Star Traders: Frontiers

Star Traders: Frontiers Update #236: Secrets Unbound

Update #236: Secrets Unbound
Version Date
Oct. 21, 2020

Patch Notes

Update #236: Secrets Unbound

Update #236 takes the new features of CATALYST and injects them straight into the mission system with uncompromisingly awesome results. We've added an entirely new class of mission – freeform gathering of Scientific or espionage Intel – along with a new mission giver type to help Contacts like Court Scientist focus on an even more sciencey agenda than before. On top of the major burst of mission activity, Update #236 rounds out Scientific Intel missions with a new Doctor rank 8 and 11 Talent and a new Engineering rank 8 Talent as well.

With CATALYST full released and through its early patch cycle, we are now turning our attention back to the dev roadmap. First to fall will be – as indicated by this update – the +100% Missions. Now that Intel and Scientific Intel missions are in, next up will be Salvage Missions to strike the item from the list. Then, onwards to Weapons, Armor and Gear!

If word hasn't trickled down from the tippity top of the dome, seeped through the cracked concrete down to your safehouse, we've got news for you about our upcoming turn-based cyberpunk RPG. Cyber Knights: Flashpoint will be coming to Steam in 2021 and mixes elements of stealth, hacking and tactical combat with deep RPG elements and base building. You'll want to Wishlist this puppy today because – that's right, you can get cyberdog and cybercat companions. If you didn't know, now you know.

New Mission Frontier

Update #236 opens up an entirely new frontier for self-directed Missions in Spying, Exploring and Salvaging. The addition of Missions that require you gather Intel and Scientific Intel from specific sources bring a new type of challenge to these operations. A captain who excels at direct Spying missions will want a certain set of Talents to seek out and obtain the golden Mission card, while a captain who excels at Intel gathering missions will need a different set of Talents – to flip for Intel or Scientific Intel – along with reward Talents that increase Intel gather and a ship that can further boost those rewards.

Intel gathering missions come in a few forms including – gathering Scientific Intel, gathering generic Intel (any faction or conflict), gathering faction specific Intel (single faction, any conflict) or the most expensive and difficult to obtain, Conflict Intel (one specific Conflict). Often these missions have a follow up set of steps that draw you deeper into your Contact's purpose and scheme.

These new missions also open up a new way to use Intel. Where before Intel was always a lower credit reward for higher Reputation and Influence, if you chose to sell your Intel into these Missions you now make Mission money (much higher!) and Mission Rep and Influence changes (when compared to selling Intel directly much lower).

We can't wait to see these play out in the game and hear your new stories, captains. As mentioned above, more Mission types are coming!

Science Mission Giver

We've also added a 16th mission giver type, that of Science Missions. Previously, these Contacts gave Explorer Missions. Science Missions is a derivative of Explorer Missions with a higher weighting on Scientific Intel missions and these Contacts are less likely to engage in Smuggling and other underhanded acts.

Doctor and Engineer

Both Doctor and Engineer gained new Talents with Update #236, two of which help round out the availability of Scientific Intel Talents. The Doctor can now replace a risk card in Exploring with a Scientific Intel reward card at rank 11 and the Engineer can help boost the price of all Scientific Intel sold to Contacts.

Finally, to ensure the Doctor's position commands the proper respect aboard a starship, they have gained a rank 8 Talent to save Command Skill rolls.

v3.0.119 - 10/21/2020

- Added new type of self-directed Missions – gather Scientific, generic, Faction or Conflict-specific Intel
- New way to convert your Intel gathering abilities into high credit rewards with lower Rep and Influence gains (mission money, mission rep)
- Added 4 new types of Scientific Intel focused missions with unique follow-ups and conditions
- Added 6 new types of Intel focused missions with unique follow-ups and conditions
- Created new Mission Giver type for Contacts who "Offer Scientific Missions" to find Scientific Intel, Explore and Salvage
- Improved Intel creation details for Intel created by Boarding Talents, properly linking to origin system
- Added 2 new Talents for Doctors – "Professional Respect" Command saving Talent at rank 8, and "Sawbones Seeker" replaces Exploring risk card with Scientific Intel
- Added new rank 8 Engineer Talent "Contemplative View" increases the price of all Scientific Intel sold to Contacts by 30% + Electronics
- Fixed issues with Field Distortion Log Entries during Radiation Storms
- Fixed issues with Talents not triggering during planetary Ion Storms