Star Traders: Frontiers

Star Traders: Frontiers Update #229: Capital Bridges

Update #229: Capital Bridges
Version Date
Sept. 17, 2020

Patch Notes

Update #229: Capital Bridges

Update #229 had to come in a bit of a rush because map gen v2 tried to escape the lab in Update #228. We're pushing this update to directly address these issues as well as include some new ship components and some bug fixes to orbital ops.

Map Gen

Changes in prep for map gen v2 in Update #228 and caused a rolling set of bugs with generating new maps under this release. Update #229 resolves all of these issues and puts us back on track to release map seeds v2 soon.

Rank 5 Components

With Update #229, we've added a new set of ship components for your high level ships and especially for capital ships with large bridges.

The Shielded Barracks 5 joins the fun with space for 36 crew and 4 Shielding points in trade for 5 Jump Cost. It can be a nice way to stack up your shielding so you can focus other components elsewhere if you can manage the credit and fuel cost.

Three new types of Capital Bridges have joined the fray – the Freighter, Carrier and Compact version. The Freighter variation includes bonus cargo and fuel capacity while reducing jump cost and is of course, controlled by Clan Moklumnue. The Carrier Capital Bridge is built exclusively by Alta Mesa with best in class Electronics and Navigation. And finally, the Compact Capital Bridge is available from Clan Zenrin at a reduced Mass of 480 for those capital ships looking to allocate their mass elsewhere. To be completely honest, the Compact and Carrier bridges are casualties of the fast release cycle to fix the maps issue here. Neither are done and both will be improved to be specific to their niche in the next update.

Sold only by De Valtos, the Fuel-Cargo Hold 5 offers 35 cargo and 135 fuel storage. For a much higher price tag, it offers the best in class fuel and cargo storage for those ships that can dedicate large slots to it.

Orbital Ops

We've fixed a bug with how Salvage worked over indie planets where there is no local faction. This removes the issues with the "Faction Rep Bonus" card which had no where to stash the bonus Rep, as indies do not do Rep. We've also improved the card iconography to include better icons for cards that grant Experience.

v3.0.103 - 9/17/2020

- Fixes bug with map generation
- New Components: Shielded Barracks 5, Capital Freighter Bridge, Capital Carrier Bridge, Compact Capital Bridge, Fuel-Cargo Hold 5
- Fixed Orbital Salvage “Faction Rep Boost” Over Indie Planets
- Fixed incorrect icons on some Experience granting cards