlist that your cyberpunk fix

We're cooking up a mighty mix of turn-base tactics, cyberpunk and grimy, gritty, nano-radioative story from New Boston 2231 in our next game, Cyber Knights: Flashpoint. Check it out and wishlist today –

In addition to CK's Facebook page and the @TreseBrothers twitter, we now have a twitter account you can plug into to keep updated *and* get your regular cyberpunk fix. Sharing concept art, gameplay previews, news & interviews, highlights from the forums & discord, shout-outs to other awesome cyberpunk creators, and more. Follow us here:

v3.0.89 - 8/14/2020

- New "Extra Large Experience" Explorer Card
- New "Full Morale Recovery" Explorer Card
- Major upgrade to ship component shopping - browse categories first and then drill down to specific components
- Read quick summaries of 58 component types to find what you need
- Use "Expand All" filter within ship component shopping to access the old setup
- Improved consistency of sorting in all cases for ship component shopping
- Added 4 new components, Radi-Pulse and Void-Pulse Boosters 2 and 3, opens up new defensive build paths
- Improved Radi-Pulse and Void-Pulse Boosters rank 1 with more void/radiation resistance
- Improved Reactor Spike Modules to add +Move and +Escape bonuses, reduced to 100 Mass, increased prices significantly
- Increased prices of Defense Pattern Matrix 2-4
- Improved reactivity of Jyeeta Brood Era timer to your actions – better extending timeline as you keep fighting
- Fixed issues clicking through the filter UI on some screens
- Fixed combat keyboard selection issue with Talents like Steadfast Aim not being able to target first slot